Accordantmiddle example sentences

Related (11): agreement, consistent, harmonious, concordant, consonant, matching, congruent, compatible, synchronized, coherent, united

"Accordantmiddle" Example Sentences

1. The music was pleasant and accordant with the party's theme.
2. He wasn't accordant in his actions with his words.
3. Her outfit was not accordant with the dress code.
4. The decision was not accordant with the company's values.
5. The colors in the painting were not accordant with each other.
6. The rules were not accordant with the sport being played.
7. The lyrics of the song were accordant with the emotions I was feeling.
8. His behavior was not accordant with his age.
9. The furniture in the room was perfectly accordant with the décor.
10. The menu options were not accordant with the dietary restrictions of some guests.
11. The steps she took to fix the problem were accordant with the company's policies.
12. The lawyer's argument was not accordant with the evidence presented.
13. The smells of the food were not accordant with my taste preference.
14. The new employee's attitude was not accordant with the company culture.
15. Her beliefs were not accordant with the teachings of the religion.
16. The car's speed was not accordant with the posted limit.
17. The design of the building was accordant with the surrounding architecture.
18. The teacher's instructions were accordant with the lesson plan.
19. The tone of the email was not accordant with a professional message.
20. The timing of the meeting was not accordant with everyone's schedules.
21. The goals of the project were accordant with the overall mission of the organization.
22. The feedback from the customers was not accordant with the company's expectations.
23. The company's values were accordant with my personal beliefs.
24. The flavor of the sauce was not accordant with the dish's ingredients.
25. The requirements for the job were accordant with my skills and experience.
26. The questions on the test were accordant with the material covered in class.
27. The scenery of the hike was perfectly accordant with the season.
28. The decorations of the party were not accordant with the guest of honor's preferences.
29. The weather that day was not accordant with our plans for an outdoor event.
30. The music playlist was not accordant with the vibe of the room.

Common Phases

1. Finding a solution; that is both fair and equitable to everyone involved.
2. Their opinions were; accordant in their stance on the issue at hand.
3. The mediator worked to; find an accordant middle ground in the negotiations.
4. It is important to; reach an accordant agreement before proceeding with the project.
5. The parties involved; came to an accordant understanding after much discussion.
6. The compromise reached was; accordant with the needs of all parties involved.
7. The team worked to; find an accordant approach to the problem they were facing.
8. The goal was to; reach an accordant decision that everyone could live with.
9. After lengthy discussion, they were finally; able to find an accordant solution.
10. The meeting was productive as they; worked towards a mutually accordant agreement.

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