Cleaner example sentences
Related (4): Janitor, housekeeper, custodian, maid
cleaner (noun) · cleaners (plural noun) · the cleaners (plural noun)
- a person employed to clean the interior of a building:
- a place of business where clothes and fabrics are dry-cleaned:
- a device for cleaning, such as a vacuum cleaner.
- a chemical substance used for cleaning:
cleaner (comparative adjective)
- free from dirt, marks, or stains:
- having been washed since last worn or used:
- (of paper) not yet marked by writing or drawing:
- (of a person) attentive to personal hygiene:
- free from pollutants or unpleasant substances:
- (of a fuel, source of energy, or form of technology) producing relatively few or no net emissions of greenhouse gases:
- relating to a diet consisting primarily of unprocessed and unrefined food:
- free from or producing relatively little radioactive contamination.
- (of timber) free from knots:
- morally uncontaminated; pure; innocent:
- not sexually offensive or obscene:
- showing or having no record of offenses or crimes:
- played or done according to the rules:
- not possessing or containing anything illegal, especially drugs or stolen goods:
- (of a person) not taking or having taken drugs or alcohol.
- free from ceremonial defilement, according to Mosaic Law and similar religious codes.
- free from irregularities; having a smooth edge or surface:
- having a simple, well-defined, and pleasing shape:
- (of an action) smoothly and skillfully done:
- (of a taste, sound, or smell) giving a clear and distinctive impression to the senses; sharp and fresh:
attendant, retainer, domestic, help, helper, lackey, flunkey, minion, maid, housemaid, maidservant, handmaid, girl, footman, page, valet, butler, man, batman, manservant, houseman, houseboy, boy, housekeeper, steward, coachman, postilion, equerry, menial, drudge, hireling, slave, mozo, bearer, chokra, amah, bai, charwoman, charlady, char, boots, daily, skivvy, scout, bedder, gyp, seneschal, abigail, servitor, scullion, tweeny, turnspit, varlet, vassal, serf, famulus, master, mistress, cleanser, washed, scrubbed, cleansed, cleaned, polished, spotless, unsoiled, unstained, unspotted, unsullied, unblemished, immaculate, pristine, speckless, hygienic, sanitary, disinfected, sterilized, sterile, aseptic, decontaminated, healthy, pure, white, laundered, dirty, blank, empty, bare, clear, plain, white, unused, new, pristine, fresh, unmarked, unfilled, untouched, used, pure, clear, fresh, crisp, refreshing, unpolluted, uncontaminated, untainted, unmixed, unadulterated, distilled, purified, polluted, virtuous, good, upright, upstanding, honorable, respectable, reputable, decent, righteous, moral, ethical, exemplary, honest, just, innocent, pure, chaste, undefiled, guiltless, blameless, irreproachable, unimpeachable, immaculate, impeccable, clear, immoral, guilty, fair, honest, sporting, sportsmanlike, just, upright, chivalrous, honorable, dirty, unfair, sober, teetotal, nondrinking, clearheaded, abstinent, dry, straight, simple, elegant, graceful, uncluttered, trim, shapely, unfussy, uncomplicated, streamlined, smooth, definite, regular, symmetrical, complex, elaborate, neat, smooth, crisp, straight, accurate, precise, slick, ragged, Wikipedia, Legal"Cleaner" Example Sentences
1. She sprays the cleaner on the countertops before wiping them with a cloth.
2. They hired a professional cleaning service to deep clean the house.
3. The kids were told to clean their rooms before heading outside to play.
4. Use the vacuum cleaner to suck up any dirt and dust in the corners.
5. The bathroom mirror was so dirty that I had to use glass cleaner to shine it up.
6. The little boy sprayed windshield cleaner on the windows and wiped them with a rag.
7. The office cleaner came in after hours to mop the floors and empty the trash cans.
8. She mixed dish soap and water to make a homemade dishwasher cleaner.
9. The busy mother always hires a house cleaner on weekends to help with chores.
10. Always rinse your produce with fruit and vegetable cleaner before eating it.
11. It took several applications of floor cleaner before the tile floors looked new again.
12. The cleaner smelled fresh like citrus and helped disinfect surfaces in the kitchen.
13. I sprayed the stovetop cleaner and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it clean.
14. The carpet cleaner required pretreatment before running the machine over the stains.
15. The robotic vacuum cleaner navigated around furniture to suck up dust and pet hair.
16. I poured tile and grout cleaner into the crevices before scrubbing with an old toothbrush.
17. The housekeeper dusted the furniture and used a safe all-purpose cleaner on surfaces.
18. The wood floor cleaner left a protective coating that extended time between cleanings.
19. The industrial-sized floor cleaning machine used a buffer to polish the floors.
20. The eco-friendly surface cleaner was nontoxic and plant-based.
21. The harsh chemical drain cleaner took several flushings before the clog went away.
22. The maid used a feather duster and cotton gloves to handle delicate fragile decor.
23. The laundry stain remover worked wonders getting tough marks out of white shirts.
24. The gardener sprayed weed killer and surface cleaner on walkways and garden beds.
25. The auto detailing service used many types of specialized cleaners for cars.
26. The makeup remover wipes were perfect for gently removing eye and face cosmetics.
27. After using oven cleaner, I let it sit and worked up a thick greasy paste.
28. I used upcycled paper towel tubes as extenders for cleaning hard-to-reach areas.
29. The air freshener and sanitizing spray made the whole house smell clean and fresh.
30. She diligently polished the silverware until it sparkled using tarnish cleaner.
31. Breathing in the cleaning fumes made my eyes water and nose run.
32. The experienced janitor restocked cleaning supplies and put away his equipment.
33. Commercial cleaning products were harsher but more effective than homemade cleaners.
34. An old toothbrush was perfect for scrubbing grime from tiny grooves and crevices.
35. The industrial washing machine rinsed clothing with different cleaners and detergents.
36. They did a deep clean of the entire home to prepare it for sale on the market.
37. The harsh chemicals in many cleaners irritated my eczema flare-ups.
38. Safe natural cleaning recipes use vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice.
39. Her meticulous cleaning regimen left every surface spotless and shining.
40. The maid did the monthly deep clean of scrubbing and polishing everything.
41. She traded in harsh chemical cleaners for more plant-based eco-friendly products.
42. The school custodian used cleaning chemicals with strong fumes and bright warnings.
43. The old man painstakingly buffed and polished the old wooden floors.
44. The feather duster swept up cobwebs and dust from chandeliers and ceiling fans.
45. The mother picked up cleaning toys and put away art supplies before starting dinner.
46. The industrial floor-scrubbing machine used different brush heads for various surfaces.
47. The professional carpet cleaner used a wet-vacuum system to extract deep-down dirt.
48. The all-purpose cleaner was safe for cleaning most household surfaces.
49. The kid hurried to finish all his chores before the cleaner arrived each week.
50. The automatic dishwasher uses jet spray and dedicated cleaners for different cycles.
51. The outdoor power washer blasted away stubborn stains and dirt from patios and siding.
52. The maintenance crew freshened up common areas using specialized cleaning products.
53. The auto detailer shampooed carpets, deep cleaned seats and polished exterior surfaces.
54. The toxic fumes from using too many cleaning products gave me a headache.
55. The restorer painstakingly revived old, worn wood floors using special cleaners.
56. The industrial laundry machines used strong detergents to clean work uniforms.
57. The maid thoroughly cleaned and dusted every room until it was immaculate.
58. The inspector closely examined cleaning records and procedures at the facility.
59. They used the heavy duty commercial vacuums to deep clean high traffic areas.
60. The experienced housekeeper knew to use different cleaning tools for each job.
Common Phases
1. Clean as a whistle - Extremely clean.
2. Like a bat out of hell - In an overly hasty manner.
3. Can't see the wood for the trees - Unable to see the larger issues due to focusing on details.
4. Easier said than done - Something is easy to recommend but difficult to actually accomplish.
5. Once in a blue moon - Very infrequently.
6. Piece of cake - Something that is very simple or easy.
7. Clear as crystal - Perfectly clear and easy to understand.
8. Like clockwork - In a regular, precise and reliable manner.
9. Better late than never - It's acceptable to be late as long as you eventually do something.
10. Try and error - The process of repeatedly trying to solve a problem until succeeding.