Bouncings example sentences
Related (8): rebounding, jumping, jouncing, hopping, skipping, leaping, trampolining, caroming
bouncing (adjective)
- (of a ball) rebounding up and down:
- (of a baby) vigorous and healthy:
- lively and confident:
bouncing (present participle)
- (of an object, especially a ball) move quickly up, back, or away from a surface after hitting it; rebound (once or repeatedly):
- (of light, sound, or an electronic signal) come into contact with an object or surface and be reflected:
- (of an email) be returned to its sender after failing to reach its destination:
- recover well after a setback:
- hit a ball that bounces before reaching a fielder:
- (of a person) jump repeatedly up and down, typically on something springy:
- (of a thing) move up and down while remaining essentially in the same position:
- cause (a child) to move lightly up and down on one's knee as a game:
- (of a vehicle) move jerkily along a bumpy surface:
- move in an energetic or happy manner:
- (of a check) be returned by a bank when there are insufficient funds to meet it:
- write (a check) on insufficient funds:
- eject (a troublemaker) forcibly from a nightclub or similar establishment.
- dismiss (someone) from a job:
vigorous, thriving, flourishing, blooming, healthy, strong, robust, sturdy, fine, fit, aerobicized, cheerful, lively, vivacious, animated, bubbly, effervescent, bouncy, spirited, cheery, merry, buoyant, ebullient, exuberant, jaunty, frisky, sprightly, spry, bright, sunny, jolly, sparkly, pert, chirpy, chipper, sassy, saucy, peppy, gay, perk, wick, rebound, bob, recoil, ricochet, jounce, carom, resile, recover, revive, rally, bound, leap, jump, spring, bob, hop, skip, trip, gambol, dance, prance, romp, caper, cavort, frisk, frolic, sport, bound, leap, jump, spring, bob, hop, skip, trip, gambol, dance, prance, romp, caper, cavort, frisk, frolic, sport, expel, remove, oust, evict, dispossess, banish, deport, exile, defenestrate, admit, dismiss, discharge, oust, depose, cashier, sack, axe, here"Bouncings" Example Sentences
1. The child's bouncings on the trampoline were impressive.2. The dog's bouncings brought laughter to the family.
3. The basketball had irregular bouncings on the hardwood court.
4. The horse's bouncings made the rider feel exhilarated.
5. The tennis ball's bouncings on the clay court were unpredictable.
6. The kangaroo's bouncings across the Australian outback were mesmerizing.
7. The beach ball's bouncings in the pool made for a fun afternoon.
8. The baby's bouncings in the bouncer were adorable.
9. The rabbit's bouncings in the grass showed off its agility.
10. The pogo stick's bouncings took some getting used to.
11. The rubber ball's bouncings off the wall echoed through the room.
12. The gymnast's bouncings on the mat were precise and graceful.
13. The soccer ball's bouncings on the turf field were consistent.
14. The bouncy castle's bouncings were enjoyed by children of all ages.
15. The bucket's bouncings down the stairs scared the cat.
16. The basketball player's repeated bouncings of the ball showed his nervousness.
17. The volleyball's bouncings on the sand court were soft and slow.
18. The toddler's bouncings on the bed made her parents worry she would fall.
19. The cricket ball's bouncings on the pitch varied based on the bowler's style.
20. The rubber ball's bouncings on the concrete were noisy but fun.
21. The beach ball's bouncings in the wind made it difficult to catch.
22. The boxer's bouncings in the ring showed off his footwork.
23. The soccer player's bouncings of the ball before the game signaled his readiness.
24. The grape's bouncings during the harvest made it hard to catch them all.
25. The bus's bouncings over the potholes made the passengers feel uneasy.
26. The acrobat's bouncings on the trampoline were daring and impressive.
27. The ball's bouncings on the ice made it difficult to control.
28. The baby kangaroo's bouncings in its mother's pouch were adorable.
29. The balloon's bouncings in the air made the children chase after it excitedly.
30. The athlete's bouncings over the hurdles were smooth and fluid.
Common Phases
1. We had a great time bouncings at the trampoline park; my legs are still sore!2. The kids were bouncings with excitement during the birthday party; it was hard to keep them still.
3. I love bouncings on a trampoline; it's such a fun workout.
4. The ball kept bouncings out of bounds during the basketball game; it was frustrating for both teams.
5. After a long day at work, I enjoy bouncings on my yoga ball to release some tension.
6. The dog was bouncings around the park, chasing after a frisbee.
7. During the storm, we could hear the hailstones bouncings off the roof; it was a loud and unsettling sound.
8. The party was so much fun; we spent hours bouncings to the music and socializing with friends.
9. I accidentally dropped the glass, and it went bouncings on the floor, shattering into a million pieces.
10. The baby was bouncings up and down in the bouncy chair, giggling and cooing with delight.