Conquistadora example sentences

Related (13): Exploration, colonization, empire-building, colonialism, imperialism, conquistador, Spanish, Catholicism, gold, silver, conquest, war, exploitation

"Conquistadora" Example Sentences

1. The conquistadora led her troops to victory in battle.
2. Many stories have been told of the brave conquistadoras who explored new lands.
3. The conquistadora was determined to establish a new colony in the Americas.
4. Nobody dared to challenge the authority of the powerful conquistadora.
5. The conquistadora was known for her fierce determination and cunning tactics.
6. Many people feared the wrath of the conquistadora, who ruled with an iron fist.
7. The conquistadora was a skilled warrior and expert in hand-to-hand combat.
8. Legends say that the conquistadora was invincible in battle.
9. The conquistadora was revered and respected by her loyal followers.
10. The accomplishments of the conquistadora are still celebrated to this day.
11. The conquistadora faced many challenges on her quest for glory and riches.
12. Even in defeat, the conquistadora refused to back down or accept defeat.
13. The greatness of the conquistadora is a legacy that will live on forever.
14. Many have tried to emulate the conquistadora's strategies and tactics, but few have succeeded.
15. The conquistadora was a visionary leader who changed the course of history.
16. The brave conquistadora led her troops into battle, inspiring them to fight with all their might.
17. The empire of the conquistadora was vast and far-reaching, spanning across many lands.
18. The conquistadora's reputation as a fierce warrior and cunning strategist preceded her everywhere she went.
19. The conquistadora was a bold and fearless adventurer, always eager to explore new territories and conquer new foes.
20. The conquistadora's armies were feared throughout the land, striking terror into the hearts of all who opposed them.
21. The conquistadora was a force to be reckoned with, a formidable opponent for anyone who dared to challenge her authority.
22. Some say that the conquistadora was possessed by a divine spirit, giving her supernatural powers on the battlefield.
23. The stories of the conquistadora's exploits in battle are the stuff of legend, inspiring awe and admiration in all who hear them.
24. The conquistadora's legacy lives on, inspiring future generations to be brave, daring, and determined in all their endeavors.
25. The conquistadora's armies marched across the land, leaving a trail of destruction and conquest in their wake.
26. The conquistadora's reputation as a ruthless conqueror was well-deserved, as she crushed all who opposed her without mercy.
27. The conquistadora's quest for power and riches knew no bounds, as she would stop at nothing to achieve her goals.
28. The conquistadora's legacy is one of both triumph and tragedy, as her conquests led to both glory and suffering for countless people.
29. The conquistadora's armies were bolstered by the fierce loyalty of her followers, who would follow her to the end of the earth if necessary.
30. The conquistadora's story is one of great adventure, ambition, and perseverance, inspiring all who hear it to reach for their own greatness.

Common Phases

1. La Conquistadora fue un símbolo de la conquista española en América; su imagen se convirtió en una figura religiosa importante en el Nuevo Mundo.
2. Durante la época colonial, las mujeres españolas que emigraron a las Américas se convirtieron en Conquistadoras en su propia forma; enfrentaron muchos desafíos en su nueva vida en el Nuevo Mundo.
3. Las técnicas de conquista usadas por los españoles en América Latina han sido criticadas por la historia; sin embargo, también es importante reconocer el papel de las mujeres Conquistadoras en estos procesos.
4. Los relatos de la Conquistadora son variados y complejos; algunos la ven como una figura religiosa piadosa, mientras que otros la ven como un símbolo de la opresión colonial.
5. En la literatura hispanoamericana, la figura de la Conquistadora ha sido reimaginada y reinterpretada de varias maneras; algunos autores han buscado recuperar la voz y la perspectiva de las mujeres que fueron parte de este proceso histórico.

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