Contented example sentences
Related (13): satisfied, happy, pleased, fulfilled, gratified, cheerful, tranquil, peaceful, delighted, joyful, elated, ecstatic, overjoyed.
contented (adjective)
- happy and at ease:
- willing to accept something; satisfied:
contented (past tense) · contented (past participle)
- satisfy (someone):
- accept as adequate despite wanting more or better:
content, satisfied, pleased, gratified, fulfilled, happy, cheerful, cheery, glad, delighted, tranquil, unworried, untroubled, comfortable, serene, placid, complacent, discontented, dissatisfied, content, satisfied, pleased, gratified, fulfilled, happy, cheerful, cheery, glad, delighted, tranquil, unworried, untroubled, comfortable, serene, placid, complacent, discontented, dissatisfied, soothe, pacify, placate, appease, please, mollify, satisfy, still, silence, quieten, quiet, Legal"Contented" Example Sentences
1. The cat sat contented by the fire.
2. After a big meal, she lay back contented on the sofa.
3. He lived a simple but contented life.
4. The child slept peacefully and contented in her crib.
5. The farmer worked hard but was nevertheless contented with his humble lot.
6. The family lived a frugal yet contented existence.
7. The woman was happy and contented in her marriage.
8. The retired man lived a contented life, enjoying his hobbies and gardening.
9. The puppy lay down contented at their feet.
10. After the large meal, they all sat back contented and sleepy.
11. The animal was clean and well-fed, looking quite contented.
12. When their basic needs were met, they were contented.
13. The child's contented smile melted her mother's heart.
14. His contented humming as he worked brought me joy.
15. The morning sunshine found her still sleeping, contented and warm.
16. The former farm animals now lived an idle but contented life.
17. The elderly couple lived a simple yet contented life in the country.
18. His contented expression showed his happiness.
19. The man lived a humble, but ultimately contented, existence.
20. While poor, they lived simply yet contented lives.
21. The babbling brook kept him company as he sat, contented, beneath the tree.
22. With a full belly and warm bed, the dog was contented.
23. The man had few possessions but was nevertheless contented.
24. With bellies full of good food and drink, the party sat back contented.
25. The sun shining on her face left her feeling contented and at peace.
26. The pet tiger lay asleep, looking large and contented.
27. The young woman lived a modest yet ultimately contented life.
28. The farmer looked tired but contented after a hard day's work.
29. The child was smiling and contented, needing little.
30. When it started to rain, the cats just sat in the window contented.
31. The children played happily while their mother sat contented.
32. The cat stretched leisurely, looking lazy but contented.
33.The traveler returned from the journey weary but contented.
34. The old man sat outside his small house, contented and at peace.
35. The puppy was warm and fed, looking quite contented in its little bed.
36. The woman lived frugally but joyfully and contented.
37. As long as he had his guitar, he lived a contented life.
38. The workers sat chatting amongst themselves, looking contented.
39. The crowd watched the performance, sitting back contented.
40. The man lived simply but was ultimately contented with his lot.
41. The old dog slept peacefully on the porch, looking contented.
42. They lived a humble life, yet were ultimately very contented.
43. The retired couple lived simply but contentedly.
44. The older cat slept curled up in the sun, looking completely contented.
45. The young man left home contented, ready for adventure.
46.The old woman sat on her porch, contented and at peace.
47. He returned home tired but contented after a day out walking.
48. With bellies full and cushions cosy, the kittens lay contented.
49. The old woman lived simply but ultimately seemed contented.
50. The sheep grazed lazily in the field looking quite contented.
51. The little girl went to sleep smiling and contented.
52. The couple lived modestly but ultimately contented lives.
53. The dog slept peacefully on its cushion, looking quite contented.
54. The girl was playing happily, looking perfectly contented.
55. The woman lived a simple but ultimately very contented life.
56. Her big smile showed how contented she was feeling.
57. Their little faces showed how contented they were feeling.
58. The very definition of contented, she sat smiling in the garden.
59. As long as she had her children and husband, she lived a contented life.
60. With a full belly and warm fire, he was contented for the night.
Common Phases
1. live a contented life- to lead a happy and satisfying life, free from worry
2. seem contented - to appear happy and satisfied
3. look contented - to have an appearance of feeling happy and satisfied
4. sit back contented- to relax comfortably or leisurely, feeling happy and satisfied
5. lie down contented - to place oneself in a reclining or resting position, in a state of happiness and satisfaction
6. fall asleep contented- to become unconscious while in a state of happiness and satisfaction
7. ultimately contented - feeling happy and satisfied despite circumstances
8. quiet but contented - peaceful but happy and satisfied
9. a life of contented obscurity - a life of happy and satisfied obscurity or anonymity
10. simple yet contented - happy and satisfied with humble or basic things