Chambers example sentences

Related (20): judicial, conference, board, guest, hotel, escape, torture, combustion, engine, gas, gun, parliament, secret, ozone, echo, chat, therapy, sensation, recording, heart

"Chambers" Example Sentences

1. The mansion had many large chambers in the basement.
2. The cave system was made up of multiple chambers connected by narrow passages.
3. The chambers of parliament met in debate.
4. The sleeping chambers were decorated in medieval fashion.
5. The temple was filled with ornate chambers and altar rooms.
6. The gun has multiple chambers that hold bullets.
7. Smoke billowed from the furnace chambers.
8. The inner chambers of the pyramid were dark and dusty.
9. The large beast dwelled in the subterranean chambers.
10. The bell rang out from the bell chambers atop the tower.
11. The chambers of the heart pump blood through the body.
12. The prisoner was led to the dark dungeon chambers.
13. The multi-chambered shark egg hatched under the warmth of the sun.
14. The chambers of a nautilus shell are divided by walls.
15. The ceremonial chambers were reserved for the high priest.
16. The court held sessions in the highest chambers of the palace.
17. The soundtrack filled the cavernous concert hall chambers.
18. The air seemed still in the stale, unused chambers.
19. The growling echoed through the quiet mine chambers.
20. The chambers in each eye of the mantis shrimp act as lenses.
21. The artifact collection filled dozens of storage chambers.
22. The wine cellar extended into a network of chambers.
23. The ancient oubliette chambers were used as dungeons.
24. The storage chambers were filled with dusty books and scrolls.
25. Smoke bellowed from the limestone cavern chambers.
26. The merchant stored his silks and spices in locked vault chambers.
27. The seed pods split open to reveal multi-chambered seeds.
28. The chambers of the conch shell were brightly colored.
29. The forgotten vault chambers were filled with treasure.
30. Refugees were held in the dark detention chambers.
31. The chambers of our hearts hold love for our fellow beings.
32. The machinery filled much of the underground workshop chambers.
33. The dormant volcano slumbered within its cavernous chambers.
34. The ancient temples housed many ornate prayer chambers.
35. The chambers of commerce promote local business interests.
36. The chambers of the legislature were crowded with onlookers.
37. The team explored deep into the abandoned mine chambers.
38. The museum houses an incredible array of artifact chambers.
39. The chambers seemed empty but felt full of ghosts and memories.
40. The guards searched the prison chambers for contraband.
41. The architect designed amazing spaces with vaulted ceiling chambers.
42. The chambers became colder the deeper the team explored.
43. The echo reverberated through the carved-out cavern chambers.
44. The chambers within the shells secreted toxins to defend against predators.
45. The commercial warehouse featured high ceiling storage chambers.
46. The chambers of the heart have four sections.
47. The senator spoke out on the senate chamber floor.
48. The historic church featured beautiful stained glass in its main chambers.
49. The historic courthouse had court chambers on the upper floors.
50. The ancient tombs contained burial chambers for the deceased.
51. The volcano's magma chambers lie deep below its crater.
52. The bomb shelter contained many storage chambers and living quarters.
53. The work chambers featured large windows with beautiful views.
54. The ground shook as the creature stalked through its underground chambers.
55. The ancient ruins contained many hidden chambers and passageways.
56. The monks occupied sparse living chambers within the monastery walls.
57. The oyster shell features two equal-sized interior chambers.
58. The building featured spacious main chambers and smaller meeting rooms.
59. The security team swept the embassy's many rooms and chambers each morning.
60. The city council met in their official chambers in city hall.

Common Phases

heart chambers - The four sections of the heart: left atrium, right atrium, left ventricle, and right ventricle.
The heart chambers contract to pump blood through the body.
legislative chambers - The area where a legislative body, like a congress or parliament, meets.
The senators debated in the legislative chambers.
storage chambers - Compartments or rooms used for storing items.
The ancient tombs had storage chambers for the deceased's belongings.
chamber of commerce - An organization of businesses seeking to further economic growth in a local area.
The local chamber of commerce works to promote the town's businesses.
heart of chambers - An important part or core sections, especially of an organization.
The development team is the heart of chambers that drives innovation in the company.
upper/lower chambers - The two halves of a bicameral legislature, with the upper chamber typically representing regions and the lower chamber representing citizens directly.
The bill passed in the lower chambers but stalled in the upper chambers.
So key meanings are: sections or compartments in a structure; rooms where legislative or authoritative organizations meet; and parts of things like shells, organs, or systems with divided spaces. The focus is on structured spaces that perform an internal function.

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