Unspiritual example sentences
Related (8): material, worldly, profane, nonreligious, secular, atheistic, agnostic, hedonistic
"Unspiritual" Example Sentences
1. Some consider materialism and the pursuit of wealth unspiritual.
2. Many criticisms of popular culture claim it promotes consumerism and an unspiritual lifestyle.
3. The constant focus on bodily pleasures can leave one feeling empty and unspiritual.
4. A life dominated by shopping and acquiring stuff can seem shallow and unspiritual.
5. Those addicted to video games, the internet, and social media often feel dissatisfied and unspiritual.
6. An obsession with fame and celebrity is often criticized as unspiritual and egoistic.
7. Many saw the carnival atmosphere as superficial and unspiritual.
8. Devoting one's life exclusively to work and ambition can leave one feeling unfulfilled and unspiritual.
9. Some scholars regard secular humanism as unspiritual for denying the sacred or transcendent.
10. The atheist found little of spiritual value in religion, which she considered unspiritual.
11. Many criticized the speculators as motivated solely by greed and lacking any higher purpose or spiritual values.
12. Some saw the constant partying as disconnected from any sense of meaning or higher purpose, and therefore unspiritual.
13. Unyielding selfishness, hatred and cruelty are almost universally seen as devoid of spirituality.
14. The monk regarded the woman's fixation on beauty and appearance as unspiritual and distracting from inward cultivation.
15. The philosopher argued that a life dominated by calculation and self-interest is unspiritual and morally impoverished.
16. They criticized the commercialization of the holiday as vulgar, materialistic and unspiritual.
17. Focusing only on worries and problems can feed negativity and leave one feeling unspiritual.
18. Many saw the protest's violence as born from anger and selfishness rather than any higher values, and therefore unspiritual.
19. Some spiritual traditions consider reproductive sexuality to be inferior and unspiritual compared to higher states of consciousness.
20. The priest criticized the cynical attitude as unspiritual and a barrier to faith.
21. The saint saw anger, hatred and malice as base emotions, unworthy of spiritual people.
22. The philosopher argued that baser instincts like greed, vanity and envy are unspiritual and must be transcended.
23. The rabbi criticized gossip and backbiting as petty, uncharitable behaviors unworthy of spiritual people.
24. Some critics saw the Olympic spectacle as unspiritual for glorifying nationalism, commercialism and physical prowess.
25. The monk advised avoiding entertainments that cater only to crude desires, which leave one feeling unspiritual.
26. Some scholars argue that individualism and materialism form the basis of an unspiritual worldview.
27. The lifestyle of the celebrity couple seemed outwardly glamorous but inwardly unspiritual and lacking in meaning.
28. The discipline of fasting cultivates humility and self-control that counteract unspiritual excesses of comfort and consumption.
29. Secular humanists aspire to human wellbeing and moral progress, though many religious people consider this unspiritual.
30. The worship service's excessive focus on emotions left her feeling unfulfilled and cognitively unspiritual.
31. The pursuit of pleasure for its own sake is generally regarded as unspiritual and morally empty.
32. Living for the moment, disconnected from any broader purpose, is widely seen as unspiritual.
33. Some saw the revolutionary violence as stemming from rage and hatred rather than spiritual ideals of justice and compassion.
34. Practices like prayer and meditation aim to cultivate spiritual wisdom and equanimity that counteract unspiritual emotions like anger and desire.
35. The philosopher argued that an overactive imagination focused on oneself and one's desires is unspiritual.
36. Science and rational inquiry are secular and focus on observable phenomena, which some regard as unspiritual.
37. Critics saw the celebrity's lavish lifestyle as evidence of inner emptiness and spiritual bankruptcy rather than true spirituality.
38. Some argue that intoxication through substances like alcohol numb the senses and cloud spiritual awareness, making them unspiritual.
39. The self-help guru appealed to aspirations of greater happiness and fulfillment, though critics dismissed this as unspiritual without a higher purpose.
40. Critics saw the advertising imagery as manipulating base human desires in service of profit, which they considered unethical and unspiritual.
41. The teacher taught that wisdom requires balanced emotion, discrimination and discernment, not unthinking passion that leaves one unspiritual.
42. Some scholars argue that excessive attachment to worldly things breeds desire, anxiety and dissatisfaction, making them unspiritual.
43. The monk advised avoiding entertainments that stir the unspiritual emotions of desire, aversion and fear.
44. Some spiritual traditions consider artistic expression focused on the material world to be unspiritual compared to devotional arts.
45. Spiritual traditions generally regard bodily appetites as instincts to be moderated rather than indulged for gratification, which is seen as unspiritual.
46. The nun saw the man's interest in politics and current affairs as worldly and unspiritual compared to devotion to God.
47. Some religious ideologies consider science and rational analysis unspiritual for focusing on the material rather than spiritual world.
48. Critics saw the orgy as driven by impulses of desire, hedonism and sensation rather than any higher spiritual values, making it unspiritual.
49. People living purely for ego gratification and pleasure are generally considered ethically and spiritually bankrupt, even if outwardly "successful."
50. Literal interpretations of sacred texts that ignore questions of wisdom and compassion are widely seen as unspiritual and dogmatic.
51. Spiritual people aim to cultivate virtues like generosity, patience and kindness that counteract unspiritual tendencies toward selfishness, anger and hatred.
52. Some argue that consumerism and materialism reflect and reinforce an unspiritual worldview that confuses possessions with meaning and purpose.
53. Leaders who prioritize power and status over empathy and stewardship are sometimes criticized as unspiritual.
54. Dogmatic belief systems that encourage conformity, censorship and intolerance are often considered unspiritual and oppressive.
55. Critics saw the fashion show as promoting superficial values of physical appeal and glamor that are unspiritual and ignore inner beauty.
56. Spiritual teachings often describe desire, aversion, and delusion as "fires" that must be extinguished to reach wisdom and compassion—the truly spiritual state.
57. The hedonistic lifestyle of the celebrities exemplified the pursuit of pleasure as its own end, which many consider empty and unspiritual.
58. The guru taught that an uncontrolled mind filled with desires and aversions is unspiritual, while a still mind is most connected to the divine.
59. Some argue that hyper-individualism and narcissism reflect underlying emptiness and disconnection that make modern life feel unspiritual.
60. Leaders who emphasize profit, personal gain and material growth over sustainability, community and universal good are often condemned as unspiritual.
Common Phases
1. His actions seemed very unspiritual and selfish.
2. She accused him of living an unspiritual and materialistic lifestyle.
3. The focus on money and power seems very unspiritual.
4. Their sole focus on profit and greed strikes me as highly unspiritual.
5. His cruel and unkind behavior toward others seemed completely unspiritual.
6. Always seeking pleasure and avoiding suffering appears very unspiritual.
7. An obsession with oneself and one's desires is generally considered unspiritual.
8. His constant anger and negative attitude revealed an unspiritual nature.
9. Jealousy, resentment and hatred are seen as very unspiritual emotions.
10. Leading an unvirtuous life is usually viewed as unspiritual.
11. An excessive attachment to material possessions is often seen as unspiritual.
12. She accused him of living an unethical and unspiritual life.
13. His disregard for others struck her as deeply unspiritual.
14. She warned him that his unhealthy and self-absorbed lifestyle was very unspiritual.
15. His hedonistic and pleasure-seeking ways seemed rather unspiritual to her.
16. His narcissistic and egotistical behavior was perceived as highly unspiritual.
17. The total focus on physical pleasures and pursuits seems very unspiritual.
18. His lack of compassion and empathy appeared deeply unspiritual to her.
19. His shallow and superficial interests seemed markedly unspiritual to her.
20. His indifference to spiritual matters marked him as decidedly unspiritual.
21. His materialism and shallow selfishness struck her as very unspiritual.
22. An unspiritual person tends to focus only on material and worldly pursuits.
23. Unspiritual people often seem shallow, selfish and self-absorbed.
24. She chastised him for his unkind, uncharitable and altogether unspiritual behavior.
25. His greed, envy and desire for material gain seemed grossly unspiritual.
26. An unspiritual person often fails to consider the needs of others.
27. Unspiritual living is usually seen as overly indulgent, pleasure-seeking and self-centered.
28. The dominance of ego, desire and sense pleasures signals an unspiritual nature.
29. His disrespectful and uncaring behavior pointed to his unspiritual and shallow outlook.
30. An unspiritual life fails to nurture one's inner or spiritual qualities.
31. His cruel remarks and cutting words revealed an unspiritual and hardened heart.
32. An unspiritual approach to life often ignores questions of purpose and meaning.
33. An unspiritual person tends to dismiss any notion of transcendence or the divine.
34. An unspiritual life gives free reign to the desires of the ego and lower self.
35. Her cruel and callous disregard for others revealed an unspiritual and cold heart.
36. An unspiritual person's vision rarely extends beyond their own self-interest.
37. An unspiritual attitude dismisses the need for moral discipline and virtue.
38. His unspiritual tendencies led him to make choices that harmed himself and others.
39. The unspiritual direct all their energy towards material and sensual pursuits.
40. An unspiritual life fails to cultivate higher human qualities like love and wisdom.
41. His heavy consumption of alcohol and drugs pointed to his unspiritual lifestyle.
42. Her petty gossiping and backstabbing hinted at her unspiritual and shallow nature.
43. An unspiritual person tends to ignore the wider effects of their thoughts and actions.
44. Excessive attachment to comfort and luxury indicates an unspiritual attitude.
45. An unspiritual life focuses solely on pleasure and avoiding pain.
46. An unspiritual person lacks depth, insight and self-knowledge.
47. An unspiritual lifestyle promotes self-indulgence over self-mastery.
48. An unhealthy obsession with power and status reveals an unspiritual nature.
49. Her lack of self-control and discipline revealed an unspiritual and immature personality.
50. His harsh judgment of others hinted at his own unspiritual and limited vision.
51. Harshness, meanness and confrontation usually signal an unspiritual disposition.
52. An unspiritual person typically fails to practice virtue, generosity or self restraint.
53. Unspiritual pursuits often lead one further away from truth, beauty and goodness.
54. An unspiritual attitude encourages egotism, discord and suffering in the world.
55. An unspiritual life focuses too narrowly on the material world.
56. An unspiritual person typically disregards the welfare of others.
57. Unspiritual values promote selfishness, greed and narrow self-interest.
58. A preoccupation with status, image and power signals an unspiritual nature.
59. An unspiritual life wastes one's human potential and higher purpose.
60. An unspiritual attitude ignores the need for inner reflection and transformation.
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