Workout example sentences

Related (19): exercise, gym, fitness, training, sweat, routine, reps, cardio, endurance, strength, weights, stamina, stretches, squats, lunges, push-ups, sit-ups, yoga, Pilates.

"Workout" Example Sentences

1. I went to the gym for a good workout.
2. After the long run, my legs were sore from the intense workout.
3. He enjoys lifting weights and doing other strength training as part of his workout routine.
4. I'm looking forward to an intense sweaty workout after taking a few days off from the gym.
5. My daily workout consists of cardio, strength training, and some stretching.
6. She started her workout with some foam rolling to loosen up tight muscles.
7. The personal trainer developed a specialized workout plan for her client.
8. The trainer led the workout class through a series of lunges, squats and push-ups.
9. My weekly workout schedule includes 3 cardio days, 2 strength training days and 2 rest days.
10. I like to do an arm and ab workout on Mondays and Thursdays.
11. Today's workout focused on lower body exercises with squats, lunges and leg presses.
12. The outdoor bootcamp workout challenged participants with an obstacle course.
13. High intensity interval training is an effective time-efficient workout.
14. I do as many reps as I can during each exercise in my circuit training workout.
15. The intricate yoga workout emphasized intricate poses and deep stretching.
16. After my workout, I like to refuel with a protein shake.
17. My workout playlist pumps me up and keeps me motivated during cardio.
18. Taking a pre-workout supplement helped energize me for the intense workout.
19. Eating a substantial snack before a tough workout can provide needed energy.
20. I stretch thoroughly after every workout to improve flexibility.
21. A long, sweaty workout left me feeling refreshed and destressed.
22. My coworker and I motivate each other by alternating workout buddies.
23. I can feel my workout progress as I'm able to lift heavier weights each week.
24. I aim for daily workouts but try not to be too hard on myself for rest days.
25. Over time, the difficult workout got easier and my endurance improved.
26. I track my workout progress and stats using a fitness app.
27. The athletic trainer developed a rehab workout plan for her injured client.
28. The intense boxing-inspired workout left participants drenched in sweat.
29. The coach watched players carefully during their workout drills and practices.
30. A meditation or yoga workout helps promote inner peace and calm energy.
31. An outdoor workout in fresh air and nature energizes mind and body.
32. Going for a long walk is a relaxing yet effective workout.
33. The gym offers many types of group workout classes for members.
34. My workout motivation comes from wanting to feel healthier and more energetic.
35. The fitness instructor carefully explained how to correctly perform each workout move.
36. Wearing comfortable workout clothes enables maximum movement during exercise.
37. Staying properly hydrated during and after a workout is essential.
38. Working out first thing in the morning provides energy for the whole day.
39. Proper diet and nutrition complement a good workout routine.
40. Warming up and cooling down are important parts of any complete workout.
41. The personal trainer designed a customized beginner workout for their new client.
42. Achieving a runner's high feeling during a lengthy jog is the reward after a solid workout.
43. Exercising with a partner can be motivational and make workouts more enjoyable.
44. I like how a good workout releases feel-good endorphins in my brain.
45. A tough workout left pleasant muscle soreness the next day.
46. Plyometric and jump rope workouts improve cardio fitness and agility.
47. Strength training workouts are essential for building and maintaining muscle.
48. Weightlifting workouts improve bone density and lower risk of osteoporosis.
49. An aquatic or pool workout provides low impact exercise while toning muscles.
50. A balanced total body workout involves all major muscle groups.
51. Listening to an audiobook or podcast can make a monotonous workout pass more quickly.
52. Gym members often socialize during their workout or at the water fountain.
53. The physical therapist designed a post-surgery workout plan for her patient.
54. The swimmer's intensive workout schedule in preparation for the big race.
55. The trainer pushed her client with an intense and impressive burpee workout.
56. Slow and controlled reps are more effective than rapid pumping motions during weightlifting workouts.
57. Exercise bikes, elliptical machines and treadmills offer effective cardio workouts.
58. Using smaller weights with higher reps can amp up the challenge of a bicep curl workout.
59. Dumbbells, barbells and weight machines are common tools used during strength training workouts.
60. Proper form and technique are emphasized during every successful workout.

Common Phases

1. Sweat it out - Referring to releasing stress and tension through an intense workout.
2. Pump (some) iron - Lift weights as part of a strength training workout.
3. Push through the burn - Continue exercising even through muscle fatigue and soreness.
4. Work up a sweat - Become sweaty from physical exertion during a workout.
5. Work those (a particular muscle group) - Focus exercises on toning and strengthening a specific area.
6. Hit the gym - Go to the fitness center to exercise and workout.
7. Get (your) blood pumping - Become energized and active through exercise.
8. Cardio workout - An aerobic exercise routine focusing on the cardiovascular system.
9. Strength training workout - Lifting weights or using resistance to build muscle mass.
10. Total body workout - An exercise routine engaging all major muscle groups.
11. Strength and cardio - A combination of weightlifting and aerobic exercise in one workout.
12. Cool down/warm up - Beginnings and endings of a workout focused on stretching and easing into or out of exertion.
13. High intensity interval training - Or HIIT- Short bursts of high intensity exercise alternated with periods of rest.
14. Circuit training - Performing one exercise right after another with little rest in between "circuits."
15. Workout plan/routine - A scheduled and structured series of workouts for a particular goal.
16. Hit the showers - Finish working out and go shower or bathe.
17. Work those glutes - Perform exercises specifically targeting the buttocks muscles.
18. Work up an appetite - Become hungry as a result of physical exertion during a workout.
19. Feel the burn - Experience muscle fatigue and soreness during or after exercise.
20. Pump (someone) up - Motivate or energize someone in preparation for exercise or a performance.

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