"Wit" Example Sentences
1. He responded with a witty remark.
2. The comedian had the audience rolling with laughter at his sharp wit.
3. Her ready wit charmed everyone she met.
4. His wit and cleverness made him popular in society.
5. She matched his wit with her own quick repartee.
6. He replied with a witticism.
7. His wits deserted him when he saw her.
8. The brave knight fought with wit and skill.
9. Her quick wit helped her escape many difficult situations.
10. Their conversation was full of good-natured wit and humor.
11. The Shakespearean heroine is celebrated for her wit and wisdom.
12. She made a witty comeback to his insult.
13. His wits left him with stage fright.
14. Her ready wit and intelligence impressed everyone.
15. I laughed at his witty joke.
16. They traded barbs of wit and sarcasm.
17. Her quick wit charmed the crowd.
18. Her biting wit amused her friends.
19. Her comeback lacked wit.
20. Their exchange lacked wit.
21. The comedian relied on crude wit rather than clever humor.
22. His witty remark fell flat.
23. His mind was sharp as a tack but lacked wit.
24. They played word games to sharpen their wit.
25. He lacked the wit to see the joke.
26. Her sharp wit was sorely missed.
27. Her words dripped with sarcasm and biting wit.
28. His dry wit earned him a reputation.
29. Her wit and charm were legendary.
30. She responded with biting wit.
31. Her ready wit won her many admirers.
32. They matched wits with wordplay and puns.
33. His caustic wit made enemies easily.
34. His wit was dry rather than biting.
35. Our discussion lacked the usual wit and cleverness.
36. I responded with my usual lame wit.
37. Her jibe lacked any wit.
38. Their puns lacked wit.
39. The young boy's attempt at wit fell short.
40. His ready wit charmed everyone.
41. The characters pit their wits against each other.
42. Their wits were no match for hers.
43. His attempt at wit was pathetic.
44. Her witty comebacks made her popular.
45. His razor-sharp wit cut through sarcasm and irony.
46. Their banter was full of wit and clever repartee.
47. Her wit shone through her clever turn of phrase.
48. The contestants match their wits in the quiz show.
49. The rapidly-fired witticisms marked their exchange.
50. Her humour lacked any real wit.
51. Their wordplay allowed wit to shine through.
52. His wits failed to match hers.
53. Wit and sarcasm are poor substitutes for real intellect.
54. They sharpened their wits through debate and discussion.
55. His witty jokes never failed to get a laugh.
56. Her sharp tongue hid a less-than-sharp wit.
57. His witty remarks were better received than his wise advice.
58. Her sharp wit could cut like a knife.
59. The match of wits was witty and well-played.
60. Her acerbic wit could be cruel.
Common Phases
With all due respect - in a polite but firm manner
2. Keep your
wits about you - remain alert and aware of what's happening
Wit and wisdom - cleverness and knowledge
4. Sharp
wit - a quick and clever mind
5. Sharp-
witted - clever and quick to understand
6. Dry
wit -
wit that uses understatement instead of obvious humor
7. Match
wits - to pit one's cleverness against another in an intellectual challenge
8. Pit one's
wits - attempt to solve a problem using one's intellect and reasoning
Witty repartee - a swift and clever exchange of remarks
10. Comeback
wit - respond to an insult or remark in a clever, funny way
11. Cynical
wit -
wit that expresses contempt for human motives
12. Caustic
wit - sharply sarcastic and cutting humor
Witticism - a sharply humorous or
witty remark
14. Biting
wit - sharply cutting or sarcastic
wit that can hurt feelings
Wit and humor - the ability to amuse someone through clever language
16. Ready
wit - the ability to make quick,
witty remarks effortlessly
17. Quick
wit - the ability to think quickly and cleverly
18. Fail one's
wits - to lose one's ability to think quickly or cleverly