Toilsome example sentences

Related (17): laborious, arduous, strenuous, burdensome, back-breaking, challenging, tedious, grueling, exhausting, demanding, wearisome, tough, hard, effortful, exacting, tiring, formidable.

"Toilsome" Example Sentences

1. The journey was toilsome, but they finally made it to the mountain top.
2. The work on the construction site was extremely toilsome.
3. The students found the teacher's lectures to be toilsome and boring.
4. The farmer's daily routine was marked with a toilsome routine of plowing and sowing.
5. The writer's toilsome efforts finally paid off when he got his first book published.
6. The hiker's toilsome journey up the steep incline was worth it for the breathtaking view from the top.
7. The marathon runner's toilsome training paid off when he crossed the finish line first.
8. The factory workers toiled away at their machines, performing repetitive and toilsome tasks.
9. The explorer's toilsome trek through the jungle was filled with dangers and obstacles.
10. The painter's toilsome efforts to capture the perfect shade of blue paid off in the end.
11. The sailor's toilsome journey across the vast ocean was fraught with peril.
12. The athlete's toilsome workout left him exhausted but satisfied with his progress.
13. The gardener's toilsome work yielded a bountiful harvest of fruits and vegetables.
14. The construction of the massive skyscraper was a toilsome endeavor that took years to complete.
15. The soldier's toilsome training prepared him for the rigors of battle.
16. The chef's toilsome preparation of the meal resulted in a delicious masterpiece.
17. The miner's toilsome work in the dark, damp mines was hazardous and difficult.
18. The artist's toilsome efforts to capture the perfect sculpture ended in disappointment.
19. The actor's toilsome rehearsal schedule left him exhausted and drained.
20. The farmer's toilsome work in the fields was essential for the survival of his crops.
21. The writer's toilsome search for inspiration finally led to a breakthrough in his writing.
22. The carpenter's toilsome work constructing the custom cabinetry resulted in a beautiful finished product.
23. The scientist's toilsome research yielded groundbreaking discoveries in the field of medicine.
24. The athlete's toilsome workout regimen was rigorous and demanding.
25. The laborer's toilsome work on the construction site was crucial for the completion of the project.
26. The baker's toilsome efforts to perfect the recipe resulted in an award-winning pastry.
27. The musician's toilsome practice sessions paid off in a flawless performance.
28. The farmer's toilsome work raising livestock was a labor of love.
29. The author's toilsome attempts to write the perfect novel resulted in a Pulitzer Prize.
30. The teacher's toilsome lesson plan was challenging for the students, but ultimately rewarding.

Common Phases

1. The toilsome climb up the mountain drained our energy; our muscles ached from the exertion.
2. After a long and toilsome day at work, all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep.
3. The journey across the desert was long and toilsome; we were constantly battling against the heat and sand.
4. The farmer's toilsome labor in the fields paid off with a bountiful harvest; his hard work and dedication were evident.
5. The writer's journey to publication was a toilsome one; she faced numerous rejections and setbacks but never gave up.

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