Tones example sentences

Related (10): pitch, timbre, intonation, modulation, hue, shade, coloration, overtone, inflection, accent

"Tones" Example Sentences

1. Her voice had different tones when she was angry and when she was happy.
2. The orchestra played with beautiful and harmonious tones.
3. His words sounded insincere due to the sarcastic tone he used.
4. The shop owner had a condescending tone when talking to the customers.
5. The actress practiced her lines until she had the perfect tone for each scene.
6. The phone beeped in several different tones to indicate different functions.
7. The speech was inspiring, and the speaker's tone was confident and optimistic.
8. The music had a calming and soothing tone, which helped ease the stress of the listeners.
9. His tone of voice implied that he was annoyed and frustrated with the situation.
10. The poem had a melancholic tone that matched the protagonist's emotions.
11. The politician's tone was aggressive, which led to a heated argument with his opponent.
12. The singer's voice had a rich and resonant tone that mesmerized the audience.
13. The color of the painting created a warm tone, which gave a comforting feeling to the space.
14. The text message was misinterpreted due to the lack of tone in the conversation.
15. The teacher's tone was firm and assertive, which commanded respect from the students.
16. The book had an ominous tone, which made the readers feel uneasy.
17. The customer spoke with a demanding tone, which annoyed the cashier.
18. The rain pattered on the roof, creating a soothing tone that helped the child sleep.
19. The tone of the movie's soundtrack was intense and suspenseful, which added to the dramatic effect.
20. The comedian's tone was sarcastic and witty, which had the audience laughing hysterically.
21. The boss spoke in a reassuring tone, telling the employees not to worry about the upcoming deadline.
22. The children's choir sang in perfect harmony, their tones blending seamlessly together.
23. The fashion show had a vibrant tone, with bright colors and energetic music.
24. The client spoke in a friendly tone, which helped build a good rapport with the consultant.
25. The doctor's tone was authoritative and confident, reassuring the patient about the diagnosis.
26. The sunset had a warm tone, painting the sky with hues of red and orange.
27. The news reporter had a serious tone, delivering the latest headlines with professionalism.
28. The grand piano had a deep and rich tone, which sounded beautiful in the auditorium.
29. The boss's tone was cold and distant, making the employees feel uncomfortable.
30. The actor's tone was dramatic and intense, stirring emotions in the audience.

Common Phases

1. Happy tones: "I'm feeling great; everything is going my way; life is wonderful!"
2. Sad tones: "I'm feeling down; nothing seems to be going right; my heart is heavy."
3. Anger tones: "I'm so frustrated; I can't believe this happened; I'm really angry right now."
4. Excitement tones: "I can't wait; this is going to be amazing; I'm so excited!"
5. Disappointment tones: "I'm really let down; this isn't what I was hoping for; I'm so bummed."
6. Confidence tones: "I know I can do this; I'm feeling really good about it; I'm ready!"

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