Wannabees example sentences

Related (9): aspirants, imitators, followers, copycats, posers, emulators, disciples, admirers, acolytes

"Wannabees" Example Sentences

1. The dance competition was full of wannabees trying to be the next big thing.
2. These influencers are nothing but wannabees who copy each other's content.
3. He thinks he's a rockstar, but he's just a wannabee with a guitar.
4. The audition room was full of wannabee actors trying to land the lead role.
5. She may dress like a celebrity, but she's just a wannabee fashionista.
6. The sports bar was packed with wannabe athletes arguing over who was the best.
7. The reality TV show was filled with wannabee stars fighting for their 15 minutes of fame.
8. He was always surrounded by wannabe musicians eager to learn from him.
9. The beauty pageant was dominated by wannabee models who failed to impress the judges.
10. He was just a wannabee entrepreneur who had no business acumen.
11. The martial arts studio was filled with wannabee fighters trying to show off their skills.
12. The comedy club was full of wannabee comedians trying to make it big.
13. She was just a wannabee socialite trying to gain entry into high society.
14. The seminar was filled with wannabe motivational speakers trying to inspire others.
15. The nightclub was overrun by wannabee party animals drinking and dancing all night.
16. He may have the looks, but he's just a wannabee model who has never worked a catwalk.
17. The talent show was full of wannabe singers who couldn't hit a single note.
18. The writers' workshop was packed with wannabe authors trying to get published.
19. She may have thousands of followers on social media, but she's just a wannabee influencer.
20. The open mic night was dominated by wannabe poets reciting their amateur verses.
21. The talent agency was flooded with wannabe actors seeking representation.
22. The entrepreneur conference was full of wannabe startup founders pitching their ideas.
23. He may have been dressed like a cowboy, but he was just a wannabee rancher.
24. The gaming convention was filled with wannabe gamers trying to beat the high score.
25. The hackathon was full of wannabe programmers trying to create the next big app.
26. She may have a fancy degree, but she's just a wannabee scientist without any real research experience.
27. The modeling agency was overrun by wannabe models desperate for a chance to walk the runway.
28. The improv class was packed with wannabe comedians trying to improve their skills.
29. He was just a wannabee DJ with a playlist that lacked any real originality.
30. The cooking competition was full of wannabe chefs trying to impress the judges with their culinary skills.

Common Phases

1. "They're just a bunch of wannabes; they don't have any real talent."
2. "All these wannabes try so hard to fit in, it's embarrassing."
3. "I can't stand these wannabe influencers; they're so fake."
4. "These wannabe rockstars need to realize they're never going to make it."
5. "The dance floor is full of wannabe hip-hop dancers; they're all copying each other."
6. "Most of these wannabe athletes don't even train properly, they just want the fame and glory."
7. "I'm tired of these wannabe intellectuals trying to sound smart; they're just parroting what they read online."
8. "All the wannabe fashionistas are wearing the same thing; there's no originality anymore."
9. "It's sad to see all these wannabe musicians performing for free; they should know their worth."
10. "These wannabe celebrities will do anything for attention; it's pathetic."

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