Unbeliefs example sentences

Related (10): agnosticism, atheism, skepticism, doubt, disbelief, inattention, indifference, confusion, uncertainty, suspicion

"Unbeliefs" Example Sentences

1. His unbeliefs about the supernatural were well-known.
2. She struggled to confront her unbeliefs about her ability to succeed.
3. The scholar dedicated his life to understanding the unbeliefs of ancient civilizations.
4. Many people find comfort in religious beliefs, but he preferred his unbeliefs.
5. The protagonist's unbeliefs were challenged throughout the novel.
6. Despite living in a religious household, he harbored unbeliefs about God.
7. His unbeliefs were often misinterpreted as arrogance.
8. She couldn't shake her unbeliefs about the reliability of online reviews.
9. The philosopher explored the origins of unbeliefs in society.
10. His unbeliefs about the paranormal led to heated debates with his friends.
11. The artist used his unbeliefs as inspiration for his latest work.
12. Her unbeliefs about the justice system made her hesitant to pursue a career in law.
13. The therapist helped her to confront her unbeliefs about her self-worth.
14. He found solace in his unbeliefs during his battle with cancer.
15. Her unbeliefs often caused rifts in her relationships with others.
16. The historian studied the unbeliefs of past civilizations in order to gain a better understanding of their way of life.
17. The politician's unbeliefs on certain issues alienated some of his constituents.
18. His unbeliefs about religion and science put him at odds with his parents.
19. She had to confront her unbeliefs about her own identity in order to move forward in life.
20. The journalist's unbeliefs about the government's motives made her a skeptical reporter.
21. The athlete's unbeliefs about his own abilities fueled his determination to succeed.
22. Despite his unbeliefs about marriage, he proposed to his longtime girlfriend.
23. The scientist's unbeliefs about the existence of extraterrestrial life drew criticism from his peers.
24. Her unbeliefs about the efficacy of traditional medicine led her to explore alternative therapies.
25. The musician's unbeliefs about the music industry motivated him to start his own record label.
26. His unbeliefs about societal norms caused him to live an unconventional lifestyle.
27. The educator explored the role of unbeliefs in shaping students' perspectives.
28. Her unbeliefs about love made it difficult for her to maintain relationships.
29. Despite her unbeliefs about politics, she was actively involved in social justice causes.
30. The writer's unbeliefs about the value of formal education led him to drop out of college.
31. Her unbeliefs about the traditional gender roles in her community made her a trailblazer for women's rights.
32. The chef's unbeliefs about the importance of presentation allowed him to focus solely on taste.
33. The environmentalist's unbeliefs about consumerism led him to live a minimalist lifestyle.
34. His unbeliefs about the significance of social media influenced his decision to quit all platforms.
35. The activist's unbeliefs about capitalism informed her advocacy for alternative economic systems.
36. Her unbeliefs about beauty standards inspired her to challenge them in her artwork.
37. The explorer's unbeliefs about the limitations of human achievement led him to push boundaries.
38. The comedian's unbeliefs about censorship made him a controversial figure in his industry.
39. His unbeliefs about the power of celebrity culture allowed him to live a private life despite fame.
40. The philosopher examined the connection between unbeliefs and personal growth.

Common Phases

1. It's hard to wrap my head around these unbeliefs; they challenge everything I thought I knew.
2. The unbeliefs I hold now are vastly different from those I had just a few years ago.
3. I've come to embrace these unbeliefs as a crucial part of my personal growth and evolution.
4. At first, these unbeliefs seemed radical and unsettling, but now they feel like essential truths.
5. These unbeliefs have forced me to examine my own biases and confront uncomfortable truths about myself and the world.
6. It's difficult to discuss these unbeliefs with others who don't share my perspective, but I try to remain open-minded and keep the conversation respectful.
7. I used to consider certain things sacred and untouchable, but now I embrace the unbeliefs that challenge those beliefs.

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