Wethers example sentences

Related (9): sheep, castration, meat, wool, neutered, males, flock, breeding, livestock.

"Wethers" Example Sentences

1. The farmer had a large herd of wethers grazing in the field.
2. The wethers were all sheared before being taken to the market.
3. The wool from the wethers was used to make warm blankets.
4. The group of wethers were contently bleating in the meadow.
5. The wethers' meat was highly sought after by local restaurants.
6. The wethers were separated from the ewes and lambs during mating season.
7. The shepherd counted the number of wethers in the flock before moving them to a new pasture.
8. The wethers were fed a special diet to ensure high-quality meat.
9. The wethers were sold by the pound at the livestock auction.
10. The wethers were being led to the slaughterhouse.
11. The farmer noticed that the wethers were beginning to grow their winter coats.
12. The wethers were sheared by a professional shearer using electric clippers.
13. The shepherd trained the wethers to follow his commands using a sheepdog.
14. The farmers were discussing the benefits of raising wethers compared to other livestock.
15. The wethers' wool was naturally resistant to water and kept them warm during winter.
16. The wethers were all black with white spots on their noses.
17. The wethers were all gathered together for a group photo.
18. The wethers' behavior changed when the sheepdog joined the flock.
19. The wethers were enjoying the fresh grass and sunshine in the pasture.
20. The farmer noticed that one of the wethers had a limp and called the vet for assistance.
21. The wethers' bleating could be heard from far away during feeding time.
22. The wethers' wool was incredibly soft, making it ideal for clothing.
23. The wethers were raised solely for their wool and not for meat.
24. The wethers were moved to a new location every few days to prevent overgrazing.
25. The flock of wethers was herded through the streets during a local parade.
26. The wethers' wool was dyed a variety of colors before being spun into yarn.
27. The wethers were hesitant to cross the new bridge the farmer built over the creek.
28. The wethers were all vaccinated against common sheep diseases.
29. The wethers were skittish around new people but warmed up quickly with time.
30. The wethers' horns were all removed shortly after birth to prevent injury to themselves or other animals.

Common Phases

you mean that I should provide a list of phrases or sentences that contain the word "wethers" separated by semicolons?
Sure, here are some examples:
- The farmer had a herd of wethers; he tended to them every day.
- As the rain poured down, the wethers in the field huddled together for warmth; their wooly coats kept them dry.
- Despite their hardy nature, the wethers were susceptible to parasites; the farmer had to keep a close eye on their health.
- The wethers grazed peacefully in the meadow; the sun beat down on their backs.
- At the market, the price of wethers fluctuated wildly; the farmer had to make careful calculations to ensure a fair profit.

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