Unifying example sentences

Related (18): unity, integration, harmonizing, consolidation, amalgamation, convergence, cohesion, synchronization, alliance, collaboration, cooperation, coordination, connection, merger, fusion, blending, synthesis, uniformalization.

"Unifying" Example Sentences

1. The unifying factor among the diverse group was their shared passion for music.
2. The new CEO's focus on team-building and collaboration aimed to create a unifying workplace culture.
3. The father's death was a unifying experience for the grieving family.
4. The unifying theme throughout the bride's wedding was her love for sunflowers.
5. The artist's unifying style linked all of her paintings together, despite their different subjects.
6. The coach emphasized the importance of a unifying team motto to inspire a collective effort.
7. The unifying message of the political campaign resonated with voters from different backgrounds.
8. The humanitarian effort served as a unifying cause for people from around the world.
9. The unifying principle of the scientific theory was that all matter is made up of atoms.
10. The festival was a celebration of the city's unifying cultural heritage.
11. The unifying goal of the charity organization was to end homelessness in the community.
12. The team's unifying goal was to win the championship, despite facing many challenges.
13. The unifying thread of the novel was the protagonist's journey of self-discovery.
14. The unifying spirit of the concert brought diverse music fans together under one roof.
15. The unifying belief among the participants of the spiritual retreat was the power of positivity.
16. The unifying melody of the choir's performance created a beautiful harmony.
17. The athletic event acted as a unifying force for the school spirit and pride.
18. The unifying factor in the environmental movement was the focus on preserving the planet's natural resources.
19. The unifying icon of the country was its flag, representing its history and identity.
20. The philosophy professor emphasized the importance of a unifying theory in the field of ethics.
21. The melting pot of cultures in the city created a unifying sense of diversity and inclusion.
22. The unifying objective of the corporate strategy was to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
23. The unifying sound of the band's music brought fans of different genres together.
24. The unifying power of love was the theme of the couple's wedding ceremony.
25. The educational program aimed to instill a unifying sense of community and citizenship.
26. The political leader's unifying speech inspired the nation to come together for the greater good.
27. The unifying sentiment of the holiday season was peace and goodwill towards all.
28. The unifying force behind the humanitarian crisis relief was the compassion for the victims.
29. The town's unifying landmark was its historic lighthouse, symbolizing strength and guidance.
30. The unifying theme of the science fiction series was the exploration of the unknown and the infinite possibilities of the universe.

Common Phases

1. Unifying the team's goals and objectives is crucial for success;
2. The project's unifying theme brings all the elements together seamlessly;
3. A shared vision has the power to unify a community;
4. The organization's values serve as a unifying force among employees;
5. We need to find a way to unify our diverse perspectives and come to a consensus.

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