Surveillant example sentences

Related (10): guard, overseer, supervisor, monitor, observer, watchman, warden, inspector, sentinel, custodian.

"Surveillant" Example Sentences

1. The surveillant carefully watched the students during the exam.
2. The company hired a team of surveillants to monitor the warehouse.
3. The prison was heavily guarded by surveillants.
4. The shopping mall had several surveillants on duty at all times.
5. The hotel had a strict policy of checking all guests' luggage, with the help of surveillants.
6. The government added more surveillants to their security team after a terrorist threat.
7. The company implemented a new system that required all employees to go through surveillant cameras to enter the premises.
8. The organization hired a private investigatory team consisting of experience surveillants.
9. The city put up new traffic lights equipped with surveillant cameras.
10. The building's surveillance team consisted of experienced surveillants who kept watch around the clock.
11. Due to concerns over employee theft, the company installed surveillant cameras in all key areas.
12. The store put up signs warning that customers were being watched by surveillants.
13. The public park had surveillant cameras to increase its security mechanism.
14. The town hired a team of surveillants to keep an eye on their water supply.
15. The airport had a high level of security with various surveillant cameras positioned throughout the building.
16. The bank hired extra surveillants to provide additional protection for its cash reserves.
17. The city put up new street lights powered by solar energy and equipped with surveillant cameras.
18. The school placed surveillant cameras in the hallways to maintain discipline.
19. The hospital had strict visitor restrictions enforced by the surveillant staff.
20. The shopping center's security was managed by a team of skilled surveillants.
21. The nightclub had a bouncer team aided by surveillant cameras and other security measures.
22. The military added more surveillants to its base security forces due to increasing concerns of terrorist attacks.
23. The park was kept clean and safe with the help of the city's surveillant staff.
24. The museum installed surveillant cameras to help preserve their exhibits from vandalism.
25. The factory's health and safety protocols were enforced by a team of surveillants.
26. The city's authorities utilized surveillant cameras to reduce petty crime in public areas.
27. The neighborhood watch program consisted of volunteery surveillants.
28. The luxury hotel had a sophisticated security system, including a team of highly trained surveillants.
29. The prison's security was tightened with regular patrols by the surveillant staff.
30. The local library's staff kept a watchful eye on the premises, aided by surveillant cameras.

Common Phases

1. The surveillant monitored the area closely;
2. The security team was tasked with being surveillant;
3. The government implemented a surveillant system to track potential threats;
4. The company hired a surveillant to monitor employee behavior;
5. The activists were under surveillant watch by the authorities;
6. The hotel installed surveillant cameras in every room;
7. The airport had a highly-advanced surveillant system to detect any suspicious activity;
8. The police dispatched a team of surveillants to track a suspect;
9. The prison had a dedicated surveillant team to prevent escapes;
10. The intelligence agency employed advanced surveillant techniques to gather information.

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