Take example sentences

Related (18): grab, snatch, acquire, obtain, get, receive, collect, procure, seize, capture, nab, apprehend, haul, lift, heist, heave, grip, clasp

"Take" Example Sentences

1. Please take a seat.
2. I'll take the chicken dinner.
3. It will take some time to fix this.
4. Take a right at the next intersection.
5. The meeting will take an hour.
6. Let's take a walk in the park.
7. She took the bus to work.
8. The child took his mother's hand.
9. I'll take the stairs. The lift's too crowded.
10. Please take this medication twice a day.
11. I'll take a cup of coffee.
12. Taking a nap really helped me refresh.
13. I took my medicine as prescribed.
14. He took a few photos of the stunning view.
15. I'll take the salad instead of the soup.
16. I'll take the blue one.
17. The teacher took attendance at the start of class.
18. The athlete took a long drink from his water bottle.
19. The receptionist took my name and number.
20. The suspect took off running when the police arrived.
21. Take care!
22. Take your time.
23. Don't take it personally.
24. Please take a message.
25. Let's take five.
26. I'll give it a take.
27. Let me take a crack at that.
28. Have a good take.
29. Take it easy!
30. Let's take this offline.
31. He took the wheel when the driver fell asleep.
32. The coach took the players aside for a talk.
33. The dog took the bone and hid under the table.
34. The criminal took money from the cash register.
35. She took the baby from her mother's arms.
36. The customers took the available seats.
37. The witness took the stand to give testimony.
38. The boy took his friend's toy without asking.
39. The gardener took cuttings from the rose bushes.
40. The athlete took his place on the starting line.
41. The school took responsibility for the accident.
42. The bank will take a few days to process the request.
43. His sudden silence took me by surprise.
44. The loud noise took her out of her daydream.
45. The harsh criticism took the wind out of his sails.
46. The loss took a toll on her spirit.
47. The slippery slope took them by the hand.
48. The perfect storm took everyone by surprise.
49. His kindness took me aback.
50. Her generosity took my breath away.
51. I'll take the consequences of my actions.
52. We take no responsibility for any damages.
53. She took credit for someone else's work.
54. The soldiers took an oath of allegiance.
55. Please take a number and wait to be called.
56. Don't take chances with your health.
57. We'll take any questions at the end.
58. I'll take your suggestion under advisement.
59. Police took him into custody.
60. The package will take 4-6 weeks to arrive.

Common Phases

1. I will take the chair next to the window.
2. Take your time, there is no need to rush.
3. Please take a seat and make yourself comfortable.
4. I took a walk in the park this morning.
5. The pharmacist will take your prescription and fill it.
6. The employee took a paid vacation after working for a year.
7. The student took an exam and waited anxiously for the results.
8. The robber took the money from the cash register and escaped.
9. He took the garbage out before leaving for work.
10. It will take me an hour to get to work in this traffic.
11. Go ahead and take the cookies from the jar.
12. I will take the order when you are ready.
13. Doctors took blood tests to determine the cause of the illness.
14. The chef took the roast out of the oven.
15. Please take this note to the office.
16. The teacher will take attendance at the beginning of class.
17. I will take the blame for what happened.
18. The spy took photographs of secret documents.
19. The police took the criminal into custody.
20. I will take the bus home after work.
21. I'll take that as a no.
22. The medications may take a few days to start working.
23. She took off her coat and sat down.
24. The band took the stage at 9 pm sharp.
25. Police took fingerprints from the crime scene.
26. It will take me about an hour to prepare dinner.
27. I will take care of the bills this month.
28. Please take these forms to the main office.
29. Our doctors took out my grandmother's gallbladder last week.
30. The jury took a vote to reach a verdict.
31. I'll take the chicken sandwich, please.
32. He took the keys and walked out the door.
33. The athlete took some time off to recover from injury.
34. It will take a few minutes for the water to boil.
35. My father took me fishing when I was a child.
36. I'll take two of those, wrapped separately please.
37. We had to take a detour because of the accident.
38. We will take the train to get to the airport.
39. The teacher took role at the beginning of class.
40. The thief took the purse and ran away.
41. The band took the stage at 9 pm sharp.
42. I'll take the blame for what happened.
43. Please take your medication twice a day.
44. The daredevil took a leap off the high dive.
45. It will take me about 10 minutes to walk there.
46. Lawyers took depositions from witnesses.
47. I will take you up on that offer.
48. Please take these letters to the post office for me.
49. I'll take the dress in blue, please.
50. You'll have to take a number and wait your turn.
51. It will take me some time to adjust to the new schedule.
52. The thieves took anything of value from the house.
53. I'll take my coffee black, thanks.
54. The bus will take you directly to the station.
55. The rescue workers took the survivors to the hospital.
56. The players took the field when announced.
57. You'll have to take a number and wait in line.
58. The class will take a field trip to the museum next week.
59. Please take this pass to the front desk.
60. The runners took their marks at the starting line.

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