Tercets example sentences

Related (2): tercets, stanzas

"Tercets" Example Sentences

1. The poem consisted of twelve rhyming tercets that told a melancholy tale.
2. The traditional Italian sonnet uses an octave followed by a sestet, while the English sonnet employs three tercets following an opening quatrain.
3. Each stanza of the poem is composed of three tercets with an interlocking rhyme scheme.
4. The final lines of each tercet summarize the main idea of the stanza.
5. The poet skillfully crafted the tercets to build in intensity and emotion.
6. The rhyme scheme of the tercets is a-b-a, b-c-b, c-d-c.
7. The tightly structured tercets reinforce the poem's somber and restrained tone.
8. The poem explores love and loss through twenty well-crafted tercets.
9. My favorite stanza uses subtle assonance in each of the tercets to evoke sadness.
10. The tercet structure gives the poem a feeling of gravitas and weight.
11. The villanelle employs tercets along with repeating lines to create a memorable refrain.
12. The riddle poem employs tercets with an a-b-a rhyme scheme.
13. The first tercet introduces the central question while subsequent tercets offer possible solutions.
14. The author employs tercets to build to the poem's dramatic conclusion.
15. The poet employs nature imagery throughout the twenty-four tercets.
16. The final tercet provides resolution and closure to the poem.
17. The nine tercets explore the life cycle of the butterfly from egg to death.
18. The poet utilizes running rhymes within each tercet.
19. The sonnet's three concluding tercets offer advice to the beloved.
20. The ode makes use of the tercet's capacious form to build to climactic phrases.
21. The poet builds the narrative through a sequence of twenty-three interlocking tercets.
22. The lyric poem's three tercets each explore a different aspect of love.
23. The ballad successfully employs the tercet form to build suspense.
24. Each tercet captures a moment in the narrator's childhood.
25. The three enjambed lines of each tercet build momentum and depth of meaning.
26. The poet experiments with caesuras and syntax within the tight confines of the tercet form.
27. The twenty tercets explore twenty different species of flower in a meditative manner.
28. The thirty tercets relay an allegorical journey through life.
29. The poet experiments with enjambment between the second and third lines of each tercet.
30. The three rhyming lines of each tercet reinforce the constant beat of the rower's stroke.
31. The rhyming tercets explore the transience of beauty through the changing of the seasons.
32. The tercets provide a structured framework for the poet's memories of summer.
33. The poem closes with three powerful tercets that summarize its central message.
34. The poet employs compressed and unadorned language within each tercet.
35. The ABB rhyme scheme of the tercets enhances the lament's poetic refrain.
36. The incantatory repetition of sounds in the tercets evokes mystical invocations.
37. The ABCBDB rhyme scheme unites the six tightly constructed tercets.
38. The four tercets that follow the quatrain introduce the central themes of the sonnet.
39. The poet employs alliteration to bind the three lines of each tercet together.
40. The hymn employs tercets to reinforce its strong morality and didacticism.
41. The poet's use of caesuras divides each tercet into three concise phrases.
42. The poem employs twelve tercets to describe a journey through a magical forest.
43. The interwoven rhyme scheme of the tercets creates a sense of inevitability.
44. The first tercet introduces the central metaphor that structures the poem.
45. The poet employs enjambment between tercets to sustain the poem's forward momentum.
46. The final tercet provides the revelation that gives meaning to the sequence of memories.
47. The poet utilizes tercets with a precise rhyme scheme to create a sense of mathematical perfection.
48. The tightness of the tercet form enhances the poem's intensity and dramatic quality.
49. The poet employs a tercet form to propose aphoristic truths in a concise and memorable manner.
50. The narrator employs chilling and ominous language within the predictive tercets.
51. The repetitious tercet refrains hammer home the poet's central message.
52. The poet employs simple but powerful diction within each tercet.
53. The majestic rhyme scheme of the tercets echoes the poem's themes of human frailty and divine grace.
54. The interlocking rhyme scheme of the tercets mimics the interlocking puzzle pieces of memories.
55. The poet employs the alternating masculine and feminine rhyme scheme to evoke a singsong quality.
56. The tightly rhymed tercets reflect the poet's desire for order and structure.
57. Each tercet captures a fleeting moment of beauty with precise diction and unadorned language.
58. The poet utilizes tercets of varying lengths to create a sense of natural balance and proportion.
59. The hymn's short tercets employ blunt and direct language to hammer home its moral message.
60. The ABCB rhyme scheme links the memories captured within each of poem's ten tercets.

Common Phases

1. The poem is composed of twelve rhymed tercets.
2. The string of three-line stanzas is comprised of over forty tercets.
3. The tercets march across the page in perfect rhythm.
4. Each new thought began with an enjambed line breaking into the next tercet.
5. The rhyme scheme of the tercets follows an AAB pattern.
6. The poem moves from abstract ideas in the first tercets to more specific examples later on.
7. The poet employs creative line breaks and enjambment within each tercet to build momentum.
8. The progression of the tercets follows a logical order, building a powerful argument.
9. She experimented with incorporating feminine rhymes into the otherwise masculine tercets.
10. The poet skillfully juxtaposes ideas in each adjacent tercet for contrast and comparison.
11. The repetition of words and phrases across multiple tercets gives the poem unity.
12. The message of the poem comes across clearly through the concise language of the tercets.
13. The sonnet features three quatrains followed by a rhymed couplet, while the villanelle employs alternating tercets and quatrains.
14. The final tercet brings the poem full circle, returning to ideas mentioned early on.
15. Each new tercet poses a question that the next attempts to answer.
16. The careful crafting of the rhymes within the tercets adds musicality to the poem.
17. The poet skillfully employs enjambment, creating suspense that carries the reader from one tercet into the next.
18. The speaker's voice comes through most poignantly in the final three tercets of the poem.
19. The poet experiments with creating internal rhymes within individual lines of the tercets.
20. The poet introduces an extended metaphor in the middle tercets that continues to the end.
21. The remaining twenty tercets convey the speaker's growing despair.
22. The poet concludes each tercet with a word that rhymes with and emphasizes the central theme.
23. While the first few tercets describe a pleasant scene, the tone shifts drastically partway through.
24. The poet employs caesura within the lines to give the tercets a halting, uneven rhythm.
25. The abrupt line breaks between the tercets create a sense of anxiety and confusion.
26. The variation in line length within the tercets adds interest and complexity.
27. Shifts in the speaker's perspective happen between the third and fourth tercets.
28. The last four tercets deliver the emotional climax of the poem.
29. The sonnet concludes with a heroic couplet while the villanelle employs tercets and quatrains.
30. The first two tercets introduce the central conflict of the poem.
31. Inverting the expected rhyme scheme within the tercets adds an inventive twist.
32. The poet employs repetition to tie together ideas presented across multiple tercets.
33. The poet uses staccato language within the tercets to create a tone of urgency.
34. The sonnet follows a Shakespearean form with three quatrains and concluding couplet, while the terza rima employs interlocking tercets.
35. The poem concludes with four tightly-crafted tercets that resolve the theme.
36. The progression from innocence to experience happens within the first ten tercets.
37. The enjambment between the tercets creates forward momentum that carries the poem.
38. The poet skillfully builds dramatic tension over the course of 30 brisk tercets.
39. The poet uses iambic pentameter to give the tercets a traditional, stately rhythm.
40. The poet creates a cascading effect by continuing an idea from the end of one tercet into the next.
41. The poet employs antithesis, juxtaposing opposing ideas within a single tercet for effect.
42. The poet incorporates caesura in unexpected places within the lines of the tercets.
43. The poet uses personification within one or two key tercets to highlight the central theme.
44. The abstract language of the opening tercets gives way to concrete details and examples later on.
45. The progression from despair to hope happens over the course of the poem's twelve tercets.
46. The poet uses anapestic meter instead of iambic to give the tercets an unconventional lilt.
47. The message of hope within the final tercets leaves the reader with a sense of resolution.
48. The poet employs alliteration throughout multiple tercets to link ideas.
49. The poem follows an ABB rhyme scheme instead of the expected AAB in the tercets.
50. The enjambment within the tercets builds suspense that carries through to the dramatic conclusion.
51. The tercets employ creative half rhymes and near rhymes instead of true rhymes.
52. The poet moves from generalizations in the opening tercets to specific, concrete examples later in the poem.
53. The poet mirrors the form of the terza rima by having each tercet build off the one before it.
54. The poem employs an unusually long line length—seven to nine stresses—within the tercets.
55. The poet sets up a pattern of contrasts and contradictions between adjacent tercets.
56. The poet employs internal and slant rhymes throughout the 32 tercets.
57. The motif of nature recurs throughout multiple tercets and sections of the poem.
58. The opening five tercets set the scene and introduce the central themes.
59. The poet moves from tripping rhythms in the first tercets to a more somber tone in the middle and final tercets.
60. The longer lines in the middle tercets allow the poet to expand upon ideas more fully.

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