Wiry example sentences

Related (9): lean, sinewy, agile, tough, resilient, strong, flexible, athletic, lithe.

"Wiry" Example Sentences

1. The wiry cat jumped over the wall.
2. The gymnast had a wiry and muscular physique.
3. The wiry old man moved deftly for his age.
4. She stroked the wiry fur of the terrier.
5. The wiry hair on his arms stood on end.
6. The raccoon dog had thick wiry fur.
7. The wiry beard covered his jawline.
8. The wiry hairs of the paintbrush tickled my skin.
9. The wiry roots of the plant gripped the soil.
10. He had a wiry frame and lean muscles.
11. The wiry limbs of the young trees bent in the wind.
12. The rabbit hid among the thick wiry grass.
13. The wiry vines climbed up the walls.
14. The painter had a wiry moustache.
15. His wiry red hair was tied back in a ponytail.
16. The wiry stems pricked my fingers.
17. The wiry tension of the rope worried me.
18. The wiry hair on his chest was greying.
19. The wiry morning glory tendrils curled around the trellis.
20. The wiry string threaded through the basket weave.
21. The prisoner's wiry arms strained against the chains.
22. The wiry texture of the bread reminded me of home.
23. He had thick wiry hair on his knuckles.
24. The horse had an arched wiry mane.
25. The wiry stubble prickled her face.
26. The wiry hedges lined the garden path.
27. The little dog had a wiry black coat.
28. The wiry fences kept the cattle confined.
29. The dried weeds had wiry yellow stems.
30. His wiry ginger beard was neatly trimmed.
31. The wiry black hairs bristled on his chest and arms.
32. The dog had wiry brown fur matted with dirt.
33. The goat had wiry yellow-grey hair.
34. The wiry stalks crackled underfoot.
35. The wiry grey hair stuck up in all directions.
36. The wiry broom bristles tickled her.
37. The wiry grass sprang up between the cobblestones.
38. The wiry briars snagged my clothes.
39. The long wiry grass spread across the field.
40. The wiry boar's hair brush scratched my scalp.
41. The wiry rope dug into his hands.
42. He had thick wiry eyebrows that met in the middle.
43. The wiry lambs scrambled around their mother's legs.
44. The guard dog had wiry black fur and pointed ears.
45. The wiry bushes lined the path.
46. The wiry tendrils of the ivy climbed the walls.
47. The wiry old man's beard came down to his waist.
48. The wiry horse nervously stood in its stall.
49. The old tool had a wiry wooden handle.
50. The wiry hairs sprouted up between his knuckles.
51. The wiry dog dashed across the field.
52. He had a wiry frame and piercing blue eyes.
53. The wiry coils of the rope lay in a tangle.
54. The wiry sheep grazed on the hillside.
55. The wiry puppy scampered around my feet.
56. The wiry strands of hay stuck out of my jumper.
57. The wiry branches scraped against the walls.
58. The wiry old woman bent over the brambles.
59. The wiry young lad towered over his mother.
60. The wiry plant stalks snapped under my feet.

Common Phases

wiry frame - He had a wiry frame from his days as a runner.
wiry hair - She had wiry grey hair that stuck up in all directions.
wiry beard - The old man had a long wiry beard covering most of his chest.
wiry limbs - The monkey's wiry limbs allowed it to climb the tall trees easily.
wiry physique - Gymnasts often have a wiry and muscular physique.
wiry build - The boxer had a wiry build that helped him stay agile in the ring.
wiry arms - The farmer's wiry arms were corded with muscles from years of labor.
wiry hands - The blacksmith had powerful wiry hands that could grip the tongs tightly.
wiry growth - The wiry growth of weeds sprang up through the cracks in the pavement.
wiry tendrils - The slender wiry tendrils of the vine crept up the garden fence.
wiry texture - The bread had a chewy wiry texture that reminded me of home.
wiry fur - The fox had a thick wiry fur coat that helped keep it warm in the winter.
wiry grass - The long wiry grass of the meadow swayed in the wind.

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