Stewardess example sentences

Related (2): Airline, hostess

"Stewardess" Example Sentences

1. The stewardess welcomed the passengers aboard the flight.
2. The stewardess demonstrated how to use the oxygen masks.
3. The stewardess checked that all passengers had fastened their seatbelts.
4. The stewardess served drinks and snacks to the passengers.
5. The stewardess gave safety instructions before takeoff and landing.
6. The stewardess helped an elderly passenger stow her carry-on luggage.
7. The stewardess provided pillows and blankets to sleeping passengers.
8. The stewardess asked the crying child if he wanted something to drink.
9. The stewardess assisted a passenger with a disability.
10. The stewardess ensured that all emergency exits were clear.
11. The stewardess provided first aid to a passenger who fell ill during the flight.
12. The stewardess answered questions from curious passengers.
13. The stewardess offered ear plugs and eye masks for the long flight.
14. The stewardess dimmed the lights to allow passengers to sleep.
15. The stewardess notified the captain when a passenger needed medical assistance.
16. The stewardess volunteered to help an unaccompanied minor.
17. The stewardess provided directions to the lavatories and galleys.
18. The stewardess guided the passengers during an emergency evacuation.
19. The stewardess stayed calm during the turbulent flight.
20. The stewardess gave a warm smile and friendly greeting to all passengers.
21. The stewardess ensured all missed calls and announcements were relayed to late passengers.
22. The stewardess enforced the airline's rules and regulations.
23. The stewardess spoke to the unruly passengers to defuse the situation.
24. The stewardess assisted the pilots with administrative duties during slow periods.
25. The stewardess advised passengers to put their trays and seats upright for landing.
26. The stewardess requested that all electronic devices be turned off.
27. The stewardess zipped up carry-on luggage that had come open.
28. The stewardess collected garbage and recycling from the aisles.
29. The stewardess assisted a passenger struggling with an overhead bin.
30. The stewardess reminded passengers to collect their carry-on items before deplaning.
31. The stewardess used a cheerful tone and soothing words to calm nervous fliers.
32. The stewardess made numerous rounds through the cabins during the flight.
33. The stewardess pointed out places of interest as the flight flew over cities and landmarks.
34. The stewardess thanked the passengers for flying with them as they departed the aircraft.
35. The stewardess was multilingual and able to assist passengers in multiple languages.
36. The stewardess stoically dealt with rude and difficult passengers on an almost daily basis.
37. The stewardess fashioned a makeshift bed for the infant using blankets and a pillow.
38. The stewardess gave clear and concise directions to the nearest bathroom.
39. The stewardess distributed newspapers and magazines to passengers.
40. The stewardess performed cabin checks to ensure safety and order.
41. The stewardess escorted a VIP passenger to the cockpit to meet the pilots.
42. The stewardess patiently attended to the needs of passengers with special requests.
43. The stewardess remained professional and courteous despite long hours and jet lag.
44. The stewardess assured passengers everything was under control during an emergency.
45. The stewardess provided hearing aid batteries and wheelchair assistance upon request.
46. The stewardess answered the call button and help a passenger find a lost item.
47. The stewardess went above and beyond to help an injured passenger.
48. The stewardess routinely endured perfumes, body odors, snoring and crying children.
49. The stewardess breathed a sigh of relief after the demanding nine-hour flight ended.
50. The stewardess made sure all connecting passengers made their connecting flights.
51. The stewardess showed a child how to properly buckle a seatbelt.
52. The stewardess crouched in the aisles to pick up litter and trash.
53. The stewardess credit the pilot for a smooth landing.
54. The stewardess greeted passengers in their native language when possible.
55. The stewardess informed passengers of any delays or gate changes.
56. The stewardess sang and danced to entertain the children on board.
57. The stewardess enforced strict FAA safety regulations.
58. The stewardess managed a hectic schedule that included off times at all hours.
59. The stewardess explained to the frightened passenger that turbulence was normal.
60. The stewardess slept in crew bunks between long-haul international flights.

Common Phases

1. The stewardess welcomed the passengers aboard the plane.
2. The stewardess assisted the elderly passenger into his seat.
3. The stewardess served food and drink to the passengers during the flight.
4. The stewardess checked the seatbelts were fastened before takeoff.
5. The stewardess gave safety instructions to the passengers.
6. The stewardess smiled politely as she handed out snack packets.
7. The stewardess demonstrated how to use the oxygen masks.
8. The stewardess directed passengers to the emergency exits.
9. The stewardess helped a young child who was feeling airsick.
10. The stewardess passed out blankets and pillows for the long flight.
11. The stewardess checked the aisles were clear during landing.
12. The stewardess asked passengers if they needed assistance disembarking.
13. The stewardess ensured all passengers had left the aircraft.
14. The stewardess was extremely helpful and cheerful during the flight.
15. The stewardess offered to retrieve items from the overhead compartments.
16. The stewardess provided injury and compression stockings to passengers.
17. The stewardess apologized for the slight turbulence during the flight.
18. The stewardess announced any delays or changes to the flight schedule.
19. The stewardess provided updates on the flight time and altitude.
20. The stewardess checked to ensure all unused meal trays were collected.
21. The air hostesses smiled brightly and welcomed passengers onboard.
22. The flight attendants served meals and refreshments throughout the journey.
23. The cabin crew gave important safety instructions before takeoff.
24. The air stewardess opened the overhead compartments to stow luggage.
25. The airline steward handled the beverage cart during the flight.
26. The flight attendant handed out earplugs and eye masks for sleeping.
27. The cabin crew woman asked for any doctors or nurses onboard to assist.
28. The stewardesses announced delays and gate changes on the intercom.
29. The air hostesses performed the final walkthrough of the aircraft.
30. The flight attendants ensured each seat had been vacated.
31. The stewardess position requires being cheerful and helpful at all times.
32. The airline hostesses wore crisp uniforms and heels while on duty.
33. The air hostesses greeted passengers with bright smiles and welcome onboard.
34. The stewardesses and stewards worked hard to ensure passenger comfort.
35. The cheerful flight attendant offered snacks and drinks frequently.
36. The young stewardess helped an elderly man with his carry-on luggage.
37. The flight attendant woman assisted a family with young children onboard.
38. The smiling air hostess directed passengers to available seats.
39. The cabin crew answered questions about onboard amenities and entertainment.
40. The stewards distributed amenity kits and blankets for the overnight flight.
41. The airline stewardesses explained all safety features in detail.
42. The flight attendants remained calm and efficient during an emergency.
43. The crew announced changes to meal options due to poor weather.
44. The cheerful air hostess handed out landing cards and immigration forms.
45. The flight attendant woman helped to translate announcements into English.
46. The stewardess passed out headphones and in-flight magazines.
47. The smiling air hostess ensured any disabled or elderly passengers were settled.
48. The cheerful flight attendant checked all curtains had been drawn for landing.
49. The cabin crew assisted with deplaning disabled and elderly passengers first.
50. The stewardess sang happy birthday to a young passenger on their special day.
51. The air hostess encouraged nervous flyers by joking and answering questions.
52. The air stewardess required interpersonal skills and ability to manage stress.
53. The flight attendant woman used sensitivity when handling passenger complaints.
54. The airline stewardess position requires teamwork and flexibility.
55. The stewardess personified the spirit and values of the airline.
56. The stewards handled any complaints or problems with professionalism.
57. The cabin crew left the aircraft spotless after every flight.
58. The air hostesses greeted each passenger by name as they disembarked.
59. The flight attendant woman provided mobility and medical assistance as needed.
60. The smiling stewardess made the long flight a pleasant experience for all.

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