Starless example sentences

Related (5): dark, gloomy, dull, lifeless, dreary

"Starless" Example Sentences

1. The dark, starless night made sleep difficult.
2. They wandered through the starless caves deep underground.
3. The astronauts floated in the starless void of outer space.
4. During a power outage, the city became a vast starless plain.
5. They sailed across the starless expanse of the featureless ocean.
6. The sky was a starless blanket of heavy storm clouds.
7. The path through the forest was pitch black under the starless sky.
8. The man stared into the starless night, wondering what lay beyond.
9. The creature hid in its starless lair, waiting to ambush its prey.
10. They crossed the starless desert by the light of the full moon.
11. The ghost town sat silent and still under the starless sky.
12. The ship drifted aimlessly in the starless sea.
13. The planet's starless future seemed bleak and hopeless.
14. They wandered through the caves, guided only by flashlights in the starless darkness.
15. The starless winter nights seemed endless and depressing.
16. The airless, starless moonscape filled them with dread.
17. The starless plain stretched as far as the eye could see.
18. The victims were held captive in a starless pit for months.
19. The submarine glided silently through the starless depths of the ocean.
20. The starless tunnels were a maze they struggled to navigate.
21. The miners worked in the starless gloom of the coal mine.
22. The old hag hid in her starless hovel.
23. The inhabitants of the starless world longed for the light of the sun.
24. The abandoned castle loomed darkly against the starless sky.
25. Death seemed to reign in the starless graveyard.
26. The pilot flew blindly in the starless night.
27. The starless landscape felt oppressive and lonely.
28. The inquisitor led his victim into the starless dungeon.
29. They awoke in the starless void, unsure of where or when they were.
30. The monster lurked in the starless cave, awaiting its next victim.
31. The starless valleys were filled with dark shadows and mystery.
32. The fog rolled in, shrouding the landscape in starless gloom.
33. The creature emerged from its starless lair, hungering for blood.
34. The oceans glowed brightly in the starless darkness.
35. The starless, moonless night was a perfect time for mischief.
36. The prisoners were led into the starless cells deep underground.
37. The starless plain seemed to go on forever.
38. The starless cloud cover turned day into night.
39. They floated helplessly through the starless cosmos.
40. The horror of solitude filled the starless cottage.
41. The space station orbited above the starless planet.
42. The starless sky pressed down on them like a heavy blanket.
43. The desolate planet was shrouded in permanent starless clouds.
44. The road stretched on endlessly into the starless distance.
45. The flight took off into the starless night.
46. The graveyard rested silently under the starless moon.
47. They wandered lost in time and space within the starless void.
48. The starless sky weighed heavily on their weary souls.
49. The starless void seemed infinite and absolute.
50. The starless cavern devoured all light and hope.
51. The starless gloom consumed the land in utter darkness.
52. The starless world filled them with primal terror.
53. The starless festival marked the darkest night of the year.
54. They circled endlessly in the starless space pod.
55. The pool lay still and silent under the starless sky.
56. The starless room felt oppressive and isolating.
57. The ship hurtled helplessly through the starless depths.
58. The cinema ushered them into the starless theater.
59. The starless night matched his somber mood perfectly.
60. The sound of dripping water echoed through the starless tunnels.

Common Phases

starless night
The dark, starless night made sleep difficult.
starless sky
The starless sky pressed down on them like a heavy blanket.
starless gloom
The starless gloom consumed the land in utter darkness.
starless abyss
They floated helplessly in the starless abyss.
starless blackness
The cave was filled with starless blackness.
starless void
They wandered lost in the starless void.
starless darkness
They wandered through the caves, guided only by flashlights in the starless darkness.
starless vastness
The starless vastness of space seemed infinite.
starless depths
The submarine glided through the starless depths.
pitch-black darkness
The path was pitch-black in the starless night.
Stygian darkness
The dungeons were filled with Stygian darkness.
inky blackness
The forest was filled with inky blackness at night.
blanket of darkness
A blanket of darkness covered the starless city.
Hope these common phrases with "starless" help convey the meaning! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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