Colonizer example sentences

Related (10): settler, conqueror, imperialist, explorer, oppressor, invader, pioneer, occupier, hegemon, dominator

"Colonizer" Example Sentences

1. The Europeans were the colonizers who set up colonies in Asia, Africa and the Americas.
2. The British were notorious colonizers who invaded and ruled over many foreign lands.
3. The Dutch were also successful colonizers who established settlements in southeast Asia.
4. The Spanish colonizers conquered much of South and Central America.
5. The French colonizers set up colonies in parts of Africa, Asia and the Americas.
6. The Portuguese were early colonizers who established settlements along the African and Asian coasts.
7. The colonizers exploited the land and resources of the colonized nations for their own gain.
8. The colonizers oppressed the native populations through military control and harsh policies.
9. The colonizers imposed their culture, language and religion on the colonized people.
10. The colonizers viewed the colonized people as inferior and in need of civilization.
11. The colonizers disrupted and often destroyed the existing cultures of indigenous populations.
12. The colonizers brought disease that decimated native populations.
13. The colonizers controlled trade and restricted the economic development of colonies.
14. Many colonized nations fought for independence from their colonizers.
15. Indigenous resistance movements challenged the rule of colonizers.
16. Postcolonial theorists have studied the lasting impacts of colonizers on colonized societies.
17. Some colonizers justified their actions through religious ideologies.
18. Economic exploitation was the primary motive of most European colonizers.
19. The colonizers forced native populations off their traditional lands.
20. Colonizers often employed brutality and violence against resisters.
21. Many colonizers saw themselves as bringing civilization to backward places.
22. Some colonizers advocated for a "civilizing mission."
23. The era of European colonialism shaped the modern world through the actions of colonizers.
24. The legacy of colonization continues long after colonizers have left.
25. The arrival of European colonizers upended traditional ways of life for many indigenous cultures.
26. Colonizers built forts and military outposts to help control the colonies.
27. European powers often fought each other for control over colonial territories.
28. States formed by people seeking liberation from colonizers are known as postcolonial nations.
29. Nationalist movements pushed for colonies to gain independence from their colonizers.
30. Colonizers set up extractive economic systems focused on exploiting colony resources.
31. Some colonizers envisioned creating "new Europes" in colonies through settlement.
32. The actions of colonizers led to the deaths of millions of indigenous people.
33. Colonizers often dismissed native cultures as primitive or uncivilized.
34. The desires of colonizers often clashed with the needs of indigenous populations.
35. Colonizers introduced new governance systems that robbed indigenous people of agency.
36. Non-European colonizers also existed, though Europeans were the largest group.
37. Some scholars argue colonizers were not truly aiming for the "civilizing mission" they espoused.
38. The nostalgia some colonizers felt for their colonies is known as colonial nostalgia.
39. Colonizers created stereotypes about the colonized that persisted for generations.
40. The impacts of colonization fundamentally changed societies long after the departure of colonizers.
41. Many postcolonial scholars critique the oppression and violence of European colonizers.
42. Disease, exploitation, and oppression were hallmarks of most colonizers' treatment of indigenous groups.
43. Museums today are grappling with artifacts taken by colonizers from indigenous groups.
44. Colonizers stifled indigenous intellectualism and scientific practices.
45. The rise of anti-colonial movements challenged the legitimacy of colonizers' actions.
46. Colonizers brought drastically new systems of governance that lasted for generations.
47. Many European colonizers viewed themselves as part of a civilizing mission.
48. The activities of European colonizers from the 15th to 20th centuries shaped the present-day world.
49. The trauma of colonization continues for many communities who suffered under colonizers.
50. Colonizers established racist hierarchies that placed Europeans over colonized populations.
51. Race-based justifications of European colonizers have been widely condemned.
52. Many colonizers saw indigenous cultures as obstacles to achieving their civilizing goals.
53. Colonizers' actions had deep ecological impacts on colonized lands.
54. Resistance to colonizers took many forms, from armed revolution to cultural preservation.
55. Colonized lands became sources of raw materials for colonizers' home economies.
56. Colonizers valued economic exploitation above protecting local environments.
57. Some actions of colonizers amounted to cultural genocide of indigenous groups.
58. Postcolonialism critiques the perspectives and ideologies of European colonizers.
59. Anti-colonial movements sought to evict European colonizers from colonized lands.
60. Colonizers prioritized resource extraction for economic gain over local needs.

Common Phases

1. The European settlers were colonizers who took the Indigenous people's land.
2. The French colonizer imposed French culture and customs on the colonized.
3. The British colonizer spread the English language and parliamentary system around the colonies.
4. The Spanish conquistadores were both colonizers and colonized in their conquest of the Americas.
5. The Portuguese navigators were the first European colonizers in many parts of Africa and Asia.
6. The Dutch were colonizers in South Africa, establishing Cape Town in 1652.
7. The Belgian King Leopold colonized the Congo during the late 1800s mainly for economic exploitation of its resources.
8. The Americans violently colonized the West, displacing the Native tribes living on the land.
9. The colonizer disrupted and often destroyed the existing cultures and societies through colonization.
10. Many colonized people suffered under the harsh practices of the colonizer.
11. Many postcolonial scholars critique the morality of European colonization and imperialism.
12. The effects of the colonizer's presence are still felt in formerly colonized nations today.
13. The colonizer often imposed new religious beliefs on the colonized people.
14. Colonizers justified the colonization of "uncivilized" people for their own benefit.
15. Colonization led to the spread of Western cultural values and customs around the globe.
16. Indigenous people resisted European colonizers as long as they could.
17. The colonizer viewed the colonized people as primitive and in need of civilization.
18. Postcolonial theory seeks to understand the legacies of the colonizer and colonized.
19. The colonizers often tried to erase or belittle the existing cultures of the colonized.
20. Some argue that the colonizer brought "progress" to less developed parts of the world.
21. The relationship between colonizer and colonized was inherently unequal and exploitative.
22. The colonized people suffered under foreign economic and political control by the colonizer.
23. The colonizer enforced segregation and discrimination against the colonized groups.
24. The colonizer employed divide and rule tactics to govern the colonized populations.
25. The North American colonizers nearly eradicated many Indigenous tribes through violence and disease.
26. Writers from formerly colonized nations often depict the protagonist fighting against the colonizer.
27. The colonizer attempted to erase memories of the colonized people's precolonial histories and cultures.
28. Colonizers justified their actions through belief in their own cultural and racial superiority.
29. Many colonized nations gained independence from their European colonizers after World War II.
30. Some postcolonial critics argue the colonizer's presence cannot be entirely erased from formerly colonized nations.
31. The colonizer's economic exploitation of colonies often enriched the colonizing nation.
32. The colonizer forcibly displaced many colonized people from their traditional lands.
33. Indigenous knowledge and traditions were lost or forgotten under colonization.
34. Violent conflicts often erupted between colonizers and the colonized resistant groups.
35. The colonizer introduced new political systems that favored the colonizing nations.
36. The arrival of colonizers often brought deadly diseases that decimated indigenous populations.
37. The presence of the colonizer helped facilitate the slave trade in many parts of the world.
38. The colonizer's cultural framework is still present in the institutions of many formerly colonized nations.
39. Many post-independence governments in formerly colonized nations struggle to overcome legacies of the colonizer.
40. Some argue that independence did not fully liberate formerly colonized nations from influences of the colonizer.
41. Retaining elements of the colonizer's culture often complicates national identities in postcolonial nations.
42. The colonizer constructed narratives that positioned colonized people as inferior.
43. The colonizers renamed places and reconstructed geography to erase indigenous toponyms.
44. Colonized people employed various strategies of resistance against the colonizer.
45. Postcolonial readings seek to recover voices that were silenced under colonial rule.
46. The colonized people have often had to reclaim or reconstruct their identities after colonization.
47. Some critics argue that traces of colonial mentality remain for those who were once colonized.
48. The colonizer tried to control the flow of information within the colonized territories.
49. Colonized peoples had to reconstruct community and family structures disrupted by colonization.
50. Postcolonial literature often depicts the colonized people regaining agency after years of oppression.
51. Decolonization movements sought to overthrow the colonizer's political power and cultural dominance.
52. Postcolonial critics analyze how languages were impacted and transformed under colonization.
53. The colonizer forced many indigenous peoples from their traditional livelihoods and ways of life.
54. Indigenous resistance movements challenged the colonizer's narratives of racial and cultural superiority.
55. Memories of colonization still shape cultural and social dynamics in formerly colonized nations.
56. Legacies of the colonizer remain in contemporary economic imbalances between former colonizers and colonized nations.
57. The colonizer attempted to turn the colonized people's history into a footnote of their European histories.
58. The arrival of the colonizer fundamentally transformed and disrupted indigenous societies in both positive and negative ways.
59. Legacies of colonization complicate notions of cultural purity, authenticity and national identity in postcolonial societies.
60. Traces of the colonizer still remain in contemporary cultural mindsets, values, and stereotypes throughout the world.

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