Cold example sentences

Related (10): frost, ice, chilly, freezing, wintry, glacial, sub-zero, frigid, nippy, arctic.

"Cold" Example Sentences

1. It was a cold day in January.
2. She wrapped the scarf tightly around her neck to protect herself from the cold.
3. The winter air was cold enough to see your own breath.
4. The ice-cold drink felt refreshing on such a hot day.
5. His cold demeanor often left people feeling uncomfortable around him.
6. The children huddled together under blankets to keep warm during the cold night.
7. The weatherman warned of cold temperatures and snow in the coming days.
8. People typically eat more during the cold winters.
9. She wrapped herself in a warm sweater to shield herself from the cold.
10. Come inside, it's too cold to stay outside any longer.
11. I caught a cold from being out in the rain without an umbrella.
12. When he has a cold, he likes to just stay home in bed.
13. The soup warmed me up from the inside during my cold.
14. She blew her nose loudly into a tissue during her cold.
15. They lit a fire to warm up the cold room.
16. The metal doorknob felt icy cold to the touch.
17. Be careful not to spill the cold water on yourself.
18. The lake was too cold to swim in during the winter months.
19. He held the ice cream in his hand until it started to become cold and hard.
20. The beer felt refreshingly cold after working outside all day.
21. Her hands were turning red from the cold.
22. He turned up the heat to escape the cold January weather.
23. The bottle of water had become cold from sitting in the fridge.
24. The stainless steel poles felt freezing cold in the wintertime.
25. The doctor examined his throat since he complained of a cold.
26. The floor was freezing cold beneath her bare feet.
27. At night, cold air seeps in through the windows.
28. She kept her hand in her pocket to protect her fingers from the cold.
29. Wearing gloves helped keep her hands warm in the cold weather.
30. The theater was kept cold to help patrons stay awake during movies.
31. The restaurant dimmed the lights to create a cold, sterile atmosphere.
32. His cold stare conveyed disinterest in the topic.
33. Winter seemed like an endless stretch of cold and darkness.
34. They sat huddled around a campfire, sharing stories to fight off the cold night.
35. The room felt noticeably colder once the fire went out.
36. She sniffled and wiped her runny nose as she fought her cold.
37. Cold rain poured down from the dark, overcast sky.
38. The room felt drafty and cold even with the heater running.
39. Winter is the season most associated with cold temperatures.
40. He stood motionless in the cold air.
41. The cold metal bench chilled her legs.
42. The wet dog shook itself dry, spraying cold water everywhere.
43. Their cold expressions revealed resentment toward each other.
44. The wind picked up, making the cold night feel even colder.
45. The glass of ice water felt refreshing against her hot forehead.
46. The cold Porridge was unappetizing.
47. The snow crunched under her cold boots.
48. A cold front was moving in, bringing rain and lower temperatures.
49. Soft blankets and warm tea warmed her up from the cold winter storm.
50. Their cold war seemed unending.
51. The cold dampness seemed to permeate every corner of the abandoned cellar.
52. The patient's cold hands confirmed his low body temperature.
53. He spoke to her in a cold, unfeeling tone of voice.
54. The bright full moon shone down, illuminating the cold, wintry landscape.
55. The frigid water felt cold against her warm skin as she dove in.
56. The bitter cold wind blew harshly against his face.
57. Winter is known for its cold, snowy weather.
58. The ice cubes clinked together as they melted into cold water.
59. Her cold stare pierced right through him.
60. The cold air seemed to permeate her very bones as she walked outside.

Common Phases

1. Catch a cold: To become sick with the common cold virus.
2. Cold as ice: Very cold and unemotional.
3. Cold call: An unsolicited phone call, usually for marketing purposes.
4. Cold comfort: Little or no comfort or consolation.
5. Cold shoulder: The act of deliberately ignoring or neglecting someone.
6. Break a cold: To start something new, especially something daunting or difficult.
7. A cold day in hell: Something that will never happen.
8. Give someone the cold sweats: To cause someone discomfort or anxiety.
9. Cold feet: Having second thoughts about something one has committed to.
10. Cold turkey: To stop doing something abruptly, without weaning or reducing gradually.

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