Crazyin example sentences
Related (4): insane, deranged, unhinged, delusional
crazy (adjective) · crazier (comparative adjective) · craziest (superlative adjective)
- very foolish, senseless, or strange:
- extremely excited or enthusiastic:
- extremely angry:
- (of a person) wildly irrational or incoherent:
- having a mental illness.
- (of an angle) appearing absurdly out of place or in an unlikely position:
- (of a ship or building) full of cracks or flaws; unsound or shaky.
- extremely:
- a person who is wildly irrational or out of control:
absurd, preposterous, ridiculous, ludicrous, farcical, laughable, risible, idiotic, stupid, foolish, foolhardy, unwise, imprudent, silly, inane, puerile, infantile, fatuous, imbecilic, harebrained, unreasonable, irrational, illogical, nonsensical, pointless, senseless, impracticable, unworkable, unrealistic, outrageous, wild, shocking, astonishing, monstrous, unbelievable, incredible, unthinkable, implausible, peculiar, odd, strange, queer, weird, eccentric, bizarre, fantastic, incongruous, grotesque, barmy, daft, potty, wackadoo, wackadoodle, sensible, passionate, fanatical, excited, wild, mad, nutty, nuts, potty, apathetic, indifferent, deranged, demented, insane, crazed, lunatic, unbalanced, unhinged, unstable, disturbed, distracted, nutty, bats, bonkers, cuckoo, loopy, loony, bananas, loco, dippy, screwy, touched, gaga, barmy, batty, crackers, barking, doolally, buggy, nutsy, nutso, meshuga, squirrelly, wacko, gonzo, bushed, sane, deranged, demented, insane, crazed, lunatic, unbalanced, unhinged, unstable, disturbed, distracted, nutty, bats, bonkers, cuckoo, loopy, loony, bananas, loco, dippy, screwy, touched, gaga, barmy, batty, crackers, barking, doolally, buggy, nutsy, nutso, meshuga, squirrelly, wacko, gonzo, bushed, sane, certifiable, deranged, demented, unhinged, unbalanced, unstable, disturbed, crazed, psychotic, schizophrenic, bonkers, cracked, bats, cuckoo, loony, loopy, nuts, nutty, screwy, bananas, crackers, barmy, batty, barking, buggy, nutsy, nutso, wacko, squirrelly, bushed, sane, crank, lunatic, maniac, eccentric, loony, nutcase, cuckoo, fruitcake, headcase, headbanger, schizo, crackpot, oddball, weirdo, freak, nutter, screwball, kook, nutjob, nutso, meshuggener, wacko, wackadoo, wackadoodle, dingbat"Crazyin" Example Sentences
1. He was so crazy in love with her that he couldn't even speak.2. The fans went crazy in excitement when their favorite musician took the stage.
3. The party was so crazy in the best way possible.
4. She went crazy in frustration when she realized she had lost her car keys.
5. The rollercoaster ride was so crazy in its twists and turns.
6. He acted crazy in anger and broke the vase.
7. The storm was crazy in its intensity, causing widespread damage.
8. The plot twist in the movie was so crazy in its unexpectedness.
9. She did a crazy in-cartwheel during their dance routine.
10. The group of friends went crazy in laughter over a silly joke.
11. The idea seemed crazy in theory but ended up being successful.
12. The cat went crazy in chasing the laser pointer.
13. The dress she wore to the party was crazy in its boldness.
14. The restaurant was crazy in its popularity, resulting in long wait times.
15. He went a little crazy in celebrating his team's victory.
16. The haunted house was crazy in its scares.
17. The new dance move he showed off was crazy in its complexity.
18. The comedian's performance had the crowd going crazy in applause.
19. The road trip was crazy in its unexpected detours.
20. He was crazy in excitement for his upcoming trip to Europe.
21. The weather was crazy in its unpredictability.
22. The Internet was going crazy in reaction to the viral video.
23. The fashion trend was crazy in its uniqueness.
24. The children were going crazy in joy at the sight of their Christmas presents.
25. The hike was crazy in its difficulty, but the view was worth it.
26. Her hair was crazy in its wildness after a windy day.
27. The traffic was crazy in its congestion during rush hour.
28. The story she told was crazy in its hilarity.
29. The concert was crazy in its energy and enthusiasm.
30. The city nightlife was crazy in its vibrancy and excitement.
Common Phases
you need me to create phrases using the word "crazyin" without including an instruction sentence?1. She's been crazyin' about him ever since they met.
2. I can't stop crazyin' over this new pair of shoes.
3. My heart is crazyin' at the thought of seeing him again.
4. I spent all night crazyin' with my friends at the club.
5. The stress is crazyin' me out more than usual lately.
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