Christendoms example sentences

Related (8): Christianity, Churches, Believers, Faith, Religion, Doctrine, Salvation, Redemption.

"Christendoms" Example Sentences

1) Through the ages, many christendoms have sprouted and spread across the globe.
2) The pilgrims' journey to America was driven by their desire to establish a new christendom.
3) Missionaries played a crucial role in expanding Christianity's reach to far-off christendoms.
4) The Crusades were driven by the desire to reclaim and expand lost christendoms in the Middle East.
5) The pope's authority extended not only over Rome but also over all christendoms.
6) Medieval Europe saw the emergence of various powerful christendoms like the Holy Roman Empire.
7) The Spanish Inquisition was a dark chapter in the history of Spain's christianized christendom.
8) In Africa, christian christendoms coexist with indigenous religions and Islam.
9) The Byzantine Empire offered a distinct form of christendom that diverged from the Western model.
10) Byzantium's influence on the Slavic countries resulted in the formation of distinct eastern christendoms.
11) In the Philippines, the Spanish conquest brought about the establishment of a new christendom.
12) The Orthodox christendom in Russia has its unique traditions that set it apart from other branches of Christianity.
13) The spread of European colonialism led to the spread of Western-style christendoms across the globe.
14) The globalization of Christianity in modern times has brought about a diversification of christendoms.
15) The Reformation resulted in the fracturing of christendoms in Europe into various denominations.
16) The rise of Protestantism challenged the hegemony of the Catholic christendom in Europe.
17) The Lutheran christendom in Germany played a major role in shaping the country's cultural and political identity.
18) The Anglican christendom in England became the state religion after Henry VIII broke ties with Rome.
19) The Catholic christendom in Latin America has been shaped by indigenous and African cultural influences.
20) The Orthodox christendom in Greece continues to be a vital part of Greek national identity.
21) The Ethiopian Orthodox christendom has a unique liturgical tradition that combines Jewish and Christian elements.
22) The Coptic christendom in Egypt has survived centuries of Islamic rule and remains a vibrant community.
23) The Maronite christendom in Lebanon has faced persecution and political instability but has managed to endure.
24) The Armenian Apostolic christendom has a complex history that has been shaped by interactions with various empires.
25) The Syrian Orthodox christendom has a rich tradition of monasticism and asceticism.
26) The Nestorian christendom in Asia has been largely absorbed into other Christian denominations.
27) The Protestant christendom in the United States has diversified into numerous denominations and sects.
28) The Pentecostal christendom has grown significantly in recent decades and has a strong emphasis on spiritual gifts.
29) The Seventh-Day Adventist christendom adheres to a strict doctrine that emphasizes the second coming of Christ.
30) The Jehovah's Witnesses christendom is known for their door-to-door evangelizing and their rejection of several mainstream Christian beliefs.

Common Phases

1. During the early Christendoms, Christianity was still establishing itself as a major religion.
2. The Dark Christendoms saw the rise of the Catholic Church and its influence on European politics.
3. The Medieval Christendoms were characterized by religious wars and the Crusades.
4. In the Renaissance Christendoms, art and literature flourished as a result of the revival of classical learning.
5. The Modern Christendoms have seen the growth of Protestantism and the emergence of new denominations.

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