Doubler example sentences
- noun form of double
double (adjective)
- consisting of two equal, identical, or similar parts or things:
- having twice the usual size, quantity, or strength:
- designed to be used by two people:
- having two different roles or interpretations, especially in order to deceive or confuse:
- (of a letter or number) occurring twice in succession:
- (of a flower) having more than one circle of petals:
- (of a domino) having the same number of dots on each half.
- lower in pitch by an octave.
- twice as much or as many:
- at or to twice the amount or extent:
- as two instead of the more usual one:
- a thing which is twice as large as usual or is made up of two standard units or things:
- a double measure of liquor:
- a hit that allows the batter to reach second base safely:
- a type of bet in which two selections are made, with any winnings from the first being transferred to the second.
- a call that will increase the points won if the declarer is successful, or increase the penalty points won by the defenders if the declarer fails to make the contract.
- a hit on the narrow ring enclosed by the two outer circles of a dartboard, scoring double:
- a person who looks exactly like another:
- a person who stands in for an actor in a film.
- an apparition of a living person:
- (especially in tennis and badminton) a game or competition involving sides made up of two players:
- a number or amount which is twice as large as a contrasting or usual number or amount:
- become twice as much or as many:
- make twice as much or as many of (something):
- amount to twice as much as:
- (of a member of the armed forces) move at twice the usual speed; run:
- (of a batter) get a two-base hit:
- make a call increasing the value of the penalty points to be scored on an opponent's bid if it wins the auction and is not fulfilled:
- fold or bend (paper, cloth, or other material) over on itself:
- clench (a fist):
- sail around (a headland):
- be used in or play another, different role:
- (of an actor) play (two parts) in the same piece.
- play two or more musical instruments.
- add the same note in a higher or lower octave to (a note).