Easing example sentences

Related (10): relaxation, alleviation, reduction, moderation, abatement, mitigation, tempering, diminution, decrease, let-up.

"Easing" Example Sentences

1. The central bank announced an easing of interest rates to stimulate the economy.
2. After months of strict COVID restrictions, officials announced an easing of some measures.
3. With easing market pressures, retail sales improved steadily.
4. There are signs of an easing of tensions between the two countries.
5. Inflationary pressures have shown some easing in recent months.
6. The company announced an easing of its hiring freeze.
7. Easing fiscal policies aimed to boost business confidence and spending.
8. The holiday season brought an easing of work demands.
9. An easing of sanctions contributed to improved trade relations.
10. Tighter controls eventually led to an easing of the outbreak.
11. Border closures were eased to allow the flow of essential goods.
12. Health officials were cautiously optimistic about the easing of COVID cases.
13. The easing of storm conditions allowed for cleanup efforts to begin.
14. Financial markets reacted favorably to the central bank's easing of monetary policy.
15. Restrictions were progressively eased as the public health situation improved.
16. Traffic eased as people headed home after the work day.
17. After a difficult day, she felt an easing of tension as she relaxed with a book.
18. Rules were eased to allow businesses to remain open with increased safety measures.
19. His anxiety eased as the results came back negative.
20. With the closing of the sale, she felt an easing of stress.
21. Officials announced an easing of COVID testing requirements for inbound travelers.
22. Credit conditions eased, making loans more widely available.
23. His conscience eased once he finally made amends to his friend.
24. An easing of mortgage lending standards helped boost home sales.
25. Officials hoped the easing of import duties would promote economic growth.
26. Rising vaccination rates allowed for an easing of mask mandates.
27. Indices rose on the news of an easing of trade tensions.
28. With drawing of a breath, she felt an easing of tension in her shoulders.
29. The move to ease restrictions was met with concern from health experts.
30. Traffic eased as the evening rush hour came to an end.
31. Falling oil prices brought some easing of inflationary pressures.
32. Her breathing eased as she relaxed into meditation.
33. Crowds eased as fans left the stadium after the game.
34. An easing of monetary policy is one tool used by central banks to spur growth.
35. Officials recommended a gradual easing of lockdown measures to avoid a resurgence.
36. With exercise, his back pain eventually eased.
37. Demand eased for some energy commodities due to an economic slowdown.
38. Once their souls met, they felt a mutual easing of sorrow.
39. An easing of tariffs was proposed to relieve economic strain.
40. Over time, the easing of social mores changed public opinion.
41. The company announced an easing of restrictions on employee internet usage.
42. Market instability eventually gave way to an easing of volatility.
43. Rising interest rates can lead to an easing of inflation.
44. They felt an easing of conscience once they told the truth.
45. His muscles eased as he stretched after a run.
46. The easing of austerity measures helped boost domestic demand.
47. Officials approved an easing of COVID safety protocols for vaccinated citizens.
48. The easing of merger rules helped facilitate corporate consolidation.
49. Withdrawing troops led to an easing of regional tensions.
50. Demands were eventually eased for the release of political prisoners.
51. Controls were gradually eased to allow a return to normal business operations.
52. An easing of work responsibilities gave her more free time.
53. Market pressures eventually gave way to an easing of competition.
54. His breathing eased when he finally reached the trailhead.
55. The data showed some easing of price pressures in the latest quarter.
56. Restrictions were progressively eased as COVID cases declined.
57. The easing of political tension allowed for progress on other issues.
58. Her mind finally eased when all of the tasks were completed.
59. Tensions eventually eased between the feuding neighbors.
60. An easing of policy brought lower lending costs for businesses.

Common Phases

Easing of restrictions - Reducing or loosening rules, regulations, or limits that were previously imposed.
Easing of tensions - A lessening of anxiety, disagreement, or animosity between parties.
Easing of policies - Reducing the stringency of rules or measures that were previously in place.
Gradual/progressive easing - Loosening restrictions or controls bit by bit over an extended period.
Cautious easing - Looser rules implemented slowly and carefully to avoid unintended consequences.
Easing of pressure - A reduction in stress, strain, demands, or pressing conditions.
Give/bring an easing - To provide or result in slight relief, relaxation, or alleviation.
Allow for an easing - To permit or enable a reduction in intensity.
Easing of pain - A lessening of physical discomfort or suffering.
Easing of breathing - A decrease in the rate or difficulty of respiration.
Show signs of easing - To exhibit indications that conditions are becoming less severe.
Lead to an easing - To result in or cause a reduction in strictness, intensity, or severity.
Met with concern - Greeted warily due to potential risks or issues.
Allow a return to normal - Permit a resumption of typical operations after an abnormal situation.
Provided/gave relief - Offered or caused a reduction of strain, stress, or pain.

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