Exert example sentences

Related (13): apply, employ, utilize, implement, unleash, demonstrate, display, manifest, exercise, use, wield, deploy, concentrate

"Exert" Example Sentences

1. She had to exert all of her strength to lift the heavy box.
2. The coach urged the players to exert themselves more during practice.
3. He didn't want to exert too much pressure on her, but he needed an answer.
4. The CEO was able to exert his influence over the company's decision-making process.
5. The patient was advised not to exert herself too much after her surgery.
6. He had to exert his authority as a police officer to maintain order.
7. The athlete had to exert herself beyond her limits to win the race.
8. The scientists had to exert extreme caution when handling the dangerous chemicals.
9. The teacher had to exert control over the noisy classroom.
10. The harsh winter conditions required the workers to exert more effort to finish the project on time.
11. The strict coach demanded that the team exert maximum effort during every game.
12. The politician was able to exert immense pressure on his opponent during the election.
13. The soldiers had to exert all of their training and skills during the intense battle.
14. The company had to exert a lot of effort to meet their quarterly targets.
15. He knew he had to exert his influence as a senior member of the staff to get the idea approved.
16. The doctor warned the patient not to exert herself too much after her heart surgery.
17. She had to exert more pressure on the pen to make it write on the rough paper.
18. The team had to exert extra effort to win the championship game.
19. The manager had to exert his authority to discipline the disobedient employee.
20. She was able to exert her creativity to come up with an innovative solution to the problem.
21. The coaches had to exert discipline to keep the team focused on their objectives.
22. The climbers had to exert all their strength to reach the summit of the mountain.
23. The leaders had to exert their influence to reach a compromise on the controversial issue.
24. The doctor recommended that the patient exert more effort in her daily exercise routine.
25. The entrepreneur had to exert a lot of perseverance to overcome the challenges of starting a new business.
26. She had to exert more control over her emotions during the stressful situation.
27. The boxer had to exert a great deal of energy to knock out his opponent.
28. The government had to exert its power to enforce the new law.
29. The hikers had to exert a lot of patience when they encountered obstacles on the trail.
30. The officers had to exert their authority to prevent violence from escalating.

Common Phases

1. Exert maximum effort;
2. Exert pressure on a wound;
3. Exert energy to complete a task;
4. Exert control over a situation;
5. Exert influence on decision-making;
6. Exert authority as a leader;
7. Exert force against an opponent;
8. Exert patience in difficult situations;
9. Exert willpower to achieve a goal;
10. Exert caution when handling hazardous materials.

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