Barking example sentences

Related (16): dog, bark, woof, howl, yelp, growl, snap, wag, tail, alert, guard, rhythmic, loud, annoying, persistent, joyful.



barking (noun) · barkings (plural noun)

  - the making of a sharp explosive cry by a dog, fox, or seal:

  - the abrupt or aggressive utterance of a command or question:

  - (of a dog, fox, or seal) making a sharp explosive cry:

  - lacking reason or common sense; very foolish or irrational:

  - showing signs of severe mental illness.



barking (present participle)

  - (of a dog or other animal) emit a bark:

  - (of a person) make a sound, such as a cough or a laugh, resembling a bark:

  - utter (a command or question) abruptly or aggressively:

  - call out in order to sell or advertise something:



barking (present participle)

  - strip the bark from (a tree or piece of wood):

  - scrape the skin off (one's shin) by accidentally hitting it against something hard:

  - tan or dye (leather or other materials) using the tannins found in bark.


deranged, demented, insane, crazed, lunatic, unbalanced, unhinged, unstable, disturbed, distracted, nutty, bats, bonkers, cuckoo, loopy, loony, bananas, loco, dippy, screwy, touched, gaga, barmy, batty, crackers, doolally, buggy, nutsy, nutso, meshuga, squirrelly, wacko, gonzo, bushed, sane, certifiable, deranged, demented, unhinged, unbalanced, unstable, disturbed, crazed, crazy, psychotic, schizophrenic, bonkers, cracked, bats, cuckoo, loony, loopy, nuts, nutty, screwy, bananas, crackers, barmy, batty, buggy, nutsy, nutso, wacko, squirrelly, bushed, sane, woof, yap, yelp, bay, growl, snarl, howl, whine, snap, snarl, growl, shout, bawl, cry, yell, roar, bellow, thunder, holler, scrape, graze, scratch, abrade, scuff, rasp, skin, cut, lacerate, chafe, strip, flay, wound, excoriate

"Barking" Example Sentences

1. The dog was barking nonstop.
2. I could hear the neighbor's dog barking in the distance.
3. The puppy started barking excitedly when I came home.
4. We were woken up in the middle of the night by the dog barking.
5. The children were laughing and the dog was barking joyfully.
6. The Alsatian's continuous barking was irritating the other neighbors.
7. Please keep your dog from barking all night.
8. Put a muzzle on that dog, its constant barking is driving me crazy!
9. That dog won't stop barking at passersby.
10. The barking came from a stray dog wandering around the neighborhood.
11. The loud barking seems to be coming from next door.
12. The dogs were barking ferociously at the intruder.
13. The barking at night kept me awake.
14. The dog started barking when the doorbell rang.
15. The incessant barking of the dog at night was a nuisance.
16. Please stop your dog from barking so early in the morning!
17. The puppy barked at the strangers approaching the house.
18. There was a dog tied up in the backyard, barking at everyone who walked by.
19. Every time the postman came, my dog would start barking.
20. I had to cover my ears to block out the irritating barking.
21. The alley was full of stray dogs barking and fighting with each other.
22. The neighbor's dog was barking and howling all night.
23. The pit bull came charging out of the yard, barking ferociously.
24. The kids outside were laughing and shouting while the dog was barking.
25. We could hear the rescue dogs barking in the distance.
26. The POST van pulled up and the chained dog began barking viciously.
27. Keep your dog from barking at customers coming in to the shop.
28. I could hear dogs barking all around me as I walked through the neighborhood.
29. The dog barked at strangers but was friendly with family members.
30. Some barking dogs chased the cat up a tree.
31. The dogs resumed their incessant barking as soon as the mailman left.
32. The din of barking dogs assaulted my ears.
33. A pack of stray dogs were barking and chasing each other in the alley.
34. I had to shout to be heard over the loud, constant barking.
35. Our neighbors got a new puppy that barks constantly.
36. The hikers were annoyed by the continuous barking of the farm dogs.
37. The dog was made to bark for amusement.
38. The new puppy quickly learned not to bark anymore when put in its cage.
39. The dog started barking furiously at the strange man in the yard.
40. I was kept awake all night by the constant barking of the dog next door.
41. They got a small dog which spends its life barking at passersby.
42. The savannah dogs would bark when they heard intruders approaching.
43. The sled dogs were barking excitedly, anticipating the start of the race.
44. The dogs had been barking nonstop for hours.
45. There's an annoying little dog that just sits at the window barking at everyone who walks by.
46. The dog started barking uncontrollably whenever the doorbell rang.
47. The neighbors' dog finally stopped barking around midnight.
48. The barking dogs alerted the owner to the intruder.
49. The guard dogs started barking as soon as someone approached the fence.
50. It was a very sleepless night due to the incessant barking of dogs.
51. The street was filled with the sound of barking dogs at all hours.
52. The barking dog chased the mail carrier for two blocks.
53. It was near impossible for me to finish my homework with the barking dogs outside.
54. She tied up the dog who had been barking incessantly for hours.
55. The farmer's dogs began barking loudly when they saw the approaching police car.
56. The barking dogs started up as soon as it got dark outside.
57. Neighbors often complain about our dog's constant barking.
58. He yelled at the dog to stop barking.
59. The constant barking was driving everyone crazy.
60. The wild dogs began barking at the sight of the hunters.

Common Phases

1. The dog was barking loudly outside.
2. I could hear the dog next door barking all night.
3. The pack of stray dogs started barking ferociously as we walked by.
4. The mailman arrived and all the dogs on the street started barking.
5. I had to cover my ears from the incessant barking of my neighbor's dog.
6. The man’s gruff, barking voice frightened the children.
7. The barking woke me up from a deep sleep.
8. I usually take my dog for a walk so he can do his daily barking at the mail carrier.
9. The deafening sound of the dogs barking hurt my ears.
10. I had to shout over the barking dog to be heard.
11. The dog came running up to me, barking and jumping excitedly.
12. Be quiet, stop barking! said the owner to his dog.
13. The guard dog started barking ferociously when I walked by the gate.
14. When the burglar entered the backyard, the dog began viciously barking.
15. All of the sudden the dog started barking furiously for no apparent reason.
16. The dog continued barking after we had gone inside and closed the door.
17. The barking dog woke up the sleeping baby.
18. The mail carrier ignored the barking dogs and continued along her route.
19. I could hear the dogs barking in the distance as I walked through the field.
20. The doorbell rang and all the dogs started barking wildly.
21. He has a deep, loud, barking laugh.
22. I threw a stick and my dog went running after it, barking with joy.
23. The neighbor's chihuahua was constantly barking at all hours of the day and night.
24. I hastily put in my earplugs to block out the incessant barking next door.
25. The barking sounded distant at first, but quickly drew nearer.
26. The dog lives outside and spends most of its time barking at passersby.
27. The coyotes howled in the distance, sending my dog into a barking frenzy.
28. The kids laughed at the barking cartoon dog on TV.
29. The stray dog had clearly lost its owners and spent its days aimlessly barking.
30. A dog started barking madly as we walked by.
31. The dog began barking furiously when we approached the front porch.
32. All of the dogs on the street started barking when they saw the fire truck speed by.
33. I scolded my dog for barking excessively at people walking by the house.
34. The neighbor pounded on the wall, yelling at my dog to stop his incessant barking.
35. The dog became so excited that it started barking uncontrollably.
36. The officer gestured for the police dog to stop barking and be quiet.
37. When the doorbell rang, the small dog began barking hysterically.
38. The dog has developed a habit of obsessively barking at everything that moves.
39. I couldn't concentrate with all of the barking dogs distracting me.
40. The puppy rolled over, whining and barking for attention.
41. The loud barking disturbed my concentration as I tried to study.
42. My neighbor has a little Chihuahua that will never stop barking.
43. The stray dog followed us down the street, barking the whole way.
44. I stumbled upon a pack of wild dogs in the alleyway, all barking and snarling.
45. The barking dogs lived on our street, making for sleepless nights.
46. He told the annoying dog to stop barking and be quiet for once.
47. The yapping dog kept barking nonstop while we were trying to eat.
48. The little terrier started barking as soon as he saw the bigger dog approach.
49. The dog barked viciously at passersby who dared walk too close to his yard.
50. When he arrived home, his dog started barking and wagging its tail excitedly.
51. The neighbor's small dogs started barking every time we came outside.
52. I couldn't sleep with the incessant barking of the dogs next door.
53. The hyenas howled and barked in the distance all through the night.
54. The guards set the barking, snarling guard dogs loose to chase away the intruders.
55. The constant barking caused neighbors to file noise complaints against the owners.
56. The pack of stray dogs barked ferociously as we approached.
57. My dog started barking when he heard the mail carrier approaching.
58. The children next door were laughing at the barking dogs on TV.
59. Angry shouts did little to quiet the incessantly barking dog next door.
60. The neighbor could often be heard shouting at her little schnauzer to stop barking.

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