Spurning example sentences

Related (10): rejection, disdain, snub, repudiation, rebuff, contempt, dismissal, disapproval, disregard, cold-shoulder

"Spurning" Example Sentences

1. Despite his spurning, she continued to show him kindness.
2. After her years of affection, his spurning hurt deeply.
3. The king's spurning led to a rebellion in the kingdom.
4. Her spurning left him feeling unloved and unwanted.
5. Their spurning only fueled his desire for acceptance.
6. The spurning of their ideas led to innovation elsewhere.
7. She withdrew after his constant spurning of her advances.
8. His spurning of help only made things worse.
9. The politician's spurning of certain voters cost him the election.
10. Her spurning of traditional roles frustrated her parents.
11. His spurning of the rightful heir caused conflict in the family.
12. Despite their spurning, she remained gracious and kind.
13. After years of waiting, her spurning came as no surprise.
14. His spurning led to feelings of worthlessness and depression.
15. The spurning of the proposal angered the committee members.
16. They faced spurning from their family after coming out.
17. Her spurning of his advances left him embarrassed.
18. After the spurning, he withdrew from society.
19. His spurning of tradition garnered controversy.
20. The spurning of new ideas stifled progress.
21. The party faced spurning from voters after the scandal.
22. Her spurning of societal norms made her an outcast.
23. Their spurning of aid caused needless suffering.
24. He withdrew into himself after years of spurning.
25. Despite their spurning, she remained determined.
26. The king's spurning of the nobleman caused rebellion in the realm.
27. Her spurning led to years of self-doubt.
28. The actor faced spurning after the scandal broke.
29. His continued spurning strained their relationship.
30. The team faced spurning after the loss.
31. The invasion faced spurning from the international community.
32. His spurning of tradition angered the elders.
33. Years of spurning led him to give up on love.
34. Her spurning of offers left her unemployed.
35. His spurning of tradition disappointed his parents.
36. The candidate faced spurning after the gaffe.
37. Spurning of new ideas stifled progress.
38. The proposal faced spurning from conservatives.
39. She withdrew after years of his spurning.
40. Their spurning led her to seek acceptance elsewhere.
41. Their spurning left him feeling unworthy.
42. The spurning of their cure led to more suffering.
43. His spurning of advice caused problems.
44. The prince faced spurning after the scandal broke.
45. Their spurning bred resentment within him.
46. The spurning of new inventions stifled progress.
47. Years of spurning led him to give up on love.
48. Despite their spurning, her compassion remained.
49. His spurning led to feelings of worthlessness.
50. The policy faced spurning from lobbyists.
51. Her spurning of tradition angered her parents.
52. The proposal faced public spurning.
53. Spurning of offers left him destitute.
54. Their spurning bred resentment within her.
55. Her years of kindness were repaid with spurning.
56. His spurning caused her to withdraw from society.
57. The candidate faced spurning after the controversy.
58. Their spurning resulted in years of self-doubt.
59. Spurning of counsel led to unnecessary hardship.
60. His spurning left her feeling unworthy.

Common Phases

1. The princess spurned the advances of her many suitors.
2. He spurned her affection, never realizing what he had lost.
3. She left him, spurning his last minute plea for forgiveness.
4. Spurning tradition, the new Chancellor decided to give his inaugural speech in the native language.
5. They fled from the city, spurning the calls for help.
6. Spurning popular opinion, the Director approved the controversial project.
7. The activist group staged a protest, spurning the government's appeals for calm.
8. The adventurer headed into the dangerous forest, spurning all warnings.
9. Spurning technology, they chose to live an simple agrarian lifestyle.
10. Spurning his aid, she struggled on alone.
11. He walked away, spurning her outstretched hand.
12. Spurning comfort, the ascetic lived an austere life devoted to spiritual enlightenment.
13. The monarch ruled wisely, spurning lavish displays of wealth.
14. Spurning logic, he chose to follow his heart.
15. She left the party early, spurning all attempts at conversation.
16. The prisoner remained defiant, spurning the warden's offer of parole.
17. Spurning rivalries, the teams joined forces for a good cause.
18. Spurning fear, the soldiers marched into battle.
19. Spurning safety precautions, he recklessly climbed the radio tower.
20. Spurning all advice, the reckless youth embarked on a perilous journey.
21. Spurning career opportunities, she chose to pursue her passion for art.
22. Spurning convention, the artist created works of breathtaking originality.
23. Spurning the old, outmoded way of doing things, the revolutionary implemented radical changes.
24. Spurning expertise, the amateur surgeon operated without assistance.
25. With a cocky smile, she spurned his advances yet again.
26. Spurning distraction, the scholar remained focused on her studies.
27. The religious hermit lived a simple life, spurning comfort and luxury.
28. Spurning all compromise, the groups remained entrenched in their positions.
29. The feral child, spurning human interaction, ran on all fours like an animal.
30. They pursued their goals single-mindedly, spurning any obstacle in their path.
31. The outlaw spurned the judge's lenient offer, choosing instead to escape justice.
32. Spurning sentiment, the old soldier marched on resolutely.
33. The leader commanded allegiance through strength, spurning kindness and leniency.
34. Spurning reason, he gave in to blind passion.
35. Spurning offers of help, he struggled on alone.
36. The billionaire lived simply, spurning material excess.
37. Spurning fear, she dove headlong into the unknown.
38. The candidate spurned hints of dishonesty, claiming his innocence despite mounting evidence.
39. Spurning tradition, the young artist created works that shocked the art world.
40. All efforts at negotiation failed as each side spurned compromise.
41. Spurning materialism, the monk lived a life of simplicity and devotion.
42. Spurning luxury, Captain Scott led his expedition to the Antarctic in a spartan manner.
43. Spurning society's norms, the dissident lived according to her own moral code.
44. The totalitarian regime spurned all dissent, crushing protests violently.
45. The hero spurned praise and accolades, remaining humble despite his feats.
46. Spurning sentimentality, the ancient philosopher advocated a life ruled by reason alone.
47. Spurning advice and assistance, the stubborn man embarked on the dangerous climb alone.
48. She spurned any show of emotion, believing it a sign of weakness.
49. Spurning all assistance, the injured climber struggled on alone.
50. The monk remained detached from worldly affairs, spurning desires and attachments.
51. Spurning resistance, the invaders swept across the land.
52. Spurning caution, the daredevil attempted death-defying stunts.
53. The warrior spurned fear, rushing headlong into battle.
54. Spurning the temptation of drugs, the athlete pursued his athletic goals with singleness of purpose.
55. The prince spurned the merchant's daughter, marrying for social status alone.
56. Spurning comfort, the ascetic lived a life of deprivation and prayer.
57. Spurning all compromise, the rival factions remained in deadlock.
58. Spurning convention, the artist created works of original beauty.
59. Spurning emotion, the judge rendered a verdict based solely on facts and evidence.
60. Spurning safety precautions, the daredevil attempted increasingly dangerous feats.

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