Wheedlings example sentences

Related (4): persuasion, cajolery, flattery, coaxing

"Wheedlings" Example Sentences

1. Her wheedlings were unsuccessful in convincing him to buy her the expensive dress.
2. He used all his wheedlings to persuade his boss to give him the day off.
3. With her charming wheedlings, she convinced the banker to approve her loan.
4. The child's wheedlings were finally rewarded with ice cream.
5. He resented her wheedlings and refused to give in.
6. Her wheedlings only served to annoy him further.
7. Despite her wheedlings, he refused to lend her any money.
8. Her wheedlings caused him to question her sincerity.
9. He recognized her wheedlings as an attempt to manipulate him.
10. She employed all her wheedlings to convince her parents to let her go on the trip.
11. Her wheedlings only succeeded in making him more skeptical.
12. He found her wheedlings to be insincere and disingenuous.
13. Despite her best wheedlings, he refused to change his mind.
14. He felt guilty for giving into her wheedlings so easily.
15. His wheedlings were successful in convincing her to come to the party.
16. She used her wheedlings to get her favorite dish at the restaurant.
17. His constant wheedlings were starting to wear on her patience.
18. Despite his incessant wheedlings, she refused to lend him money.
19. Her wheedlings made him feel uncomfortable and manipulated.
20. His wheedlings were met with a stern refusal from his wife.
21. She regretted giving into his wheedlings and buying him the expensive gift.
22. His wheedlings made it clear that he was not to be trusted.
23. She found his wheedlings to be grating and insincere.
24. Despite her best wheedlings, he remained unmoved.
25. His wheedlings were filled with false promises and empty gestures.
26. She used her wheedlings to avoid doing her chores.
27. His wheedlings were met with a resounding no from his parents.
28. Despite his constant wheedlings, she refused to go on a date with him.
29. His wheedlings led her to believe that he was not who he claimed to be.
30. She regretted giving in to his wheedlings and letting him borrow her car.

Common Phases

1. She resorted to wheedlings to convince her parents to let her go on the trip; first, she promised to call daily, and then she begged them to reconsider.
2. His wheedlings were ineffective in getting his boss to give him a promotion; he tried flattery, then bargaining, and finally begging, but it all fell on deaf ears.
3. The toddler used his wheedlings to get his mom to buy him candy at the grocery store; he first asked politely, then cried, and finally threw a tantrum until she gave in.
4. The salesperson's wheedlings were successful in getting the customer to make a purchase; she used charm, persuasion, and convincing arguments to seal the deal.
5. The politician employed his wheedlings to win over the undecided voters; he made promises, painted a rosy picture of the future, and played on their hopes and fears to gain their support.

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