Wilted example sentences

Related (10): droopy, withered, limp, faded, flaccid, languishing, declining, decaying, deteriorating, shriveled

"Wilted" Example Sentences

1. The flowers were wilted after being left out all night.
2. The lettuce heads had wilted in the heat of the summer sun.
3. By the end of the day, her energy and spirits had wilted from exhaustion.
4. The leaves on the plant had wilted and turned brown.
5. I spread the wilted lettuce leaves out on a paper towel to dry them off.
6. His hopes and dreams had wilted after years of disappointment.
7. Her once joyful personality had wilted under the strain of constant criticism.
8. The wilted roses lay forgotten on the kitchen counter.
9. The plant's leaves had completely wilted and turned brown.
10. The salad consisted of wilted lettuce and slices of tomato.
11. The energetic child wilted under the unforgiving summer sun.
12. Her spirits wilted at the thought of another gloomy day.
13. The elderly woman's posture had wilted over the years.
14. The flowery decorations had wilted significantly by the end of the party.
15. My enthusiasm for the project had wilted after weeks of disappointments.
16. The rose bushes had wilted since they had not been watered in several days.
17. The wilted salad greens went straight into the compost pile.
18. The excitement had wilted out of her eyes.
19. The sun-deprived flowers wilted almost immediately.
20. Her resolve wilted under the pressure of his criticism.
21. I tried to revive the wilted mushrooms with a spritz of water.
22. The leftovers were wilted and soggy after being stored for too long.
23. Her once vibrant personality had wilted and faded over the years.
24. The neglected hydrangea's flowers had wilted and turned brown.
25. The curlers fell limp from her wilted hair.
26. Their morale had wilted under the strain of endless delays.
27. The autumn leaves were already wilted and turning yellow.
28. The team's spirit had wilted after so many losses in a row.
29. The relationship had wilted due to a lack of care and nurturing.
30. The wilted floral arrangements were replaced with fresh ones.
31. The unpicked produce had wilted on the vine.
32. The plans and fantasies he once had had wilted and faded away.
33. I removed the wilted organic matter from the garden bed.
34. The party guests' enthusiasm had wilted as the party dragged on.
35. My confidence wilted under his harsh criticism.
36. The wilted asparagus was placed aside for composting.
37. Her hopes had wilted after years of disappointment.
38. The neglected houseplants were all wilted and drooping.
39. The wilted lettuce leaves were thrown out.
40. The daffodils had wilted and browned after the cold snap.
41. The tulips' bright petals had wilted in the vase.
42. I rubbed the wilted herbs between my fingers to release their fragrance.
43. Her plans for a picnic were ruined when she found the salad ingredients wilted.
44. The wilted greens were tossed into the compost heap.
45. The wilted cilantro had lost its fresh, minty flavor.
46. He disposed of the wilted flowers.
47. Her self-confidence had wilted under years of neglect.
48. The wilted leaves were brown and ragged around the edges.
49. The shelves were stocked with wilted produce and moldy fruit.
50. The job opportunities had wilted due to the economic downturn.
51. The wilted vegetable patch yielded very little produce that autumn.
52. The plants wilted in the corner where they received no sunlight.
53. The wilted lettuce leaves were thrown into the compost bin.
54. Her joie de vivre had wilted under his constant negativity.
55. The wilted celery sticks had lost their crunch.
56. His optimism had wilted under years of struggle and hardship.
57. The wilted plants were disposed of and replaced with fresh ones.
58. The wilted basil had nearly no flavor or fragrance left.
59. The once happy marriage had wilted due to lack of communication.
60. Her hopes and dreams had wilted, never to recover.

Common Phases

1. Wilted flower - A flower that has started to wilt and lose its freshness.
2. Wilted leaves - Leaves that have started to wilt and droop due to lack of water.
3. Wilted lettuce - Lettuce leaves or heads that have started to wilt and lose their crispness.
4. Wilted plant- A plant whose leaves have started to droop and wilt due to lack of water.
5. Wilted leaves - Leaves that have started to lose their turgor pressure and droop from lack of water.
6. Wilted bouquet - A bunch of flowers that have started to wilt and lose freshness.
7. Wilted petals - Flower petals that have started to brown and wilt due to age or lack of water.
8. Wilted bunch - A group or cluster of things that have started to wilt, droop, or fade.
9. Wilted salad - Salad greens and ingredients that have started to wilt and lose crispness.
10. Wilted herb - An herb like basil or parsley whose leaves have started to wilt and lose freshness.
11. Wilted blooms - Flowers that have started to wilt, fade, and brown due to age.
12. Wilted foliage - Plant leaves that have started to wilt and droop due to insufficient water.
13. Wilted fronds - The fronds or feathery leaves of a plant like a fern that have started to wilt.
14. Wilted vegetables - Vegetables like spinach, celery, or carrots that have begun to wilt and deteriorate.
15. Wilted stem - The stem of a plant that is wilted and drooping due to lack of water.
16. Wilted spirit - A low or depressed spirit, as if wilted like a plant.

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