Cure example sentences

Related (16): heal, remedy, treat, restore, alleviate, ease, ameliorate, mend, fix, resolve, mitigate, relieve, rehabilitate, recover, solve, rectify

"Cure" Example Sentences

1. Scientists are searching for a cure for cancer.
2. Researchers have not yet found a cure for the common cold.
3. There are natural remedies that may alleviate symptoms but no proven cure.
4. There is currently no known cure for Alzheimer's disease.
5. The doctor prescribed some medicine in hopes of curing the infection.
6. The remedy seemed to help relieve the symptoms but did not fully cure the illness.
7. Doctors are experimenting with different drug combinations in an attempt to cure the disease.
8. Researchers have been unable to cure many chronic conditions.
9. The medicine cured the bacterial infection but left her side effects.
10. Doctors said there is still no cure for hemophilia.
11. He spent years searching for a cure for his chronic disease.
12. Many traditional medicines claim to cure a wide range of ailments.
13. Medical science has cured many infectious diseases over the past century.
14. She tried every remedy she could find but nothing seemed to cure her insomnia.
15. Doctors warned that while the treatment alleviated the symptoms, it did not provide a cure.
16. Some promising new drugs may completely cure hepatitis C in the future.
17. Modern medicine has yet to find a cure for HIV/AIDS.
18. Antibiotics cure bacterial infections but are useless against viruses.
19. Some patients resort to alternative treatments in hopes of curing their illness.
20. Scientists hope that gene therapy may one day cure many genetic conditions.
21. The herbal remedy she took seemed to help alleviate her symptoms but did not fully cure her illness.
22. Many chronic diseases currently have no permanent cure.
23. Surgery cured his ulcer and he no longer needed medication.
24. There are a handful of infectious diseases for which we still lack a cure.
25. The treatment helped manage her symptoms but did not provide a permanent cure.
26. Experts warn against using unproven remedies that claim to cure serious diseases.
27. The potion did not cure the witch's curse as promised.
28. Traditional Chinese medicine claims to cure all kinds of ailments.
29. Scientists continue to try to cure deadly viruses like Ebola and SARS.
30. There is no known cure for inherited disorders like sickle cell anemia.
31. Researchers seek to cure disease, not just manage or alleviate symptoms.
32. She drank the magic potion that was supposed to cure her of all ills.
33. Many incurable diseases have treatments that relieve symptoms but do not cure the underlying condition.
34. The home remedy seemed to cure her cold but did not prevent her from getting sick again.
35. Modern medicine has cured or controlled most common bacterial infections.
36. No treatment has yet been able to fully cure muscular dystrophy.
37. Some herbal remedies claim to cure many different health conditions.
38. Good sanitation and clean water helped cure many infectious diseases.
39. Doctors have yet to find a cure for most autoimmune disorders.
40. Many miracles are needed to cure all the illnesses in the world.
41. Some research suggests tuberculosis may one day be cured completely.
42. The medicine seemed to cure her symptoms but the disease returned soon after she stopped taking it.
43. The spell did not completely cure her curse but only temporarily alleviated her suffering.
44. Antibiotics cure bacterial infections by killing or preventing the growth of bacteria.
45. While treatment can help manage the symptoms, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis.
46. Gene editing technology may one day help cure previously incurable diseases.
47. The tonic claimed to cure all ailments from rheumatism to indigestion.
48. Most treatments for chronic conditions aim to manage rather than cure the illness.
49. Scientists hope stem cell research may eventually result in cures for difficult diseases.
50. Early medicine men sought potions and spells to cure all manner of illness.
51. While a healthy diet and exercise are important, they cannot cure autoimmune disorders.
52. Though incurable, modern palliative care seeks to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.
53. Medical advances have cured many previously untreatable conditions.
54. While some remedies may provide temporary relief, few actually cure the underlying problem.
55. Alternative healers often claim their treatments can cure conditions like diabetes and asthma.
56. There are treatments for HIV but currently no known cure.
57. There is no magic potion to cure all social problems.
58. Although treatment can control the virus, herpes has no known cure.
59. With no known cure, doctors focus on managing the condition to minimize symptoms.
60. Many remedies claim to cure insomnia, but few actually work.

Common Phases

• There is no cure for... - Used to indicate that a medical condition has no known treatment that can completely remedy or eliminate it.
cure all ills - A supposed remedy, treatment, or thing that remedies or heals all ailments or problems.
• There is no magic cure for... - Indicating that a simple solution does not exist for a complex problem.
• a cure-all - A remedy claimed to be able to heal or correct any ailment or disease. Usually used skepticism to refer to an ineffective remedy.
• a cure for the common... - A remedy or treatment for an ordinary or mundane problem or inconvenience. Typically used humorously or ironically.
• beyond cure - Too problematic, damaged, confused, etc. to be helped or corrected.
• desperately seeking a cure - Actively and urgently trying to find a remedy for a problem or illness.
• offered no cure - Did not suggest or provide any solution.
• provide only temporary relief/cure - Help or improve a condition for a limited time but not permanently.
• claimed to cure/had the power to cure - Asserted that something could remedy an illness, though it may not actually be able to do so effectively.
• beyond human power to cure - Too difficult for people to remedy or fix using current knowledge, technology, or means.
I hope this set of common "cure" phrases is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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