Staffings example sentences

Related (5): recruitment, hiring, placement, onboarding, headhunting

"Staffings" Example Sentences

1. The HR department is responsible for all the staffings in the company.
2. There were several staffings that took place during the year-end hiring season.
3. She is in charge of the staffings for the customer service team.
4. The new staffings have caused some tension among the existing employees.
5. The company is currently undergoing a round of staffings to fill open positions.
6. The CEO announced that there will be no more staffings until the end of the year.
7. The staffings were completed ahead of schedule, much to the delight of the management team.
8. She has a keen eye for talent and is instrumental in the staffings for the marketing team.
9. The company is considering outsourcing some of its staffings to third-party agencies.
10. The staffings for the new project have been challenging, but the team is making progress.
11. Our staffing needs vary depending on the season, which makes it difficult to plan ahead.
12. A thorough analysis of the company's staffing needs is essential before making any decisions.
13. Staffings for the IT department are in high demand, as technology continues to evolve.
14. We need to adjust our staffings to better meet the needs of our growing customer base.
15. The HR department is currently conducting staffings for the finance team.
16. The company has implemented a new staffing strategy to address retention issues.
17. The staffings for the upcoming event have been finalized and the team is ready to go.
18. A lack of staffings has resulted in delays in the project timeline.
19. The success of the project hinges on the successful staffings of key positions.
20. They are in the process of reviewing the staffings for all departments to ensure they are aligned with company goals.
21. A thorough understanding of our staffing needs is essential for developing a successful recruitment plan.
22. Our staffing levels are expected to increase significantly in the next year due to projected growth.
23. Staffings for the sales team have been challenging, as the market becomes increasingly competitive.
24. The company's recent staffings have resulted in a more diverse and inclusive workforce.
25. We need to maintain a balance between staffing levels and budget constraints.
26. The staffings for the new project were delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.
27. Staffings for the executive team are typically highly competitive and require extensive qualifications.
28. The human resources team is responsible for managing all of the company's staffings.
29. The company is committed to fair and transparent staffings to ensure all candidates have an equal opportunity.
30. She has an impressive track record of successful staffings for executive positions.
31. The staffings for the accounting department have been particularly challenging due to a shortage of qualified candidates.
32. The company's staffing strategy includes extensive training and professional development opportunities for employees.
33. A proactive approach to staffing can help mitigate unexpected turnover and vacancies.
34. Our staffing needs have shifted significantly in response to changes in the market.
35. The HR team is currently undergoing training to enhance their staffing skills.
36. Staffings for the research team require extensive education and experience in their field.
37. The staffing needs for each department are unique and require careful consideration.
38. The company has adopted a data-driven approach to staffing to improve the hiring process.
39. The staffings for the customer support team are essential for maintaining high customer satisfaction rates.
40. Successful staffings require effective communication and collaboration between hiring managers and HR personnel.

Common Phases

1. Conducting staffings to discuss project progress;
2. Scheduling staffings for team collaboration;
3. Hosting weekly staffings to provide updates on company goals;
4. Facilitating staffings to address employee concerns;
5. Arranging staffings to review performance evaluations;
6. Holding staffings to strategize for future growth;
7. Implementing staffings to develop team camaraderie;
8. Attending daily staffings to stay informed on daily operations;
9. Coordinating staffings to delegate responsibilities;
10. Participating in staffings to gather feedback from team members.

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