Civilisations example sentences

Related (26): Egypt, Greece, Rome, China, India, Mesopotamia, Maya, Aztec, Inca, Persia, Ottoman, Mesoamerican, Harappan, Babylonian, Sumerian, Phoenician, Carthaginian, Mycenaean, Byzantine, Celtic, African, Norse, Japanese, Korean, Mongol, Polynesian.

"Civilisations" Example Sentences

1. The study of ancient civilisations is fascinating.
2. Due to war and conflicts, many civilisations have been lost to history.
3. The Maya and Inca civilisations were advanced in their own ways.
4. The decline of civilisations is often linked to environmental degradation.
5. The Egyptians were one of the oldest civilisations to develop a written language.
6. The Roman civilisation had a lasting impact on Western Europe.
7. The Aztec civilisation was destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors.
8. The collapse of civilisations is a recurring theme in history.
9. The Greeks contributed greatly to Western civilisation and culture.
10. The Mesopotamian civilisations were among the first to develop agriculture.
11. The Indus Valley civilisation is considered one of the earliest civilisations.
12. The Chinese civilisation has a rich history spanning thousands of years.
13. The Maya civilisation had a complex calendar system and excelled in astronomy.
14. The Persian civilisation was known for its art, music, and literature.
15. The Minoan civilisation on the island of Crete was largely destroyed by a natural disaster.
16. The Hittite civilisation in Anatolia was advanced in metallurgy and chariot-making.
17. The ancient civilisations of India developed sophisticated religious and philosophical beliefs.
18. The Anasazi civilisation in North America was known for its cliff dwellings.
19. The Khmer civilisation in Southeast Asia built the magnificent temple complex of Angkor Wat.
20. The Olmec civilisation in present-day Mexico is known for its giant stone heads.
21. The Sumerian civilisation in Mesopotamia developed the first form of writing.
22. The Nubian civilisation in Africa traded extensively with Egypt and developed its own writing system.
23. The Mayan civilisation was expert in creating intricate and beautiful pottery.
24. The Mohenjo-Daro civilisation in the Indus Valley had a complex system of drains and public baths.
25. The Harappan civilisation in the Indus Valley had a highly organised system of city planning.
26. The Nabatean civilisation in Petra, Jordan, built impressive tombs and temples.
27. The Shang civilisation in China is known for its oracle bones and bronze vessels.
28. The Hellenistic civilisation was a period of great cultural exchange between Greece and Asia.
29. The Incan civilisation in South America had an extensive road network and sophisticated agricultural practices.
30. The Assyrian civilisation in Mesopotamia was known for its fierce military campaigns and impressive palaces.

Common Phases

1. The ancient civilisations of Egypt, Greece, and Rome;
2. The rise and fall of numerous civilisations throughout history;
3. The exchange of ideas and goods between different civilisations;
4. The impact of European colonisation on indigenous civilisations;
5. The development of modern civilisations in the technology age.

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