Tope example sentences

Related (12): intoxicate, imbibe, binge, guzzle, tipple, quaff, sip, gulp, down, indulge, celebrate, carouse.

"Tope" Example Sentences

1. The fisherman caught a large tope fish from the sea.
2. The apex predator tope sharks patrol the shallow reefs.
3. The tope caught in the nets were thrown back into the water.
4. I saw a large tope swimming near the surface of the bay.
5. The fishermen were after tope and mullet that day.
6. Scientists were studying the migration patterns of tope in the area.
7. Tope are common inhabitants of shallow coastal waters.
8. The young tope were feeding on small baitfish near the surface.
9. The shark researchers were tagging and tracking tope movements.
10. Tope make for good sport fishing along coral reefs and drop-offs.
11. The chef prepared a delicious tope ceviche with lime and chili.
12. Tope have a slim, streamlined body and pointed upper jaws.
13. The larger tope were raiding the smaller commercially caught fish.
14. Tope have large eyeballs for spotting prey and predators.
15. The reef was teeming with small reef fish that the tope hunted.
16. The tope was hooked and fought valiantly on the line for 15 minutes.
17. Tope eat small to medium sized reef fish and squid in tropical waters.
18. They caught smaller tope that were used for shark bait later that day.
19. The resort offered tope fishing trips for tourists and anglers.
20. The guides used live bait to attract the tope to the boat.
21. Tope can weigh up to 200 pounds and be over six feet in length.
22. The tope put up an amazing aerial display before being landed.
23. A school of tope were seen feeding under the drone's camera.
24. Tope are fast swimmers that rely on bursts of speed to catch prey.
25. The tope were ravenous and aggressively attacking the baited lines.
26. The cruising tope followed the boat looking for easy pickings.
27. The resort served grilled tope steak as a lunch special that day.
28. The young tope swim in nursery schools guarded by larger adults.
29. Tope use electroreceptors on their snouts to detect prey.
30. The crew tossed back the undersized tope to save for another time.
31. The tope hunt mostly at night and dawn when prey is most active.
32. The tope were congregating at a cleaning station on the reef.
33. Tope are viviparous, meaning they give birth to live young.
34. His personal best catch was a 175 pound black spotted tope.
35. Tope have two dorsal fins, the first taller and farther back.
36. Visitors were amazed to see a tope breach out of the water.
37. The tope's black back and light belly help it ambush prey.
38. Juvenile tope feed on small coastal fish and squid.
39. The spear fishermen had to watch out for patrolling tope.
40. Tope can undergo long migrations for feeding and breeding.
41. Tope often inhabit reefs, shoals and rocky bottom areas.
42. The divers saw several tope cruising just below the surface.
43. Tope can be found worldwide in warm, temperate waters.
44. Tope have sharp, serrated teeth for catching and tearing prey.
45. The divers cautiously entered the water full of foraging tope.
46. The hunter speared a barracuda only to be chased off by tope.
47. The elderly tope wandered the reef, no longer hunting actively.
48. Adult tope feed mainly on fish and squid of modest proportions.
49. The local fishermen could identify individual tope by their markings.
50. Tope use their powerful tails for bursts of speed when preying on fish.
51. The tope wasn't caught to eat but simply for the thrill of the catch.
52. Tope have few natural predators due to their size and aggressiveness.
53. Snorkelers saw an injured tope shark missing part of its tail fin.
54. Tope have rough, sandpaper-like skin to aid their predatory activities.
55. The scent of blood in the water attracted several hungry tope.
56. Tope mate after aggressive rituals that can leave the males injured.
57. The tope was quickly returned to the water after being measured.
58. Juvenile tope often hunt together in cooperative groups.
59. The tope was sluggish and unresponsive after being caught on the line.
60. The expedition hoped to tag and track several tope sharks on the reef.

Common Phases

• At the tope of one's game - When someone is performing at their very best or highest level of ability.
• Bring/top up to speed - To quickly provide someone with all the relevant details and information to get them up to date.
• Come to a screeching tope - To an immediate or abrupt stop.
• Cop tope - The highest rank or position within a police force.
• Cream tope the crop - The very best or highest quality of something.
• Getting on tope of things - Getting organized and managing responsibilities effectively.
• Keep one's tope on - Remain calm and avoid getting overly angry or upset.
Tope billing - The most prominent or important performer, actor, musician, etc.
Tope brass - The highest ranking military officers.
Tope dog - The leader of a group.
Tope notch - Being of the highest quality.
Tope off - To remove the tope part of something.
Tope of the line - The best or highest quality product.
Tope priority- The most important thing that needs to be done.
Tope secret - Something that is meant to be kept hidden but is actually widely known.
Tope shelf - The best selling line of products.
Tope that off with - To add the final part or element to something.
Tope the world - To be the best or leading in a particular sector.

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