Digestmy example sentences

Related (9): Digest, My, Food, Digestive, System, Nutrients, Absorption, Stomach, Intestines

"Digestmy" Example Sentences

1. I need time to digest my thoughts and emotions from our conversation.
2. My stomach needs time to properly digest my meal.
3. I have a hard time digesting my food when I am experiencing high stress.
4. Please give me a moment to digest my feelings about your proposal.
5. The body needs digestive enzymes to properly break down and digest my food.
6. The bread is dense and hard for me to digestMy stomach.
7. I have acid reflux, so it takes me longer to digest my meals.
8. The spicy curry was difficult for me to digestMy sensitive stomach.
9. My mind needs time to properly digest my spouse's apology.
10. The elderly often have trouble digesting their meals properly.
11. I wish my brain could quickly digest my professors' dense lectures.
12. When I'm depressed, I have trouble digesting even the simplest news.
13. The medications I take make it hard for me to digest my food.
14. I overate at the buffet and now I'm struggling to digestMy large meal.
15. Digesting my fears and doubts takes much longer than consuming them.
16. The raw carrots are easy for me to digestMy system.
17. Give me a few minutes to properly digest my son's bad report card.
18. The difficult concepts in this book will take me time to digestMy mind.
19. I tend to overthink situations, making it hard to digest my emotions.
20. As I age, it takes me longer time to properly digest My meals.
21. Let me walk for a bit to help digest my large lunch.
22. Digesting my failures has been important for my personal growth.
23. Exercise helps move food through my system to aid digestion.
24. The insoluble fibers in this broth are impossible for me to digestMy stomach.
25. The information in that dense textbook was difficult for me to digestMy brain.
26. My body stopped producing enough stomach acid, making it hard to digestMy food.
27. I ate so fast that I'm having trouble digesting my meal now.
28. The protein shake was easy for me to digestMy stomach.
29. My emotions were running so high that I could barely digest my spouse's words.
30. The breads and pastas I used to eat are hard for me to digestMy sensitive stomach now.
31. Drinking water and herbal tea aids in helping me digest my food properly.
32. When I'm stressed, my body has difficulty digesting even the healthiest foods.
33. Taking small bites and chewing thoroughly helps me digest my meals.
34. Yogurt and other probiotics help maintain healthy gut flora to aid digestion.
35. My digestion is better when I eat slower and chew my food thoroughly.
36. Digesting large meals is hard for me at night before bedtime.
37. The spicier my meal, the more difficult it is for my stomach to digestMy food.
38. The stressful news was difficult for me to properly digest my overwhelmed mind.
39. When I eat late at night, my food tends to sit in my stomach, hard to digest.
40. I could barely finish my meal because my stomach could not digestMy large portion.
41. Allowing myself time to process difficult news helps me digest it better.
42. The greasy burger seemed impossible for my sick stomach to digest.
43. Walking after meals helps move food through my system, aiding digestion.
44. Stewed fruits and vegetables are easier for me to digest than raw ones.
45. The steamed chicken and rice was simple for my sick stomach to digest.
46. When my husband called with bad news, I needed time to adequately digest it.
47. Probiotics in yogurt support the growth of beneficial bacteria that aid digestion.
48. The chunky soup was difficult for my sensitive stomach to digest.
49. The juicy grill cheese sandwich was easy for my toddler to digest.
50. My grandmother needs adequate nutrition but also foods easy to digest her system.
51. While lying down after dinner, it's difficult for me to digest my large meal.
52. My body needs time to properly absorb and digest my nutrients from food.
53. My teenage son can easily digest his large portions of dense fast food.
54. Ground and pureed foods are easier for the elderly to digest.
55. High-fiber foods can be difficult for people with digestive issues to digest.
56. Antacids can help the body breakdown and digest my meals.
57. The greasy pizza was hard for me to digest my stomach after a long day.
58. Digesting my teenage son's troubling behavior has been a challenge.
59. I should avoid spicy and acidic foods that are difficult for me to digest.
60. My fitbit reminds me to walk and move after meals to aid in digesting my lunch.

Common Phases

1. I need time to digest my thoughts.
2. My stomach needs time to properly digest my food.
3. It takes time to digest my emotions.
4. Give me a moment to digest my feelings.
5. My mind needs time to properly digest the information.
6. I'm having trouble digesting my meal.
7. Digesting the news has been difficult.
8. Allow myself time to process and digest difficult situations.
9. It will take time for me to digest your feedback.
10. I need some space to digest what happened.

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