Tyro example sentences

Related (7): beginner, novice, neophyte, rookie, apprentice, fledgling, amateur.

"Tyro" Example Sentences

1. The tyro started learning the basics of the trade.
2. The young tyro was full of ambition and enthusiasm.
3. The seasoned craftsman took the tyro under his wing.
4. The tyro made many mistakes as he began his training.
5. The seasoned actor found amusement in coaching the tyro.
6. The novice tyro struggled to master even the simplest techniques.
7. The master swordsman carefully instructed the tyro.
8. She was just a tyro when she first started working at the company.
9. The sports instructor patiently guided the clumsy tyro.
10. The beginning tyro struggled to produce anything of quality.
11. The tyro tried to mimic the master craftsman's techniques.
12. The tyro's first attempts were clumsy and awkward.
13. The tyro soon learned that there was much still to learn.
14. The tyro made one mistake after another in his inexperience.
15. The gardener showed the tyro how to properly prune the roses.
16. The old master happily shared his knowledge with the eager tyro.
17. As a tyro, I knew very little about the job.
18. The novice tyro had a long way to go before becoming proficient.
19. The inexperienced tyro relied heavily on the teacher's guidance.
20. The seasoned professional enjoyed mentoring promising tyros.
21. The young tyro soak up all the advice he could from the veterans.
22. The tyro's first attempts were crude compared to the master's work.
23. The seasoned writer mentored several aspiring tyros.
24. The tyro began learning the proper use of tools and techniques.
25. The business tyro had much to learn from more experienced colleagues.
26. The tyro quickly realized how little he actually knew.
27. The master craftsman patiently taught the tyro the value of precision.
28. The tyro looked up to the seasoned professional as a role model.
29. The tyro musician practiced scales for hours each day.
30. The professor enjoyed nurturing the intellectual curiosity of eager tyros.
31. Even the simplest task seemed daunting to the inexperienced tyro.
32. The business tyro knew he had to build experience from the ground up.
33. The tyro watched the master closely, eager to learn every technique.
34. The tyro's first attempts were pitiful compared to the master's work.
35. The seasoned veteran enjoyed mentoring promising tyros.
36. The tyro struggled to make even the simplest product.
37. The reporter tyro covered her first major news story.
38. The tyro struggled to imitate the master's effortless style of painting.
39. The old craftsman cherished the chance to guide new tyros.
40. The young tyro's enthusiasm and potential outweighed his lack of experience.
41. The tyro showed promise but still had much to learn.
42. I remember my first days as a business tyro, full of hope and uncertainty.
43. The seasoned teacher mentored dozens of aspiring tyros over the years.
44. The tyro looked to the veteran programmer for advice and guidance.
45. As tyros, we stumble before we learn to walk comfortably in our new roles.
46. The tyro eagerly studied the master's techniques and practices.
47. The tyro's broad intellect and quick wit belied his lack of practical knowledge.
48. The novice tyro made mistakes that seasoned veterans never would.
49. The business tyro had to gain experience the hard way.
50. The gardening tyro relied heavily on books and online guides.
51. The tyro struggled to master even the basics of the craft.
52. The old master took pleasure in nurturing the talents of young tyros.
53. The tyro had much to learn about the practical realities of the job.
54. The tyro picked up bad habits that were difficult to unlearn later.
55. The tyro soaked up whatever scraps of wisdom the master chose to share.
56. The tyro struggled to find her footing in the unfamiliar role.
57. The novice tyro worked enthusiastically but unproductively.
58. The cabbie patiently instructed the tyro on the route.
59. The seasoned surgeon valued the opportunity to mentor aspiring tyros.
60. The tyro struggled under the weight of his own inexperience.

Common Phases

1. The tyro programmer struggled to write the basic code.
2. The tyro investor lost a lot of money in the stock market crash.
3. The tyro cook struggled to make an omelette without breaking any eggs.
4. As a tyro pilot, he made a lot of mistakes during takeoff and landing.
5. As a tyro student, she had much to learn from her more experienced classmates.
6. The agent signed on the tyro actor, seeing potential in his natural charisma.
7. The tyro writer had written dozens of short stories but yearned to produce a novel.
8. The instructor gave extra guidance to the tyro student who was struggling in the class.
9. The tyro dancer stumbled through her first ballet recital but was eager to improve.
10. The tyro surgeon assisted on his first open heart surgery operation.
11. The tyro baseball player practiced every day after school to improve his batting and fielding.
12. As a tyro scholar, he spent hours researching to gain a solid foundation for his studies.
13. The tyro poet shared her first attempts at verse with the writers group for feedback.
14. The tyro athlete excelled at natural talent but lacked proper coaching and technique.
15. The tyro musician practiced her scales and rudiments every day to improve.
16. As a tyro lawyer, he learned a great deal from his seasoned mentor.
17. The tyro artist struggled to accurately capture perspective and dimension in his drawings.
18. The tyro journalist's first articles read more like blog posts than professional writing.
19. As a tyro violinist, she had a lot of work to do on her intonation and bowing.
20. The tyro chess player still struggled with basic opening and endgame strategies.
21. The tyro sailor struggled to tie the basic knots correctly on his first voyage.
22. The tyro student struggled simply to define basic terms in his philosophy class.
23. The tyro golfer had trouble swinging the club with proper timing and form.
24. The tyro entrepreneur lost his life savings before learning basic business principles.
25. The tyro historian lacked objectivity and nuance in his early interpretations of events.
26. The kind instructor guided the tyro through the basics of the exercise.
27. As a tyro skier, he crashed a lot at first but soon got the hang of it.
28. The tyro citizen struggled with basic civic concepts like the three branches of government.
29. The tyro baker's early cakes fell apart due to incorrect measurements and timings.
30. The tyro gymnast practiced cartwheels and handstands constantly to improve.
31. The tyro scientist lacked laboratory experience and proper experimental technique.
32. The tyro volunteer struggled with basic tasks at first but was eager to learn.
33. The tyro football player lacked basic skills such as blocking, tackling and catching passes.
34. The tyro gamer struggled with the most basic controls and gameplay strategies.
35. The tyro debater lacked experience constructing logical arguments supported by evidence.
36. As a tyro musician, she spent hours practicing the simplest melodies and chord progressions.
37. The tyro rider fell off her horse several times before getting the hang of the basics.
38. The tyro mechanic fumbled with even the most basic tools and diagnostic procedures.
39. The tyro linguist struggled with basic vocabulary and grammar in the new language.
40. The tyro photographer struggled to compose interesting shots and use basic camera functions.
41. The tyro yoga student struggled to balance in the most basic poses.
42. The tyro officer struggled to learn the most basic military procedures and courtesies.
43. As a tyro blacksmith, he struggled to light and control the forge fires.
44. The tyro chess player struggled to remember even the most basic opening moves.
45. The tyro doctor lacked clinical experience and struggled with basic procedures.
46. The tyro archer could barely hit the target in practice, let alone split an arrow.
47. As a tyro salesman, he lacked confidence and understanding of basic sales techniques.
48. The tyro monk struggled to maintain silence and an attitude of simplicity.
49. The tyro bartender struggled to remember even the simplest cocktail recipes.
50. The tyro singer had difficulty carrying a tune and remembering basic notes and chords.
51. The tyro dancer forgot the basic steps within minutes of being taught them.
52. The tyro scientist struggled to apply the most basic scientific method to his experiments.
53. The tyro politician lacked understanding of even basic political principles and ideologies.
54. The tyro musician struggled to remember the names of basic musical notes and scales.
55. The tyro nun learned obedience, charity and humility from the more experienced sisters.
56. The tyro sports fan lacked understanding of basic rules and strategies of the game.
57. The tyro debater lacked experience with even the most basic logical fallacies.
58. The tyro philosopher struggled with basic reasoning skills and logical arguments.
59. The tyro activist lacked basic knowledge of standard protest tactics and strategies.
60. The tyro soldier struggled to remember even the most basic military drills and procedures.

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