Stance example sentences

Related (9): position, outlook, attitude, perspective, approach, disposition, posture, opinion, viewpoint

"Stance" Example Sentences

1. The company's pro-environment stance is well known.
2. His pacifist stance caused controversy.
3. Her stance on social issues evolved over time.
4. The politician changed his stance on the issue.
5. The team adopted a defensive stance.
6. The organization took a tough stance on crime.
7. The company changed its stance on remote working.
8. She maintained a neutral stance on the debate.
9. He adopted an aggressive stance towards his opponent.
10. The political party's liberal stance won them many supporters.
11. The minister's ambiguous stance puzzled observers.
12. The group adopted an anti-war stance.
13. Her firm stance reassured her followers.
14. The boxer took up a fighting stance.
15. The athlete assumed a starting stance.
16. The government adopted a hardline stance on terrorism.
17. The committee took a strong stance against the proposal.
18. They took up defensive stances, expecting an attack.
19. The celebrity refused to change her pro-choice stance.
20. The study showed that most Americans favored a strict stance on immigration.
21. The activist group adopted uncompromising stances on social issues.
22. She maintained an open-minded stance on parenting.
23. The sportscaster praised the boxer's strong offensive stance.
24. The education board took a progressive stance on curriculum reform.
25. The UN adopted a neutral stance in the conflict.
26. Workers protested the company's anti-union stance.
27. The doctor's pro-vaccine stance was controversial.
28. Critics blasted the administration's soft stance on crime.
29. The panel voiced support for a hardline stance on drug use.
30. Voters appreciated the candidate's unapologetic stance.
31. The writer criticized the magazine's puritanical stance.
32. The military adopted an aggressive stance towards the enemy.
33. The couple took up defensive stances, waiting for the argument to start.
34. The company maintained a cautious stance in the face of negative press.
35. The team adopted a traditional stance on uniforms and haircuts.
36. The museum took a progressive stance on controversial exhibits.
37. The teacher praised the student's open-minded stance on the issue.
38. The party adopted a conservative stance on social issues.
39. The jury's not-guilty stance surprised the prosecutors.
40. His aloof stance made him seem uninterested in the conversation.
41. Critics praised her firm yet compassionate stance as a leader.
42. The organization adopted an activist stance on social justice issues.
43. The coach stressed the importance of good stances for balance and stability.
44. The senator's squishy stance on abortion dismayed her supporters.
45. The politician adopted a populist stance to garner working-class votes.
46. The country assumed a neutral stance in the conflict.
47. Critics blasted the professor's negative stance on diversity initiatives.
48. The CEO's progressive stance on gender equality impressed shareholders.
49. The nation adopted an isolationist stance for much of the 20th century.
50. The youth group adopted an anti-corporate stance on social issues.
51. The boxer assumed a wide offensive stance, ready to throw punches.
52. The conservative stance of the right-wing party limited their appeal.
53. The company retained its eco-friendly stance for marketing purposes.
54. The defensive stance of the football team stifled their offense.
55. The athlete's consistent winning stance boosted her confidence.
56. The politician's negative stance on immigration alienated voters.
57. The army assumed an aggressive stance towards enemy forces.
58. The child took up an apprehensive stance, waiting for punishment.
59. The company adhered to a pro-business stance in all of its policies.
60. The boxer's wide offensive stance left him vulnerable to counterpunches.

Common Phases

1. He adopted a firm political stance on the issue.
2. The candidate softened their stance on immigration.
3. The boxer took an offensive stance before the match.
4. The new evidence has caused her to change her stance on the topic.
5. The company has maintained a neutral stance on the debate.
6. The demonstrators got into a protest stance.
7. The opposition leader criticized the government's hardline stance.
8. The coach praised his team's positive stance going into the playoffs.
9. She struggled to maintain a relaxed stance during the interview.
10. His noncommittal stance frustrated the interviewer.
11. The boxer adjusted his fighting stance.
12. The senator's political stance led him to propose the legislation.
13. The director assumed a thoughtful stance while explaining the plot.
14. He criticized the government's rigid stance on national security.
15. The magazine has a progressive stance on social issues.
16. His changing stances on major issues raised questions about his sincerity.
17. The teacher corrected the student's bad writing stance.
18. The social activist took a bold stance against injustice.
19. The team adopted a defensive stance early in the game.
20. The report outlined the company's evolving stance on sustainability.
21. His philosophical stance inspired years of research and debate.
22. She assumed a wide fighting stance in preparation for the bout.
23. The author's critical stance toward the government was obvious in the writing.
24. The photographer captured the model in an unusual stance.
25. Her morally ambiguous stance left many readers unsatisfied.
26. The opposition leader criticized the prime minister's ambiguous stance on Brexit.
27. The boxer quickly fell into his customary fighting stance.
28. Her political stance cost her votes in the moderate districts.
29. The novel's ideological stance was ahead of its time.
30. The writer's satirical stance is evident throughout the piece.
31. The company's public stance contradicted internal memos outlining their true position.
32. The boxer widened his fighting stance to prepare for the next round.
33. The candidate shifted to a more moderate stance as the election neared.
34. The teacher corrected the student's awkward writing stance.
35. The soldiers assumed an at-ease stance upon the general's arrival.
36. His nuanced stance challenged simplistic understandings of the issue.
37. The protesters adopted militant stances against the police.
38. The writer's sarcastic stance made the piece difficult to take seriously.
39. The boxer quickly returned to his customary fighting stance.
40. She adopted an apologetic stance to try and defuse the situation.
41. The politician has taken a hardline stance on immigration.
42. The debate highlighted the candidates' differing stances on key issues.
43. The mockingbird assumed a defensive stance as the cat approached.
44. Her ambiguous stance left voters unsure about her real position.
45. The boxer observed his opponent's strange fighting stance.
46. Most global leaders agree on China's aggressive stance regarding Taiwan.
47. The teacher corrected the student's incorrect writing stance.
48. The opposition leader criticized the government's hostile stance toward the media.
49. The report outlined the company's lack of public stance on climate change.
50. His militant stance did little to convince moderate voters.
51. The rebels adopted aggressive stances when confronted by the police.
52. The photographer captured the model in a serene standing stance.
53. The boxer quickly slipped into his familiar fighting stance.
54. The government softened its stance on immigration amid public pressure.
55. The writer's critical stance toward capitalism shaped the essay.
56. She adopted an indignant stance to show her displeasure.
57. The boxer widened his fighting stance in preparation.
58. The report outlined the company's developing stance on labor issues.
59. The soldier quickly assumed an at-ease stance upon command.
60. His nuanced stance considered multiple perspectives on the matter.

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