Surpassed example sentences

Related (12): outstripped, eclipsed, exceeded, transcended, outdone, beaten, outmatched, topped, overtook, outpaced, overpassed, overstepped

"Surpassed" Example Sentences

1. Michael's score on the exam surpassed all expectations.
2. The new technology far surpassed anything previously available.
3. Her performance at the competition surpassed all competition.
4. The painting's beauty surpassed all previous works by the artist.
5. Their kindness and generosity surpassed anything I could have imagined.
6. The invention has surpassed anything else on the market.
7. Their dedication to the cause surpassed anyone else's.
8. The company's growth in recent years has surpassed all predictions.
9. His wealth surpassed that of the other nobles in the kingdom.
10. The athlete's speed and agility surpassed all others competing.
11. The singer's vocal range surpassed even that of professional opera singers.
12. Her cooking surpassed even that of experienced chefs.
13. The orchestra's performance surpassed even their previous best.
14. The report's level of detail surpassed all expectations.
15. The project was completed ahead of schedule and surpassed all requirements.
16. The recent archaeological discoveries have surpassed even the most fantastical theories.
17. The feat surpassed any previously recorded accomplishment of its kind.
18. The painting's beauty surpassed all previous works from that period.
19. The wine's complexity and flavor surpassed any previous vintages from that vineyard.
20. Her flexibility and grace as a dancer surpassed that of all her classmates.
21. The company's recent revenue has surpassed even their most optimistic projections.
22. The hotel's opulence and luxury surpassed anything the travelers had previously experienced.
23. The suitors' extravagant gifts surpassed even the princess' wildest dreams.
24. His ability to motivate others and achieve results surpassed that of his peers.
25. William's generosity surpassed even his own expectations.
26. The computer's speed and efficiency surpassed all previous models.
27. The car's power and performance easily surpassed that of competitors' models.
28. Her vision for the company's future surpassed anything previously attempted.
29. The athlete's endurance record far surpassed what doctors deemed possible.
30. The candidate's qualifications surpassed those of all other applicants.
31. The poet's use of metaphor and imagery surpassed all previous work in that genre.
32. The monument's scale and grandeur surpassed anything attempted by previous leaders.
33. His ability to read people and understand human motivation surpassed other experts in the field.
34. The novel's innovation and storytelling surpassed any other work published that year.
35. The new medication's effectiveness surpassed previous treatments by a wide margin.
36. The house's grandeur and luxury far surpassed anything built before in that period.
37. The young prodigy's talents surpassed even those of adult experts in the field.
38. The company's growth surpassed industry analysts' predictions by over 200%.
39. Her skill and proficiency with languages surpassed native speakers.
40. The artwork's intricacy and craftsmanship surpassed all previous museums pieces.
41. The restaurant's cuisine and service easily surpassed competitors in the area.
42. The device's capabilities far surpassed anything previously imagined.
43. Kate's kindness and generosity surpassed anything I had known before.
44. The insights and observations in the book easily surpassed those of previous researchers.
45. The new airplane's speed and power surpassed all records set by previous models.
46. The orchestra's performance of the symphony surpassed all previous recordings.
47. The machine's efficiency and precision surpassed anything considered possible just a few years ago.
48. Her performance on every metric surpassed expectations and previous records.
49. The rookie's skill on the field surpassed even seasoned veterans.
50. The building's size and architectural design far surpassed anything previously attempted.
51. The chef's culinary creations and flavor combinations surpassed expectations.
52. Alex's vacation planning surpassed anything Sarah could have wished for.
53. Their success in such a short time surpassed that of any competitors in the market.
54. The startup's innovation and growth potential surpassed that of other investors' favored companies.
55. The company's stock performance surpassed even the most optimistic of Wall Street projections.
56. The stock's gains far surpassed those of any other in the portfolio over that period.
57. The new software's reliability and functionality surpassed those of competitors' products.
58. The ship's speed at sea easily surpassed that of any other in the British navy.
59. The CEO's vision for the company's future easily surpassed that of his predecessor.
60. His level of proficiency and skill easily surpassed those of any teacher or master he had studied under.

Common Phases

1. The new technology far surpassed anything previously available.
2. Her performance at the competition surpassed all competition.
3. The invention has surpassed anything else on the market.
4. The athlete's speed and agility surpassed all others competing.
5. His ability to motivate others surpassed that of his peers.
6. The computer's speed and efficiency surpassed all previous models.
7. The candidate's qualifications surpassed those of all other applicants.
8. The insights in the book easily surpassed those of previous researchers.
9. Their success in such a short time surpassed that of any competitors.
10. His level of skill easily surpassed those of any teacher he had studied under.

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