Unforthcoming example sentences

Related (9): evasive, reluctant, uncooperative, uncommunicative, cagey, tight-lipped, reticent, non-disclosing, secretive.

"Unforthcoming" Example Sentences

1. The suspect remained unforthcoming during the police interrogation.
2. Efforts to obtain information from the government official were met with unresponsiveness and an unwillingness to be forthcoming.
3. My parents were always unforthcoming about details of their past.
4. Despite being questioned repeatedly, the man remained unforthcoming with any useful details.
5. Investigators found the witness to be unforthcoming and evasive during questioning.
6. When asked about the allegations, the spokesperson for the company was largely unforthcoming.
7. The employee was unforthcoming when his manager asked about the missing equipment.
8. The scientist was unforthcoming about the details of her research.
9. Despite my best intentions, I find myself unforthcoming when my coworkers ask personal questions.
10. My roommate has been unforthcoming about her plans for the weekend.
11. The politician was highly unforthcoming in his answers during the debate.
12. My friends have been unforthcoming about when and how they plan to celebrate my birthday.
13. The professor was unforthcoming with guidance on my dissertation topic.
14. My father was always unforthcoming with compliments or words of approval.
15. The woman remained unforthcoming and vague in her answers to all of our questions.
16. My partner's family has been unforthcoming with details of the upcoming wedding celebration.
17. I find myself unforthcoming with personal details when meeting new people.
18. The doctor was unforthcoming about the details and seriousness of my diagnosis.
19. Attempts to pry information from my secretive friend were met with unresponsiveness and an unwillingness to be forthcoming.
20. Negotiations stalled when the opposing team remained largely unforthcoming on key issues.
21. My children find me unforthcoming when they ask about dating and relationships as teenagers.
22. The realtor was largely unforthcoming about issues or problems with the house.
23. When confronted with the evidence, the suspect remained frustratingly unforthcoming.
24. I tend to be unforthcoming with my coworkers about what I do on weekends and evenings.
25. Efforts to obtain detailed information from my in-laws were met with unresponsiveness and an unwillingness to be forthcoming.
26. The young girl remained unforthcoming in her answers to the investigators' questions.
27. The interviewee was unforthcoming when asked about his past employment history.
28. The instructor found the student to be unforthcoming and evasive when asked about missing assignments.
29. My spouse has been unforthcoming about difficulties at work.
30. The friend's unresponsiveness and unwillingness to be forthcoming damaged our relationship.
31. The boys were unforthcoming with details about how they broke the lamp.
32. Attempts to discuss my concerns with my partner were met with unresponsiveness and an unwillingness to be forthcoming.
33. The author remained largely unforthcoming about personal details of her life and creative process.
34. Our daughter has been unforthcoming about her romantic interest, although we suspect there may be a boyfriend.
35. The blogger remained largely unforthcoming about her real name and identity.
36. Business negotiations failed when one side remained unforthcoming on key issues.
37. The coworker was frustratingly unforthcoming in explaining how to perform the new task.
38. The student was unforthcoming about the source of the large sum of money she suddenly possessed.
39. Attempts to discuss my husband's spending habits were met with unresponsiveness and an unwillingness to be forthcoming.
40. The witness remained unforthcoming despite threats from investigators.
41. The researcher remained unforthcoming about the source of funding for her controversial studies.
42. I tend to be unforthcoming about my past to new friends and partners.
43. Attempts to obtain information from my enigmatic neighbors were met with unresponsiveness and an unwillingness to be forthcoming.
44. The journalist was unforthcoming about the identity of her confidential sources.
45. The blogger is largely unforthcoming about details of her personal life.
46. The applicant remained unforthcoming about the gap in her employment history.
47. The employee remained frustratingly unforthcoming about the reason for her frequent absences from work.
48. The student was unforthcoming about why he failed to complete the assigned work.
49. My teenager's schoolmates have been unforthcoming about the source of the rumors.
50. The politician remained unforthcoming about the recipients of his campaign donations.
51. The witness's evasiveness and unwillingness to be forthcoming hampered the investigation.
52. My grandparents have always been unforthcoming about details of their early lives.
53. The interviewer found the job applicant's resume to be unforthcoming about relevant work experience.
54. The classmate was unforthcoming about letting me borrow her notes from the lecture I missed.
55. My supervisor remains unforthcoming when I ask for feedback on my work performance.
56. Negotiations were hampered when one side remained frustratingly unforthcoming on key issues.
57. The defendant's unwillingness to be forthcoming damaged her case in front of the judge and jury.
58. The author remains largely unforthcoming about personal influences on her creative work.
59. The new hire proved to be frustratingly unforthcoming when asked basic questions about her job duties.
60. Attempts to discuss my troubled relationship with my spouse were met with unresponsiveness and an unwillingness to be forthcoming.

Common Phases

1. The suspect was uncooperative and unforthcoming during questioning by the police.
2. The company was unforthcoming about the details of the data breach.
3. She found her husband's behavior suspicious and unforthcoming about his business trip.
4. His parents were very unforthcoming about his childhood health problems.
5. The employee was unforthcoming with details about the money missing from the register.
6. The government was unforthcoming about the recent security breach.
7. The politician was unforthcoming about the allegations against him.
8. Unfortunately, the customer was unforthcoming when asked for more details about the product issue.
9. The suspect remained completely unforthcoming about his alibi and whereabouts on the night of the crime.
10. Our requests for more information have been met with silence and an unforthcoming attitude from the organization.
11. His coworkers have been unforthcoming about why he was passed over for promotion.
12. We found our neighbor very unforthcoming about her plans for the addition to her house.
13. The boyfriend's unforthcoming nature made her skeptical of his true motives.
14. The investor found the business owner's proposal unforthcoming and lacking in details.
15. Despite repeated questioning, the witness remained unforthcoming with any useful information.
16. The boss found his employee's excuse for being late very unforthcoming and unconvincing.
17. The representative was unforthcoming with answers to our many questions.
18. The client was completely unforthcoming with any feedback regarding the proposed changes.
19. We have found the company to be totally unforthcoming with details about the issues with their product.
20. The employee remained unforthcoming about the missing merchandise from the store.
21. Even under intense interrogation, the prisoner was entirely unforthcoming with any information.
22. The politician was unforthcoming about the source of the large donation to his campaign.
23. The police found the eyewitness account to be unforthcoming and of little use in solving the crime.
24. His parents remain unforthcoming about the details of his adoption.
25. The beauty pageant contestant was unforthcoming about past plastic surgery procedures.
26. The suspect's answers were vague and unforthcoming, arousing further suspicion.
27. Despite extensive inquiries, the family remains largely unforthcoming about the mysterious circumstances surrounding their father's death.
28. The board found the CEO's explanation for the financial losses to be unforthcoming and not credible.
29. We found our coworker to be completely unforthcoming about the details of her personal life.
30. The journalist's questions were met with an uncooperative and largely unforthcoming attitude.
31. The witness remained unforthcoming in order to protect the identity of the real perpetrator.
32. The nurse found the patient to be unforthcoming about recent drug use.
33. The manager was unforthcoming with information regarding the recent layoffs.
34. His supervisor found his explanation for the mistakes unconvincing and largely unforthcoming.
35. The author's family remains unforthcoming about certain details regarding his early life.
36. The editor found the writer's first draft to be lacking and unforthcoming with sufficient details and support.
37. Despite a subpoena, the defendant refused to be forthcoming with relevant financial records and remained largely unforthcoming.
38. Unfortunately, the mechanic was unforthcoming about what had caused the recent breakage in our vehicle.
39. The college remained largely unforthcoming about the details of the recent tuition increase.
40. He remained largely unforthcoming about his romantic intentions toward her.
41. The student's teacher found his excuses for not completing homework assignments to be vague and unforthcoming.
42. The reporter found the spokesman's comments to be evasive and largely unforthcoming when it came to factual details.
43. The witness's evasive and unforthcoming nature aroused further suspicion regarding her possible involvement in the crime.
44. The neighbor remained unforthcoming about when he planned to fix the leaking roof.
45. The doctor found the patient to be unforthcoming and evasive during the medical examination.
46. The fan's requests for information regarding the team's new strategy have been met with an uncooperative and unforthcoming attitude.
47. The investigators found the suspect's explanation for his whereabouts at the time of the crime to be unconvincing and largely unforthcoming.
48. We found the store owner to be uncooperative and entirely unforthcoming when we asked about the problem with our purchase.
49. The parents remained unforthcoming about details surrounding their child's illness.
50. The marketing team found the client's requests for changes to the proposals to be confusing and unforthcoming about what they truly wanted.
51. The police questioned the suspect for hours, but he remained largely uncooperative and unforthcoming.
52. Despite numerous requests for clarification, the company has remained largely unforthcoming about details regarding the product defect.
53. He found her excuse for missing their date to be vague and largely unforthcoming.
54. The company remains largely unforthcoming about the extent of damage caused by the data breach.
55. The teachers found the student's excuse for his missing homework to be unconvincing and largely unforthcoming.
56. The potential client's lack of clarity and generally unforthcoming attitude made it difficult to craft an effective proposal.
57. The witness remained unforthcoming due to fear of reprisal.
58. His parents remain largely unforthcoming about details regarding his conception and birth.
59. The curator found the artist's work to be uncooperative and unforthcoming about providing more details regarding its meaning and symbolism.
60. The mechanic was unforthcoming about the reasons for the car's continued stalling issues.

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