Xmas example sentences

Related (14): Christmas, Yuletide, Noel, presents, tree, carols, decorations, snow, mistletoe, eggnog, gingerbread, nativity, reindeer, sleigh

"Xmas" Example Sentences

1. We wish you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!
2. I can't wait for the holiday season and all the festivities of Xmas.
3. My family has many traditions that we observe during the Xmas season.
4. My kids start asking me about Santa Claus and Xmas gifts in November.
5. We decorate our tree and house for Xmas in early December.
6. I enjoy buying Xmas gifts for friends and family.
7. My favorite part of Xmas is waking up to the glow of the tree and the joy of opening presents.
8. During the Xmas holidays, we like to have friends and family over for meals and celebrating together.
9. We listen to Xmas music constantly from the day after Thanksgiving until New Year's Day.
10. My mom always makes her famous Christmas cookies for us around Xmas time.
11. Xmas morning is always filled with excitement as the kids open their gifts.
12. My siblings and I look forward to our tradition of eating Chinese food for lunch on Xmas day.
13. We try to attend church services on Christmas Eve during the Xmas season.
14. My kids love telling Santa Claus what they want for Xmas during visits to the mall.
15. My extended family comes together for our annual Xmas Eve feast.
16. We have a big Xmas dinner on December 25th with all the traditional fixings.
17. I volunteer my time serving meals during Xmas to help those in need.
18. Traveling during the Xmas season can be hectic and crowded.
19. Shopping for last minute Xmas gifts is usually very stressful.
20. We open our gifts from relatives and close friends on Xmas morning.
21. The Xmas season always makes me nostalgic for childhood holidays with my extended family.
22. I always send out Xmas cards to friends and family during the holiday season.
23. Xmas vacation from work and school is always a welcome break.
24. Xmas lights and decorations always put me in a festive mood.
25. There is nothing like a fresh blanket of snow on the ground to really get you into the Xmas spirit.
26. Visiting Santa Claus at the mall is a treasured Xmas tradition for little kids.
27. Charitable giving often increases dramatically during the Xmas season.
28. The smell of evergreens and baking cookies fills the house during Xmas time.
29. Office Xmas parties can be a lot of fun or messy depending on your coworkers.
30. My kids leave milk and cookies out for Santa Claus on Xmas Eve.
31. Spending time with family is always my favorite part of the Xmas season.
32. The hustle and bustle of shopping during the Xmas rush can be overwhelming.
33. We send out our Xmas cards earlier each year it seems.
34. My family has Xmas traditions that span generations and bring us all together.
35. I buy most of my gifts during Black Friday sales and Cyber Monday deals before Xmas.
36. Decorating the Xmas tree is one of my favorite holiday traditions.
37. My kids make Xmas list for Santa that get longer every year.
38. Xmas morning with little kids is filled with so much joy and excitement.
39. The true meaning of Xmas has slowly been lost amid consumerism.
40. There's just something magical about the Xmas season.
41. Xmas Eve services focusing on the true meaning of the holiday season are very meaningful.
42. My kids still believe wholeheartedly in Santa Claus during the Xmas season.
43. Xmas truly is the most wonderful time of the year.
44. I try to help those in need even more during the Xmas season.
45. My family always has a festive Xmas dinner with roast turkey and ham.
46. Xmas vacation allows time to relax, reflect, and reconnect with loved ones.
47. Charities everywhere do their largest fundraising during the Xmas season.
48. I love baking Xmas cookies and bars to share with friends and neighbors.
49. We start planning our annual Xmas trip in the summer months.
50. The entire city seems to glow and come alive during the Xmas season.
51. Local food pantries often need volunteers and donations most during Xmas.
52. I start planning and making my Xmas cards in October and November.
53. I enjoy watching classic Xmas movies on television during the holidays.
54. My extended family tries to gather for a big Xmas celebration every year.
55. Office parties during the Xmas season can be the highlight of the year.
56. We stress less and connect with each other more deeply during the Xmas season.
57. Charitable giving often spikes dramatically during the Xmas season.
58. The joy, peace, and hope of the Xmas season is desperately needed today.
59. There's something magical about Frosty the Snowman coming to life during Xmas.
60. May the spirit of Xmas be with you all year long.

Common Phases

1. I can't wait for xmas break to start next week.
2. The stores have been playing xmas music nonstop for the last month.
3. My family does the big xmas dinner with all the trimmings on xmas eve.
4. Have a happy xmas and a prosperous new year.
5. I got her a really nice necklace for xmas.
6. We decorated the xmas tree last weekend.
7. The kids are already asking when they can open their xmas presents.
8. We're having all the extended family over for xmas day.
9. I'm dreaming of a white xmas this year.
10. Those are some really pretty xmas lights on your house.
11. I mailed out all the xmas cards last week.
12. Starting in November, the malls are always packed for xmas shopping.
13. The kids can't wait to see what Santa brings them for xmas.
14. The festive xmas season always puts me in a good mood.
15. The cookies and cakes are starting to pile up for xmas baking.
16. Let's make some xmas ornaments together this weekend.
17. Planning the yearly xmas letter is a tradition in our family.
18. I still love opening one gift on xmas eve as a kid.
19. Her favorite part of the holidays is driving around to see all the xmas lights.
20. The centerpiece for the table is always a poinsettia plant at xmas.
21. The smell of a fresh xmas tree is amazing.
22. Their neighborhood has a xmas decorating contest every year.
23. They put up a Nativity scene on their lawn for xmas.
24. Make sure you wrap all your xmas presents nicely.
25. I'm thinking of baking my grandmother's famous xmas pudding this year.
26. Let's decide on a secret santa gift limit for xmas gifts this year.
27. My kids always wake me up really early on xmas day.
28. I always write a special note with each xmas gift I give.
29. We try to do at least one good deed during the xmas season.
30. She always makes really special scrapbooks each xmas for the kids.
31. By the time xmas arrives, I'm always exhausted from all the preparations.
32. The xmas school pageant brings back so many fond memories.
33. Our family makes a donation each xmas to a charity that helps the poor.
34. My favorite xmas movie is "It's a Wonderful Life."
35. Their xmas morning routine never changes year after year.
36. The smell of pine and gingerbread is everywhere during the xmas season.
37. I hope you have a very merry xmas and a happy new year.
38. The kids are always thrilled to find xmas stockings at the foot of their beds on xmas morning.
39. There is something so magical about celebrating xmas as a child.
40. Leftover xmas ham sandwiches are the best.
41. Every child should experience a white xmas at least once in their life.
42. My focus this xmas season is on trying to be grateful for what I have.
43. My new tradition is to go for a walk on xmas morning and savor every moment.
44. I try to send a heartfelt thank you note after every xmas gift.
45. The xmas rush starts earlier every year it seems.
46. Our family tradition is playing board games on xmas eve.
47. Xmas morning with kids is pure joy and laughter.
48. I spent way too much on xmas gifts this year.
49. Let's play some xmas carols on the piano together.
50. We roast a turkey and have all the fixings for our xmas dinner.
51. Putting up the xmas tree is our family's favorite tradition.
52. Their house becomes a winter wonderland during the xmas season.
53. We have hot chocolate and cookies while opening gifts on xmas morning.
54. Let's start a new tradition of baking cookies together for xmas.
55. The kids love helping decorate the gingerbread house each xmas.
56. My favorite part of xmas day is gathering with friends and family.
57. I hope you have the very merriest of xmas celebrations this year!
58. Our family's new xmas tradition is donating to a local food bank.
59. They always bake dozens and dozens of cookies for the xmas season.
60. Xmas morning chaos is the best kind of chaos.

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