Tackles example sentences

Related (7): football, rugby, wrestling, grappling, taekwondo, judo, defense

"Tackles" Example Sentences

1. The linebacker tackles the running back.
2. The safety tackles the receiver short of the first down marker.
3. The defensive end tackles the quarterback for a loss.
4. The program tackles the issue of homelessness in the city.
5. The new legislation tackles climate change.
6. Researchers are tackling the problem of antibiotic resistance.
7. The governor tackles crime and the economy in his State of the State address.
8. Nonprofits are tackling pressing social problems.
9. Engineers are tackling the challenge of more efficient batteries.
10. Scientists are tackling the complexities of the human brain.
11. She tackles difficult subjects with grace and empathy in her writing.
12. He tackles each project with enthusiasm and rigor.
13. They tackle household chores together as a team.
14. He tackles gardening with the same focus and drive he brings to his job.
15. I tackle cleaning the house room by room on weekends.
16. She tackles coding issues one step at a time.
17. He tackles problems logically, step by step.
18. They tackled the hike with energy and determination.
19. I tackled my fears one at a time.
20. He tackles big problems by breaking them into smaller parts.
21. The startup tackles income inequality through lending.
22. The organization tackles climate change through education.
23. The healthcare initiative tackles maternal mortality.
24. The nonprofit tackles food insecurity in underserved areas.
25. The bill tackles campaign finance reform.
26. The charity tackles poverty through job training.
27. The movement tackles racial injustice through community organizing.
28. The legislation tackles pressing environmental issues.
29. The foundation tackles mental health through grants and advocacy.
30. The youth program tackles gun violence through mentorship.
31. The relief effort tackles hunger by providing meals.
32. The rehabilitation center tackles substance use disorders.
33. The businesses tackles economic stagnation through investment.
34. The educational initiatives tackle literacy challenges.
35. The company tackles waste through recycling technology.
36. The invention tackles pollution through carbon capture.
37. The policy tackles economic inequality through tax reform.
38. The activism tackles police brutality through demonstrations.
39. Their latest film tackles gender inequality in a nuanced way.
40. Her speech tackles social issues from an inclusive perspective.
41. The new company tackles cybersecurity threats through machine learning.
42. The authors latest book tackles political dysfunction through powerful storytelling.
43. She tackles housework with gusto and determination every day.
44. They tackle disagreements with patience and understanding.
45. He tackles challenges head-on, with courage and perseverance.
46. We must tackle systematic racism with empathy and true allyship.
47. The celebrity chef tackles cooking challenges with infectious enthusiasm.
48. The quarterback tackles the defender on a run up the middle.
49. The linebacker tackles the running back in the backfield for a loss.
50. The safety tackles the receiver short of the goal line.
51. The linemen tackle the blockers to clear a path for the running back.
52. The defender tackles the runner and causes a fumble.
53. The safety made a hard tackle on the receiver to break up the pass play.
54. The linebacker missed the tackle and the running back gained extra yards.
55. The defensive end made a diving tackle on the quarterback.
56. The safety lowered his shoulder and tackled the receiver hard.
57. The linebacker met the running back in the hole and leveled him with a brutal tackle.
58. The safety came up and laid a hard hit to tackle the receiver short of the first down.
59. The linebacker read the screen pass perfectly and blew up the play with a punishing tackle.
60. The touchdown-saving tackle fired up the defense and changed the momentum of the game.

Common Phases

1. The linebacker tackles the running back for a loss.
2. The safety tackles the receiver to prevent a touchdown.
3. The team tackles issues like poverty, hunger, and homelessness through charitable efforts.
4. The scientist tackles challenging research problems to advance human knowledge.
5. The essay tackles the complex issue of immigration reform.
6. The bill tackles climate change through a range of policy proposals.
7. The new law tackles gun violence by strengthening background checks and closing loopholes.
8. Her new novel tackles themes of love, family, and redemption.
9. The organization tackles rural health care challenges through outreach programs.
10. The engineer tackles complex technical problems with creative solutions.
11. The football coach focuses on tackling technique during practice.
12. The author tackles difficult subjects with sensitivity and care in her writing.
13. The activist tackles social injustice through peaceful protest and community organizing.
14. The athlete tackles his opponent to gain possession of the ball.
15. Her workshop tackles difficult conversations in the workplace.
16. The documentary tackles drug addiction and the challenges of recovery.
17. The philanthropist tackles global poverty by providing funding for education initiatives.
18. The physical therapist tackles mobility issues through customized plans and exercises.
19. The report tackles the issue of wealth inequality in the United States.
20. The chef tackles complex flavors with a deft hand in the kitchen.
21. The therapist tackles mental health problems through talk therapy and medication management.
22. The reformer tackles corrupt systems by exposing wrongdoing and demanding change.
23. The surgeon tackles complicated medical procedures with skill and experience.
24. The politician tackles divisive issues with diplomacy and compromise.
25. The bill tackles climate change through investment in clean energy and energy efficiency.
26. The mental health advocate tackles the stigma surrounding mental illness through public speaking and awareness campaigns.
27. The journalist tackles controversial stories through thorough research and careful sourcing.
28. The plumber tackles a leaky pipe by replacing old fittings and valves.
29. The teacher tackles classroom management challenges with consistency and clear boundaries.
30. The entrepreneur tackles business problems head-on using creativity and innovation.
31. The activist tackles racial injustice through peaceful protest, public testimony, and grassroots organizing.
32. The researcher tackles complex medical issues through rigorous studies and experimentation.
33. The therapist tackles emotional issues that cause distress and interfere with relationships.
34. The warrior tackles his enemy in battle.
35. The governor tackles the state's budget crisis through service cuts and tax increases.
36. The coach tackles the problem of team complacency through extra drills and motivational speeches.
37. The engineer tackles the problem of infrastructure decay through innovative materials and designs.
38. The student tackles challenging homework assignments with hard work and determination.
39. The mechanic tackles the faulty transmission by removing and replacing parts.
40. The environmentalist tackles pollution through legislative advocacy and public education campaigns.
41. The business owner tackles cash flow issues through cost cutting, financing options, and strategic planning.
42. The football player tackles his opponent to prevent a touchdown.
43. The new legislation tackles drug pricing through patent reform and price controls.
44. The homeschool mom tackles educating her kids with creativity and enthusiasm.
45. The artist tackles social issues through thought-provoking works of art.
46. The builder tackles a complex renovation project with years of experience and expertise.
47. The carpenter tackles big remodel jobs with the right tools and know-how.
48. The doctor tackles complex medical cases with good bedside manner and cutting-edge knowledge.
49. The programmer tackles complex coding challenges with logic and persistence.
50. The performance tackles issues of race, class, and gender through music, dance, and theatre.
51. The UN tackle world hunger through aid programs and disaster relief efforts.
52. The politician tackles corruption and unethical behavior through new ethics laws.
53. The athlete tackles his opponent to make the tackle.
54. The coach tackles team discipline issues through tough consequences and open communication.
55. The soldier tackles the enemy combatant in hand-to-hand combat.
56. The surgeon tackles complex surgical procedures with skill and precision.
57. The reporter tackles sensitive issues with honesty and integrity.
58. The student tackles difficult math problems through careful analysis and step-by-step solving.
59. The mechanic tackles auto repairs with the right tools and know-how.
60. The pianist tackles difficult compositions with technical skill and artistic expression.

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