Thrift example sentences

Related (8): savings, frugality, economy, thriftiness, parsimony, prudence, retrenchment, scrimping

"Thrift" Example Sentences

1. Her parents taught her the values of thrift and saving at an early age.
2. The mayor encouraged citizens to practice thrift and cut waste.
3. The shop had an array of goods produced through hard work and thrift.
4. They lived modestly, practicing thrift and frugality.
5. The businessman's thrift and hard work eventually made him wealthy.
6. Grandma always taught us the importance of thrift over extravagance.
7. The rewards of thrift and careful saving were evident in her bank account.
8. They managed to educate all their children through hard work and thrift.
9. The Great Depression taught a generation the value of thrift and frugality.
10. The old man lived a life of extreme thrift and economy.
11. Benjamin Franklin is known for promoting the virtues of thrift and industry.
12. Even after becoming rich, he kept up his habits of thrift and parsimony.
13. Early training in thrift and economy stood her in good stead later in life.
14. The merchants practiced strict thrift, wasting nothing.
15. She meticulously practiced thrift and economy in all areas of life.
16. The campaign promoted the virtues of thrift, hard work and saving.
17. Their life of comfort and luxury belied their earlier years of thrift and struggle.
18. His thrifty habits and minimal expenses allowed him to retire wealthy.
19. The monks prized thrift and simplicity above all other virtues.
20. The nation emerged from war with a renewed appreciation for thrift and economy.
21. The thrifty farmer seldom wasted anything and made do with little.
22. The boy was taught habits of industry, thrift and frugality from an early age.
23. The Great Recession caused people to relearn the values of thrift and economy.
24. Generations of thrift and hard work allowed them to build a business empire.
25. The citizens were encouraged to show patriotism through thrift and sacrifice.
26. The shopkeeper's motto was "waste not, want not." He practiced extreme thrift.
27. Grandpa's thrifty habits were a source of amusement to his extravagant grandchildren.
28. They struggled at first but gradually prospered through thrift, hard work and industry.
29. Mothers especially encouraged their children to learn habits of thrift and frugality.
30. She vowed never again to let her wealth make her careless of thrift and economy.
31. Their thrift and economy allowed them to live quite comfortably on a modest income.
32. After the crash, the businessman learned to practice more thrift and cut wasteful spending.
33. The monk's humble cell embodied the virtues of simplicity, thrift and self-denial.
34. The Depression generation prized the values of thrift, frugality and making do.
35. The tenants were encouraged to practice thrift with heat, water and electricity.
36. Her thrifty disposition and frugal ways were reflected in her modest home and wardrobe.
37. They prospered by dint of thrift, economy and hard work.
38. She carefully tracked every expenditure, practicing the utmost thrift and economy.
39. While ostentatious neighbors squandered their wealth, she lived a life of simple thrift.
40. The merchant had a strict policy against waste, training his employees in thrift.
41. The simple tools were products of a lifetime of thrift and ingenuity.
42. Their comfortable retirement was built on years of careful planning, thrift and investment.
43. The politicians appealed to voters' sense of duty and thrift during wartime.
44. Advertisers promoted their products as embodying the ideals of thrift and economy.
45. From an early age, she was taught habits of industry, neatness and thrift.
46. The shop displayed goods made by those in need, created through thrift and ingenuity.
47. The nation's citizens were exhorted to practice self-denial and thrift in support of the war effort.
48. Her thrifty way of life seemed somehow noble, built on virtue rather than necessity.
49. The simplicity of their cottage embodied the virtues of thrift, industry and self-reliance.
50. The shopkeeper's motto "Economy is wealth" summarized his belief in the virtue of thrift.
51. The thrifty lifestyle left little room for luxury or indulgence.
52. The boy's early training in thrift and economy stood him in good stead later as a young businessman.
53. The once wealthy society woman had fallen on hard times and now made do through thrift and frugality.
54. She had learned the value of thrift from an impoverished childhood during the Great Depression.
55. Their comfortable independence was built on generations of thrift, economy and careful saving.
56. Early teachings of thrift and frugality had become an ingrained habit over the years.
57. The elderly couple lived modestly on their small pensions, practicing extreme thrift.
58. The nation emerged from war with renewed appreciation for thrift, economy and self-denial.
59. Generations of thrift and economy had built the foundation of their small fortune.
60. The simple living embodied the virtues of self-reliance, industry and thrift.

Common Phases

1. The thrift store sold cheap clothes and household items.
2. Her parents taught her the value of thrift and saving money at a young age.
3. The character of thrift, industry, prudence, economy, and neatness are indispensable habits.
4. After retiring, he practiced thrift and avoided spending too much money on luxuries.
5. Their thrift allowed them to save up enough money for a down payment on a house.
6. Thrift means being frugal and avoiding wasteful spending.
7. His grandfather's stories of the Great Depression instilled a sense of thrift in him.
8. Her habits of thrift and saving money enabled her to retire comfortably.
9. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise - and requires a habit of thrift.
10. The same spirit of true economy, and strict thrift, will likewise favor agriculture.
11. With a little bit of thrift and prudence, most people would be better able to handle financial emergencies.
12. If you practice good thrift, you will find wealth far more than if you pursue wealth directly.
13. The key to increasing wealth lies not in earning more, but in spending less through thrift and prudence.
14. Thrift allows you to save money that you can invest for financial security and independence.
15. She shopped at thrift stores to practice frugality and save money.
16. Practicing thrift enables you to align your spending with your actual needs rather than wants.
17. Thrift teaches self-denial, self-control, and wise discretion in expenditures.
18. The benefits of thrift go beyond mere financial gain; it leads to contentment and peace of mind.
19. Thrift is an antidote to the consumerism and materialism that drives so much debt and unhappiness.
20. His mother's lessons about the importance of thrift and saving money still guided him decades later.
21. They followed a philosophy of living within their means and practicing smart thrift wherever possible.
22. The virtues of frugality, industry, and thrift are as important today as ever.
23. The Great Depression instilled in her an appreciation for thrift that lasted a lifetime.
24. His excessive spending habits revealed a lack of thrift and prudence.
25. There are many joyful satisfactions to be found in the practice of strict economy and careful thrift.
26. She wore thrift-store clothes and drove an old beater car, but it allowed her to pursue her dreams.
27. With dedication and a bit of thrift, you can achieve financial freedom and independence.
28. Her thrift and frugality allowed her to retire at an early age.
29. The book emphasized the virtues of thrift, work ethic, and financial prudence.
30. She shopped at thrift stores as a way to practice thrift and avoid wasting money.
31. Despite being poor, they lived comfortably through hard work and thrift.
32. Practicing thrift requires self-discipline and wise spending.
33. Her lack of thrift meant that she spent all of her paycheck each month.
34. Thrift teaches us the dignity of self-reliance and wise use of resources.
35. His careless extravagance revealed his lack of thrift and good sense.
36. The return on investment of being thrifty far outweighs the perceived benefits of spending frivolously.
37. His thrift and frugality allowed him to achieve financial independence early in life.
38. Prudence and thrift act as the checks to impulse and temptation that lead to overspending.
39. Each penny saved represents not only security but the acquisition of the habit of thrift.
40. Through hard work and strict thrift, they were able to save enough money to retire comfortably.
41. His grandparents taught him the value of thrift and using resources wisely from an early age.
42. Her frugality bordered on miserliness rather than commendable thrift.
43. The benefits of a genuine spirit of thrift cannot be purchased by wealth.
44. Obtaining wealth by way of thrift, rather than through accident, is always better.
45. Thriftiness translates into savings that compound over time.
46. Through thrift and prudence, even those with limited incomes can achieve a degree of financial independence.
47. Their thrift and frugality allowed them to pay cash for their home rather than take on a large mortgage.
48. The virtue of thrift allows you to use resources sustainably rather than waste.
49. A habit of thrift can create financial resilience and freedom if practiced consistently over time.
50. His grandfather's stories of the Great Depression instilled a lifelong appreciation for thrift and saving.
51. The benefits of thrift accrue slowly over time but result in long-term prosperity.
52. His thrift enabled him to retire comfortably despite not earning a high income.
53. Many people today would benefit from practicing a little more thrift and prudence in their spending.
54. She viewed shopping at thrift stores as a game to test her thriftiness and resourcefulness.
55. Poverty arises more for lack of thrift than for lack of means.
56. His lack of thrift meant that he spent lavishly and saved very little of his paycheck.
57. The practical value of the virtues of thrift and self-control cannot be overstated.
58. To achieve financial independence, you must master the virtues of thrift, saving, and wise investment.
59. Thrift helps build wealth brick by brick through savings and wise investments over time.
60. She was thrift personified, always seeking to extract maximum value from limited resources.

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