Bleated example sentences

Related (10): sheep, goat, lamb, cry, call, bawl, holler, whimper, moo, bellow

"Bleated" Example Sentences

1. The lamb bleated loudly for its mother.
2. I heard a sheep bleating in the nearby field.
3. The baby goat bleated hungrily as it searched for its mother.
4. The flock of sheep bleated constantly as the shepherd led them to new pasture.
5. The mother sheep bleated sorrowfully as she searched for her lost lamb.
6. The sheep bleated in alarm as the dog approached.
7. The flock of sheep bleated as they filed into the pen for shearing.
8. The baby goat bleated pitifully as it tried to nurse from its mother.
9. The lost lamb bleated constantly in search of its mother and the flock.
10. The sheep bleated nervously as the drone flew overhead.
11. The chicks cheeped, the puppies yipped, and the lambs bleated amongst the many sounds of the farm.
12. The mother sheep bleated comfortingly at her newborn lambs.
13. The little lamb bleated plaintively as it tried to follow its mother.
14. The baby goat bleated inquisitively as it sniffed my hands.
15. As I walked by the field, the sheep bleated and crowded the fence.
16. The little lamb bleated as it nuzzled up to its mother for milk.
17. The sheep bleated excitedly as the shepherd approached with their dinner.
18. The kid goats bleated joyfully as they chased each other around the pen.
19. The mother sheep bleated encouragingly at her hesitant lambs.
20. The baby goat bleated happily as I picked him up and stroked his soft fur.
21. The sheep bleated angrily at the noisy intruders in their field.
22. The lamb bleated forlornly through the night after being separated from its mother.
23. The sheep bleated a warning to the approaching stranger.
24. The orphan lamb bleated pitifully as it searched for its missing mother.
25. The mother sheep bleated comfortingly to her frightened lamb.
26. The sheep bleated in annoyance as the sheepdog tried to herd them into the pen.
27. The flock of sheep bleated as they made their way across the countryside.
28. The kid goats bleated in excitement as the shepherd arrived with their breakfast.
29. The little lambs bleated eagerly as they rushed to nurse from their mothers.
30. The sheep bleated nervously as the thunderstorm rolled in.
31. The baby goat bleated for attention as I sat down on the grass.
32. The kid goats bleated and butted each other playfully as they chased each other around.
33. The sheep bleated anxiously as the dog barked and chased after them.
34. The frightened lamb bleated piteously for its mother after getting separated from the flock.
35. The lamb bleated angrily at the other lamb nibbling on its tail.
36. The newborn kid goats bleated weakly as they struggled to stand up.
37. The mother sheep bleated comfortingly as she gently nuzzled her newborn lamb.
38. The lamb bleated in protest as the sheepdog nudged it toward the pen.
39. The flock of sheep bleated as the shepherd let them out to graze in the fields each morning.
40. The mother goat bleated reassuringly to her anxious kids.
41. The mischievous kid goats bleated excitedly as they jumped onto my back.
42. The orphan lamb bleated piteously for hours without any response.
43. The sheep bleated in disapproval as the sheepdog tried to herd them into the pen for shearing.
44. The lambs bleated eagerly as the shepherd arrived with bottles of warm milk.
45. The frightened lamb bleated pitifully as it tried to hide from the approaching dog.
46. The injured lamb bleated weakly as it struggled to stand up on wobbly legs.
47. The kid goats bleated excitedly as I filled their feeding trough with fresh fruit and greens.
48. The lamb bleated loudly as it watched the shearer approach with the clippers.
49. The sheep bleated fearfully during the thunderstorm as they huddled together for comfort.
50. The baby goat bleated sweetly as it nuzzled up against my legs.
51. The sheep bleated angrily at the intruding dog that chased after them.
52. The mother sheep bleated comfortingly at her scared lambs during the storm.
53. The lamb bleated frantically as it tried to escape from the pen to find its mother.
54. The flock of sheep bleated as they began to recognize the shepherd's voice.
55. The baby goat bleated hungrily as it searched for its mother's udder.
56. The lamb bleated frantically as I accidentally separated it from its mother.
57. The sheep bleated nervously when an unfamiliar shepherd came to feed them.
58. The kid goats bleated loudly and playfully as they chased each other around the pen.
59. The mother sheep bleated anxiously as she searched for her lost lamb.
60. The orphan lamb bleated piteously as it searched for its dead mother.

Common Phases

1. The sheep bleated loudly as the farmer approached.
2. The lamb bleated for its mother.
3. The goats bleated insistently from their pen.
4. The young goat bleated as it searched for its mother.
5. The child mimicked the sheep and bleated.
6. The lost lamb bleated desperately for its mother.
7. The baby goat bleated unhappily when its siblings crowed around the food dish.
8. The noisy goats bleated and pranced around their pen every morning.
9. The music started and the mascot sheep bleated a few times before dancing across the field.
10. The flock of sheep bleated and stirred nervously as the wolf approached.
11. The bleak, wintery moor was full of bleating sheep.
12. The sounds of bleating sheep filled the air as we walked along the country lanes.
13. Sheep bleated and scurried around the pasture as the cattle approached.
14. The bleating of sheep echoed around the valleys in the evening.
15. The professor bleated indignantly when his theory was challenged.
16. The silly boy bleated like a sheep when his friends walked by.
17. The angry boss bleated at his employees for making so many mistakes.
18. The scolded child bleated with tears forming in her eyes.
19. The comedian bleated several sheep sound effects to get a laugh from the audience.
20. The jury member bleated in annoyance at the sloppy presentation by the defense attorney.
21. The bleating of sheep could be heard across the vale at eventide.
22. The bleating alarmed Dorset ewes and lambs could be seen by the old mill pond.
23. The Cotswold woollies bleated anxiously for their water and feed.
24. The border collies barked as the Welsh Mountain sheep bleated in reply.
25. A disgruntled employee loudly bleated complaints to his sympathetic coworkers.
26. A shrill bleating emanated from the nightmare sheep of the horror movie.
27. The little girl bleated enthusiastically as she played sheep with her friends.
28. The crowd noisily bleated their displeasure at the referee's bad call.
29. The flock of orphaned lambs bleated pitifully for their dead mothers.
30. The cat lounging on the fencepost indifferently watched the bleating sheep in the pasture below.
31. The poet bleated sadly of life's sorrows in his heartrending verses.
32. The clown bleated and pranced around the stage dressed as a woolly sheep.
33. The old man bleated in pain as he tried to stand from his chair.
34. The garden sheep bleated intermittently and kept me awake through the night.
35. The patronizing professor bleated condescendingly at the struggling student's poor attempt at an answer.
36. The pet lamb bleated with joy when its owner came home from school.
37. The bleating of the Hampshire Down ewes could be heard across the fields.
38. The starving sheep bleated pathetically as they searched for grass under the snow.
39. The childish bully bleated mockingly at his classmates.
40. The desperate refugees bleated at the border guards, begging to be let through.
41. The lamb bleated pitifully as its mother wandered away.
42. The ram bleated aggressively at the intruding dogs.
43. The orphan lamb bleated constantly for its dead mother.
44. The crowd bleated their angry disapproval at the referee's poor decision making.
45. The unemployed worker bleated complaints about his former boss.
46. The little girl bleated sheepishly when she was caught taking cookies from the kitchen jar.
47. The jury foreman bleated their "guilty" verdict to the courtroom.
48. The silly children bleated and gamboled through the field like playful lambs.
49. The rescued sheep bleated joyfully once they were released into the safety of the pasture.
50. The bleating of lambs searching for their mothers filled the sheep farm at dawn.
51. The confused soul bleated helplessly, unable to find meaning in the chaos of existence.
52. The frustrated child bleated in anger when he was denied another cookie.
53. The cooing baby bleated happily as it played with its mother's hair.
54. The frightened lamb bleated piteously as it huddled against its mother.
55. A derisive bleat emanated from the grumpy old man as the children played outside.
56. The old ram bleated fiercely as it charged at the intruders.
57. The wildling bleated defiantly at his captors.
58. The bleating chorus of lambs signaled the coming of spring.
59. The upset tween bleated to her friends about how unfair her parents were being.
60. The flock bleated nervously in response to approaching storm clouds.

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