Distort example sentences

Related (10): distortion, twisted, misrepresented, warped, skewed, contorted, perverted, falsified, garbled, misstated

"Distort" Example Sentences

1. The lens distorts the image, making it appear warped and unnatural.
2. Heat from the lights distorted the politician's features on live TV.
3. Extreme emotion can distort one's perception of reality.
4. Rumors and innuendo distorted the facts of the case.
5. The membrane in his ear had ruptured, seriously distorting his hearing.
6. Lying for so long had seriously distorted her sense of truth and honesty.
7. The mirror's curved surface distorted the reflection.
8. The view from the hilltop was distorted by the humid air.
9. False allegations distorted the public's perception of his character.
10. Exaggerations and lies had distorted the true facts of the incident.
11. The distorted sound of her voice over the old intercom system creeped people out.
12. The grapevines had distorted shapes from years of growth.
13. Preconceived notions can distort one's perspective.
14. Convection currents in the atmosphere distorted the images from the telescope.
15. The depression had distorted her ability to enjoy life.
16. The pain in her hip distorted her ability to walk normally.
17. The distortion effect added a deliberate warping to the music video.
18. The comedian intentionally distorted his voice for comedic effect.
19. The journalist's bias distorted their coverage of the campaign.
20. Her nightmares still distorted her recollections of the event years later.
21. The funhouse mirrors distorted their reflections for amusement.
22. The hallucinations significantly distorted her perception of reality.
23. Flames distorted the view from the window, obscuring what was happening outside.
24. Climate change distorts environmental conditions in complex ways.
25. Amplification distorted the singer's voice during his performance.
26. Media coverage had seriously distorted public perception of the issue.
27. The bass was turned up so high that it distorted the entire song.
28. The spy's face had been surgically distorted to avoid detection.
29. Advertising often distorts reality to make products seem more appealing.
30. Fog distorted the view of the landscapes for tourists.
31. The fever distorted his perceptions, causing disturbing hallucinations.
32. Drug use distorted his sense of stability and normalcy.
33. The spin he put on the story seriously distorted the facts.
34. Premature conclusions distorted the findings of the experiment.
35. Bright lights can distort vision and cause headaches.
36. Economic interests distort public policy in harmful ways.
37. Anger and resentment had distorted her ability to think rationally.
38. The warped window glass distorted the street view below.
39. Heat haze distorted the view across the valley.
40. Misinformation distorted the public's trust in official reports.
41. His resentment and bitterness had distorted his personality.
42. The intense gravity distorted the trajectories of the objects orbiting the black hole.
43. Hunger distorted her judgment, causing her to make rash decisions.
44. The scratched lens distorted the photograph, making it difficult to view.
45. Stress distorted her well-being and happiness.
46. Crowded conditions distorted people's perceptions of personal space.
47. Her lack of self-esteem significantly distorted how she saw herself.
48. The defective stock distorted the woodworker's ability to make a precise joint.
49. Repeating a lie over and over distorts the truth and distorts memory.
50. The loud rock music distorted the speech of the presenters.
51. The event was so traumatic that her memory of it had been distorted.
52. Propaganda aimed at distorting perceptions of the opposition.
53. The bad cell reception distorted her friend's voice on the phone.
54. The drugged wine distorted the partygoers' perceptions of time.
55. Unreliable witnesses distorted the reconstruction of events in the trial.
56. His misguided outlook on life distorted how he treated others.
57. Overuse distorted and weakened the strings on his guitar.
58. The glass warped the objects beyond recognition, severely distorting their shapes.
59. Anger and jealousy distorted her perception of their relationship.
60. Whispers in the crowd distorted the sound of the speaker's voice.

Common Phases

1. The scratched lens distorted her image in the photo.
2. Stress and anxiety tended to distort his perspective and judgement.
3. Exaggerated news reports distorted the facts of the incident.
4. The crooked funhouse mirror distorted and stretched her reflection.
5. His strong emotional bias served to distort his recounting of events.
6. The faulty equipment distorted the musical notes played.
7. Years of accumulated dirt on the window distorted the view outside.
8. The foggy haze seemed to distort shapes and distances.
9. Her mind had been distorted by years of consuming hateful propaganda.
10. The attempted cover up only served to further distort the truth.
11. The harsh lighting distorted the model's features in the photograph.
12. Memories tend to become distorted over time.
13. The uneven ground seemed to distort their perspective and sense of direction.
14. Rumors and hearsay significantly distorted the original facts of the story.
15. Disinformation and propaganda worked to distort public perception.
16. The loud music distorted my ability to focus and concentrate.
17. His own emotions distorted his judgement in the volatile situation.
18. Misunderstandings can distort even the closest relationships.
19. The warped, deteriorating vinyl record distorted the sound coming from the speakers.
20. His obsession distorted his perception of what was real and normal.
21. Repeated rehearsal tended to distort and change her memory of the event.
22. Alcohol and drugs seemed to distort his ability to grasp complex concepts.
23. Her obsessive, jealous nature tended to distort her view of events and relationships.
24. Preconceived biases and assumptions serve to distort objective analysis.
25. The extreme heat distorted the view across the runway.
26. Ideological beliefs worked to distort his understanding of indisputable facts.
27. The funhouse mirror severely distorted his reflection.
28. The photographer attempted to distort the model's features for an avant-garde effect.
29. His selfish desires tended to distort his moral reasoning.
30. The intense smoke in the air appeared to distort shapes and colors.
31. Extensive media coverage significantly distorted public awareness of the situation.
32. The curved visor severely distorted her vision.
33. Anger serves to distort reason and logic.
34. The telescope's lenses appeared to slightly distort the image of the moon.
35. Alcohol tends to distort one's sense of coordination and balance.
36. Fanatical devotion to an ideology serves to distort rational thinking.
37. Intense emotion tends to distort clear thinking.
38. The curved wall of the room appeared to distort the scope and size of objects.
39. Malfunctioning speakers severely distorted the sound of the music.
40. Screen magnifiers tend to subtly distort images.
41. His strong desire for revenge worked to distort his sense of justice.
42. The malfunctioning software severely distorted the graphical output.
43. Light refraction through water distorts the images of objects below the surface.
44. Her jealousy distorted the way she perceived the situation.
45. Sensational headlines worked to distort the true facts of the story.
46. The defective lens severely distorted the image in the viewfinder.
47. Screaming feedback distorted the sound coming from the microphone.
48. Perception tends to distort objective reality.
49. Lack of context can distort understanding.
50. Severe hallucinations grossly distorted his sense of reality.
51. The misty air appeared to slightly distort distant objects.
52. Optical illusions serve to distort perception.
53. The defective camera lens severely distorted the photo it took.
54. His hatred worked to distort his view of an entire race of people.
55. Extreme hunger tends to distort one's perceptions and judgement.
56. Eyestrain can subtly distort one's perception of objects and spatial relationships.
57. The echo within the room significantly distorted the sound of their voices.
58. Extreme partisanship tends to distort objective reasoning.
59. The damaged speaker severely distorted the audio output.
60. Unchecked assumptions work to significantly distort analysis and understanding.

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