Unkinder example sentences

Related (4): unfairer, harsher, meaner, nastier

"Unkinder" Example Sentences

1. She was always unkind, but today she was even unkinder.
2. I never thought he could be unkind, but he proved me wrong and became unkinder.
3. His unkind words cut deeper than ever, making me feel unkind myself.
4. Although she tried to be kind, her actions were unkind, and only unkinder over time.
5. I wish he had been kinder, but instead, he became unkinder when I needed him the most.
6. Her unkind behavior was a reflection of her unkinder thoughts about others.
7. Even though he regretted his actions, the damage was done, and his apology was only unkinder.
8. The unkind words were like daggers to my heart, and her unkindness was unkinder than ever.
9. Despite her efforts to be kind, her unkindness only grew unkinder as the days went on.
10. His unkindness was unkinder than I thought possible, and it left me feeling devastated.
11. Although she tried to be kind, her tone was unkind, and it only became unkinder over time.
12. I hoped for kindness, but instead, she was unkind, and each day was unkinder than the last.
13. His unkind remarks were an attempt to hide his unkinder thoughts from others.
14. Despite my attempts to be kind, her unkindness only grew unkinder with each passing day.
15. I regretted my unkindness, but his unkind response was even unkinder than I anticipated.
16. Although she meant to be kind, her words came out unkind, and only became unkinder over time.
17. His unkindness was unkinder than I ever expected, and it left me feeling heartbroken.
18. I wanted forgiveness, but instead, his response was unkind, and only unkinder as time went on.
19. Even though she tried to hide it, her unkindness was unkinder than anyone could imagine.
20. Despite her initial kindness, her unkindness became unkinder as she grew more upset.
21. I tried to be forgiving, but his unkindness was unkinder than I could bear.
22. Her unkind words were unkinder than ever, and they left me feeling isolated and alone.
23. Despite his attempts to make amends, his unkindness only grew unkinder over time.
24. Even though she apologized, her unkindness remained, and only became unkinder after that.
25. His unkindness was so unkind, it left me feeling numb and incapable of feeling anything at all.
26. She always meant to be kind, but her unkindness was unkinder than she could ever imagine.
27. Despite my kindness, his unkindness only became unkinder over time, leaving me feeling helpless.
28. Although it started as a small unkindness, it quickly grew unkinder, leaving me feeling hurt and betrayed.
29. I hoped for kindness, but instead, I received unkindness, which only grew unkinder with each interaction.
30. Despite my attempts to forgive, his unkindness remained, and only grew unkinder with each passing day.

Common Phases

1. The world is getting unkinder by the day; people seem to have lost their sense of empathy and compassion.
2. She became unkinder to him as the days went by; the love she once felt for him slowly dissipated.
3. It's a sad reality that some parents are unkinder to their own children than strangers; neglect and abuse are unfortunately all too common.
4. The online world can be an unkinder place than the real world; trolls and cyberbullies hide behind their screens, spewing hate and vitriol.
5. Some people become unkinder when they gain power; the allure of authority can lead to a lack of empathy and cruelty.

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