Affirmative example sentences

Related (10): yes, positive, confirmed, agreed, ratified, approved, accepted, corroborated, validated, assured

"Affirmative" Example Sentences

1. I gave an affirmative reply to the question.
2. She nodded her head affirmatively to indicate that she understood.
3. The jury returned an affirmative verdict, finding the defendant guilty.
4. The vote was affirmative, with a majority voting yes.
5. The students responded in the affirmative when asked if they had completed their homework.
6. The research shows an affirmative correlation between exercise and improved mood.
7. He gave an affirmative answer when asked if he wanted to go out for dinner.
8. Please respond in the affirmative or negative to the survey question.
9. The treatment showed an affirmative effect on reducing symptoms.
10. I confirmed her statement with an affirmative yes.
11. The patient responded affirmatively when the doctor asked if she was still experiencing pain.
12. The test results were affirmative for the presence of antibodies.
13. The Supreme Court ruled in an affirmative way, overturning the lower court's decision.
14. We received affirmative feedback from customers on the new product.
15. The executive issued an affirmative order to move forward with the plan.
16. The data suggests an affirmative correlation between higher pay and increased productivity.
17. The witness gave affirmative testimony that he had seen the defendant at the crime scene.
18. Please provide an affirmative or negative response to the question.
19. She answered in the affirmative when asked if she was coming to the party.
20. The proposal received affirmative support from the stakeholders.
21. The doctor asked me to cough and then responded affirmatively that my lungs sounded clear.
22. Affirmative action policies aim to help historically disadvantaged groups.
23. He gave an affirmative grunt in response to the question.
24. The poll showed that a majority of respondents gave affirmative answers about the president's performance.
25. The patient nodded her head affirmatively when asked if she understood the treatment plan.
26. The bill passed with an affirmative majority in both houses of Congress.
27. The investor gave an affirmative response when asked if he wanted to proceed with funding the project.
28. After much consideration, we decided to move forward with an affirmative yes vote.
29. The patient shook his head affirmatively to indicate that he was still experiencing pain.
30. The poll results showed an affirmative uptick in the president's approval rating.
31. The witness told the affirmative story that placed the suspect at the crime scene.
32. The inspector needs an affirmative or negative response to the safety compliance question.
33. She hummed affirmatively when asked if dinner was ready.
34. Affirmative action has become a controversial issue in education and employment.
35. The patients in the treatment group showed an affirmative response to the new drug.
36. The board voted affirmatively to approve the proposed merger.
37. Please provide an affirmative or negative answer to the question for our records.
38. She gave an affirmative nod of her head when asked if she wanted dessert.
39. The test results showed an affirmative outcome for cancer markers.
40. The defense argued for an affirmative verdict of not guilty.
41. New evidence was presented that provided an affirmative case for the defendant's innocence.
42. His entire demeanor indicated an affirmative yes to the question.
43. The doctor looked at the scan results and gave an affirmative diagnosis of the condition.
44. The research affirmed a positive correlation between the two factors.
45. The inspectors needed affirmative confirmation that all safety protocols had been followed.
46. Please provide either an affirmative yes or negative no response.
47. The board issued an affirmative statement supporting the CEO.
48. The data affirmed a definite link between the exposure and the illnesses.
49. The new evidence provided affirmative proof of his innocence.
50. The witness affirmed his earlier testimony when questioned again in court.
51. The patient gave an affirmative yes to the question about her medical history.
52. Affirmative measures are needed to counteract implicit biases.
53. She answered in the affirmative that she had completed the assignment.
54. An affirmative mandate was issued for all employees to receive the COVID vaccine.
55. He responded affirmatively that he would attend the meeting.
56. The new research affirmed the positive health benefits of exercise.
57. The crowd cheered affirmatively when asked if they wanted an encore.
58. Please provide either an affirmative yes or negative no answer to proceed.
59. She nodded her head affirmatively when asked if she wanted more coffee.
60. The blood test results showed an affirmative presence of antibodies.

Common Phases

1. Affirmative action
Policies that aim to help historically disadvantaged groups in areas like education and employment.
2. Affirmative consent
Clear and freely given agreement to engage in sexual activity.
3. Affirmative response
A positive response indicating "yes."
4. Affirmative vote
A "yes" vote.
5. Affirm in the affirmative
To confirm in the positive.
6. Affirm the affirmative
To confirm that something is positive or true.
7. Nod one's head affirmatively
To nod one's head up and down to show approval or agreement.
8. Affirmation of faith
A formal statement declaring one's religious beliefs.
9. Affirmative mandate
An authoritative command or instruction to take action.
10. Affirmative evidence
Evidence that tends to prove a fact in issue.

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