Cloudiness example sentences

Related (10): haze, mist, fog, overcast, opacity, obscurity, murkiness, haziness, nebulousness, dimness



  - noun form of cloudy



cloudy (adjective) · cloudier (comparative adjective) · cloudiest (superlative adjective)

  - (of the sky or weather) covered with or characterized by clouds; overcast:

  - (of a liquid) not transparent or clear:

  - (of a color) opaque; having white as a constituent:

  - (of a person's eyes) misted with tears:

  - uncertain; unclear:


cloudy, overcast, clouded, overclouded, dark, darkened, gray, black, leaden, dull, murky, somber, dismal, dreary, cheerless, heavy, gloomy, dim, louring, sunless, starless, hazy, misty, foggy, threatening, menacing, claggy, bright, murky, muddy, milky, dirty, clouded, dull, opaque, nontransparent, emulsified, opalescent, turbid, riled, roily, roiled, clear, tearful, teary, weepy, weeping, lachrymose, moist, misty, watery, rheumy, blurred, blurry, unfocused, dry, vague, blurred, fuzzy, indistinct, imprecise, foggy, hazy, confused, muddled, indefinite, nebulous, obscure, unformed, clear, focused

"Cloudiness" Example Sentences

1. The cloudiness was so thick that we couldn't see more than a few feet in front of us.
2. Rain was likely due to the cloudiness overhead.
3. The haze and cloudiness limited the visibility to only a few miles.
4. On rainy days, the cloudiness seems to reflect my mood.
5. They were predicting partly cloudy skies with a chance of cloudiness increasing later.
6. Sunsets tend to be more vibrant when there is some amount of cloudiness in the sky.
7. The cloudiness that had threatened rain finally moved on and the sun came out.
8. As the day wore on, the cloudiness intensified and the winds picked up.
9. The pilot had to navigate carefully through the cloudiness to land the plane.
10. Their vacation plans had been canceled due to the unexpected cloudiness and storms.
11. The smog and cloudiness in the city obscured the sun most days.
12. The fog and cloudiness made driving difficult that morning.
13. As the temperature dropped, the cloudiness turned to snow.
14. The haze and cloudiness from the nearby city blocked most of the sun's rays.
15. Smiling seemed more difficult on days with greater cloudiness.
16. The cloudiness reflected his uncertain mood and perspective that morning.
17. The fog and cloudiness rushed in with the changing tide.
18. Evenings with light cloudiness are often the most peaceful.
19. Due to the cloudiness, the golfers had trouble seeing the ball land on the fairway.
20. As the cloudiness began to dissipate, we set out for our hike.
21. The cloudiness just made her feel mellower and more inclined to stay indoors with a cup of tea.
22. The cloudiness eventually gave way to a beautiful sunrise.
23. The cloudiness had been so thick that he couldn't see his hand in front of his face.
24. They thought the cloudiness might clear up by noon.
25. The fog and cloudiness began to lift as dawn approached.
26. The cloudiness caused temperatures to remain mildly unseasonable.
27. Beams of sunlight poked through the cloudiness as the clouds moved swiftly overhead.
28. Due to the cloudiness during the eclipse, hardly anyone could actually see it.
29. He woke up in a melancholy mood that matched the cloudiness outside.
30. The cloudiness finally began to clear mid-afternoon.
31. She loved walking when there was just a hint of cloudiness softening the harshness of the sun.
32. The cloudiness made it eerily dim and dark during midday.
33. As the cloudiness grew thicker and darker, rain began to fall.
34. For the rest of the day, the cloudiness and drizzle stayed.
35. With the return of the cloudiness, her joy began to fade.
36. The cloudiness moved slowly across the afternoon sky.
37. The cloudiness kept the temperatures lower than normal for that time of year.
38. As the cloudiness thinned out, they could start to see more of the surrounding landscape.
39. The cloudiness seemed to perfectly match her wandering thoughts that morning.
40. Sometimes the cloudiness brought her comfort and other times it felt oppressive.
41. The cloudiness continued to worsen and began to swirl with snow.
42. Eventually, the cloudiness cleared and the warm sun came out.
43. The cloudiness seemed to match his somber mood that morning.
44. With the arrival of the cloudiness came a drop in the temperature.
45. They hoped that the cloudiness would eventually dissipate as the day wore on.
46. The dark cloudiness swept through the valley casting shadows over everything.
47. The cloudiness completely blocked the normally amazing view of the mountains.
48. The fog and cloudiness made the landscape seem otherworldly and unsettling.
49. The cloudiness matched her own uncertain thoughts and feelings.
50. The cloudiness persisted for much of the gloomy winter day.
51. As the cloudiness lifted, blue skies appeared once again.
52. The cloudiness grew thicker, obscuring familiar landmarks.
53. The cloudiness continued even during the midday hours.
54. The cloudiness thickened until it almost completely blotted out the sun.
55. The cloudiness brought about a melancholy mood that settled upon the town.
56. The cloudiness added to the mysteriousness of the scene.
57. Luckily the cloudiness cleared, bringing much needed sunshine.
58. The cloudiness eased his mind and slowed his thoughts.
59. The cloudiness swirled ominously overhead, threatening rain.
60. The cloudiness passed as quickly as it had arrived.

Common Phases

1. Clear the cloudiness
2. Break the cloudiness
3. Dispel the cloudiness
4. Lift the cloudiness
5. Break through the cloudiness
6. Scatter the cloudiness
7. The cloudiness dissipated
8. The cloudiness lifted
9. The cloudiness began to clear
10. The cloudiness gave way to sunshine

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