Tattles example sentences
Related (4): snitches, blabs, gossips, divulges
"Tattles" Example Sentences
1. Sarah always tattles on her siblings when they misbehave.2. The gossip spread quickly because of the tattles of one person.
3. I don't trust people who constantly tattle on others.
4. Josephine was known for her tattles about other people's personal lives.
5. The teacher asked the class if anyone had any tattles to report.
6. Tom's tattles about his co-workers almost got him fired.
7. Lisa's tattles about her ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend became a topic of interest among their mutual friends.
8. The tattles about the celebrity couple's break up were all over the tabloids.
9. It's not nice to tattle on someone just to get them in trouble.
10. The boss didn't appreciate her employee's constant tattles about other co-workers.
11. My little sister tattles on me for everything I do.
12. The police were able to solve the case because of a witness's tattles.
13. Tattles and gossip can ruin someone's reputation.
14. He threatened to tattle to the principal if she didn't give him his lunch money back.
15. I hope you're not the type of person who likes to tattle on their friends.
16. Susie's tattles about her boyfriend's cheating behavior eventually drove them apart.
17. Billy didn't like being labeled as a tattletale just because he reported a group of kids for bullying.
18. The coach made it clear that tattling on teammates was not allowed.
19. Her tattles about the company's unethical practices led to an investigation.
20. I overheard Timmy's tattles about me to his friends and it hurt my feelings.
21. Don't be afraid to speak up if someone's behavior is harming others, but don't use tattles to cause unnecessary drama.
22. Sarah's tattles were always taken with a grain of salt because she had a tendency to exaggerate.
23. The tattles about the new employee stealing office supplies turned out to be false.
24. It's important to teach kids the difference between tattling and reporting serious issues to an adult.
25. The tattles about the CEO's embezzlement caused the company's stock to plummet.
26. Amanda lost all her friends when they found out about her tattles about everyone in their social circle.
27. Tattles and rumors can be damaging to someone's reputation and mental health.
28. John doesn't like people who tattle on others, but he will report illegal behavior to the authorities.
29. It's not appropriate to tattle on someone for a minor offense, especially when it can easily be resolved through communication.
30. The tattles about the new girl being a troublemaker turned out to be unfounded.
Common Phases
1. "Mary always tattles on her classmates when they misbehave;"2. "It's not nice to tattle on others for things that aren't their fault;"
3. "I heard Sally tattled on her sister for taking a cookie from the jar;"
4. "Tommy became known as a tattletale because he would always report every little thing to the teacher;"
5. "Some people tattle to make themselves look better or gain favor with authority figures;"